Hongtian God Zun

Chapter 205 Conquering Black Gold

Chapter 205 Conquering Black Gold

When Xu Nian's bloody dragon scale arm collided with the gold-ranked puppet's meteorite, gorgeous sparks burst out.

The blood-colored dragon scales were already as hard as meteorite, so Xu Nian was not at a disadvantage in the confrontation with the gold-level puppets.

In addition, the blood-colored dragon scale is blessed with two kinds of power, spiritual energy and stellar energy. With one punch, the power is quite terrifying.

"Bang bang bang!"

The two fists collided, making a sonic boom, which was terrifying and frightening.


There was another violent collision, and both Xu Nian and the gold-ranked puppets took a few steps back.

"Human, your body is very strong, and your aura is not bad, but you still can't defeat me based on this alone. Don't forget, I am a puppet with wisdom and can practice combat skills." The gold-level puppet said coldly. The voice sounded again.

Then Xu Nian saw a bright light burst out from its chest, as if a powerful force gushed out from its chest.

"What kind of power is this? How can it use aura?"

Outside the arena, Chen An exclaimed in shock.

The power of this gold-ranked puppet is already terrifying, but it can still use its aura to perform combat skills?

"I have read ancient books, which simply record that the ancient sages used things like monster crystal cores as the source of power for puppets, and then used runes to display super powerful combat power, and some puppets even could Comparable to a saint." Zhao Yanyun pondered for a moment, then said.

"A puppet is comparable to a saint?" Chen Yao and the others all showed surprise.

I didn't expect the puppet to become so powerful.

There was also a hint of surprise in Xu Nian's eyes. He had already inspected the gold-ranked puppet just now, and found that there was indeed a monster crystal core embedded in the chest of the gold-ranked puppet, and this spiritual energy came from that crystal core. .

"What a miraculous method. I didn't expect puppet art to be so miraculous." Xu Nian couldn't help but exclaimed in his heart.

Using the monster crystal core to provide the puppet with a source of power is a completely ingenious design.


A powerful aura surged from the gold-ranked puppet, and with the coverage of this aura, a golden light burst out from the gold-ranked puppet, with an incomparably majestic aura.

"If you take my punch, you will win." The gold-ranked puppet said coldly.

Xu Nian smiled lightly, shook his arm, and a meteorite hammer appeared in his hand, and said arrogantly: "If you take my hammer, I will count you as the winner."

After speaking, a powerful force emanated from Xu Nian, and the vision map of talent emerged impressively.

"Innate vision? Is this kid also with a special physique? But why haven't I seen this vision map?" Chen Xuanlong's complexion changed, and a look of shock appeared on his face.

Unexpectedly, Xu Nian also possessed a talent vision.

Of course, he wasn't the only one who was surprised. Chen An and Chen Yao were also surprised. It was the first time they saw Xu Nian displaying his talent vision.

"Okay, give me a punch, a mid-level combat skill of the sky rank, an explosive fist!" The gold-ranked puppet shouted loudly, and then a bright light radiated from his fist.

A powerful wave washed away from the fist, making Zhao Yanyun and others palpitate.

The fists went out to sea like a dragon, penetrated the void, and bombarded Xu Nian with a terrifying sonic boom.

"What a powerful punch, this punch is enough to kill a monster at the peak of a Star Wars general." Zhao Yanyun and the others said in amazement, and looked at Xu Nian with worried eyes.

However, Xu Nian did not have the slightest fear, and a strong fighting spirit welled up in his eyes.

A heavy breath emanated from his body, as if standing there was not a person, but a towering giant mountain.

The power of heaven and earth, Chongyue!
Xu Nian took a step forward, and the hard platform under his feet was instantly torn apart, as if a towering mountain suddenly fell down.

At the same time, Xu Nian swung the hammer in his hand, like a meteor falling to the ground, it suddenly shot out.

The hammer cut through the air, and because of the extremely fast friction with the air, it burned like a fireball, making the whole hammer red like blood, and the terrifying power above it was even more frightening.

"What... what kind of attack is this?" The eyes of everyone outside the arena suddenly widened, revealing expressions of incomparable horror.

Just when they were shocked, Xu Nian's hammer had already collided with the fist of the gold-ranked puppet.


It was like a hundred thousand thunderclaps exploding, making a sound that shook the sky and the earth.

The terrifying energy set off a terrifying storm, which directly sent Zhao Yanyun and others flying.

After the storm dissipated, Zhao Yanyun and others raised their heads and looked forward.

They want to see how this duel turns out?
But the scene that caught their eyes surprised them unceasingly.

Xu Nian was holding a meteorite hammer, his figure proudly stood in the raging wind.

Under the impact of this hammer, the gold-level puppet was blown out of the platform, and its body was sunken into the wall.

"Win... win?"

Chen An and the others widened their eyes in surprise.

Xu Nian actually defeated the gold-ranked puppet.

This Nima is too strong, right?

Zhao Yanyun and the others were also surprised.

Such a powerful gold-level puppet was actually defeated by Xu Nian, a nine-star war sect.

Chen Xuanlong was also surprised, his eyes were much more vicious than Zhao Yanyun and others.

The hammer that Xu Nian used just now has obviously reached the peak of the first realm of the three realms of the power of heaven and earth.

At such a young age, not only his cultivation is so high, but his realm comprehension is also so high, how evil is this young man?
Xu Nian ignored everyone's shocked gazes, but put away the hammer.

But he still couldn't hold back, a trace of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.

The punch of the gold-ranked puppet just now was too powerful. Although he blocked it, the counter-shock force still injured his internal organs.

"Xu Nian, are you okay?" Zhao Yanyun, Chen Yao and the others hurried forward and asked with concern.

"I'm fine. It's just a small injury. It's okay." Xu Nian waved his hand to comfort him.

However, his eyes still fell on the gold-ranked puppet in front of him.

The gold-level puppet was just blown away, and its body was not damaged. Moreover, it was the gold-level puppet that suppressed the realm. The peak strength of the puppet in front of him was obviously more than a star warrior.

At this moment, the gold-ranked puppet also crawled out of the shattered wall and walked towards Xu Nian.

Zhao Yanyun and the others showed vigilance and fear on their faces.

However, what the gold-ranked puppet did next surprised them.

"Hei Jin, I greet the master!" The gold-level puppet knelt on one knee with a powerful voice.

Chen An and the others looked surprised and pleasantly surprised. The gold-ranked puppet worshiped Xu Nian as the main one. Does that mean that he has completely surrendered?

Xu Nian also showed a smile on his face, and then asked curiously: "Your name is Hei Jin? What is your peak strength?"

"Reporting to the master, the former master named me Black Gold, and my peak strength is the nine-star general." The gold-level puppet said.

Zhao Yanyun and the others looked surprised and looked at Xu Nian with envy.

A puppet at the level of a nine-star warrior is definitely an invincible existence below the prince level.

Now this killer weapon actually became Xu Nian's subordinate?

Xu Nian was also slightly surprised that this gold-ranked puppet was stronger than he had imagined.

But with this puppet, he will undoubtedly have another super hole card.

(End of this chapter)

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