Chapter 239
Xu Nian was most afraid of meeting this kind of seductive and extremely cunning woman.

This kind of woman is even more terrifying than those old foxes, and she is extremely difficult to deal with.

It was obvious that the red sister in front of her belonged to this type of person.

And the intention of Miss Hong's move just now was obvious, she wanted to arouse everyone's hostility towards Xu Nian.

Sure enough, Sister Hong said again: "You may not know him yet. Let me introduce you. The young man in front of you is a disciple who has just entered our inner sect. His name is Xu Nian. He is 17 years old this year. He is the first disciple in the history of our inner sect. , the youngest disciple, and he will also become the number one genius in our inner sect."

"17 years old? The first genius in the inner sect?"

Everyone looked at Xu Nian in surprise, with surprise on their faces.

But most people are not convinced.

Obviously they were very disgusted with the use of the term "first genius in the inner sect" when it was applied to Xu Nian.

Among the crowd, a handsome young man frowned slightly, and looked at Xu Nian coldly.

Xu Nian smiled helplessly in his heart.

This sister Hong is not praising him, she is clearly trying to sow hatred for him.

He had just entered the inner sect, and he was given the title of the first genius in the inner sect. It's no wonder these people are convinced.

"Sister Hong, although I admit that Junior Brother Xu Nian is amazing to become an inner disciple at a young age, but you say that he is the number one genius in the inner sect, which is a bit too much. Lightness means great potential. It is possible that Junior Brother Xu Nian just started refining weapons early. Many of us only started to learn about refining weapons after the age of ten. Take Junior Brother Zi Yu as an example. Although he entered the inner sect at the age of 20, he I only started to learn about refining at the age of 14, and I have only practiced for nine years, but now I am a four-star small refining master." A young man stood up and said unconvinced.

"Yes, that is, he became a small craftsman at the age of 17, and he might have been exposed to crafts at the age of three." Everyone around immediately started discussing, apparently dissatisfied with what Hong Jie said.

However, Sister Hong smiled, and was not surprised by everyone's complaints.

Everything is under his control.

"I said that he is the number one genius in the inner sect, do you feel very unconvinced?" Sister Hong asked everyone with a smile.

"Not convinced!" Everyone said decisively.

Standing aside, Xu Nian was embarrassed.

He had roughly guessed the purpose of this red sister.

That's right, Miss Hong is messing around.

If a sect wants to develop rapidly, it must have fierce competition.

This is also the reason why when the commoners in Beimo were breeding Lingyu sheep, they would have a few red-blooded wolves on the grassland that would eat Lingyu sheep.

Only after being chased by the red blood wolf, these spiritual jade sheep will grow healthier.

And now, Miss Hong wanted to turn Xu Nian into a red-blooded wolf, and let him drive these inner disciples to keep moving forward.

At the same time, Xu Nian had to work harder in order to survive, otherwise he would not even get wool.

Good trick!
Good trick!
If it was an ordinary young man with full blood, when he heard the opposition from these disciples, he would immediately jump into the circle drawn by Sister Hong without hesitation, and fight to the death with these soft-footed supporters.

However, Sister Hong chose the wrong partner.

Although Xu Nian was only seventeen, his mind was no worse than that of an adult.

It even smells like a little fox.

Liu Shan also snickered standing in the crowd, he was the only one present who knew Sister Hong's purpose.

He likes watching movies the most, so he is looking forward to Xu Nian's performance very much.

"Xu Nian, come on, tell everyone loudly, when did you start refining weapons." Sister Hong turned to look at Xu Nian and said with a smile.

After receiving the news last night, she sent someone to collect information about Xu Nian.

Immediately make a decision to let Xu Nian grow up in the cruel competition.

At the same time, it can also inspire those inner disciples who have been at ease for a long time.

So there is today's scene.

When everyone heard Sister Hong's question, they all turned to look at Xu Nian.

I wondered in my heart, could it be that Xu Nian's practice of refining weapons was very short?

"Sister Hong, I started refining weapons when I was one year old." Xu Nian replied sternly.

However, Sister Hong's eyes widened.

This is different from what she expected!

That's not how the script was written!

The information she received was that Xu Nian only started refining weapons last year.

How did you start refining weapons at the age of one?

One year old is probably still drinking milk!
When everyone around heard Xu Nian's words, they all smiled disdainfully, and they were much less surprised that Xu Nian entered the inner sect at the age of 17.

Sister Hong saw the disdain of everyone around her, and couldn't help feeling sullen.

Could it be that the bureau she had carefully arranged was about to be ruined?
Of course she couldn't be so willing.

"Xu Nian, I'll give you another chance. To be honest, when did you start refining weapons?" Sister Hong asked sullenly at Xu Nian, her eyes fixed on Xu Nian, exuding a princely majesty .

She didn't believe that Xu Nian dared to lie under her majesty.

However, Xu Nian said with a sincere face: "Sister Hong, what I said is true. I really started refining weapons at the age of one, started at the age of three, became a one-star refining apprentice at the age of nine, and became a junior at the age of 17." As a refiner, my goal is to become a great refiner at the age of 40, but I also think that I am the number one genius in the inner sect."


Those inner disciples couldn't help laughing.

Sister Hong was even more furious.

Xu Nian was clearly lying.

But this guy's acting skills are too realistic, he doesn't look like he's lying at all, even she can't help but feel inferior.

Liu Shan on the side was also dumbfounded.

its not right!
What play do you want to see?

Don't you want to make trouble?

What's the matter?

"Sister Hong, is this what you said was the number one genius in the inner sect? To become a master craftsman at the age of 40, I have to say, this Junior Brother Xu Nian's ambition is really lofty." A disciple couldn't help but mocked.

Sister Hong was already pissed off, but this guy actually came up to light the fire.

So Sister Hong ran away in an instant.

"Get out! Get out of here!" Sister Hong roared angrily, her voice frightened the entire inner door.

The words were also mixed with the majesty of the terrifying princes, which scared the disciples out of the courtyard in shock.

It was the first time they saw Sister Hong get so angry.

They usually joked with Sister Hong, but Sister Hong never got angry.

Why did you just go berserk today?

Xu Nian naturally knew why Sister Hong was so angry.

This powder keg was completely lit by him.

Of course, it was impossible for Xu Nian to explain to them.

Now that Miss Hong is so angry, it's better to leave first.

However, just as Xu Nian was about to step out of the courtyard, the furious Sister Hong suddenly said, "Xu Nian, you stay!"

Xu Nian's footsteps stopped abruptly in the air, and he thought, "It's over!"

(End of this chapter)

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