The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 1000 The Son of Heaven's Fist of Yulong, the Great Prince's Fall

Chapter 1000 The Son of Heaven's Fist of Yulong, the Great Prince's Fall
not far away.

When Su Chen heard Tianfei's words, his eyes froze, and he looked at the figure behind the eldest prince. Although the figure was blurred, it exuded an imperial arrogance looking down on the world.

This domineering aura is one level higher than that of Li Chenzhou, several times stronger.

"Emperor Zhou is extraordinary!"

Su Chen thought in his heart.

Although Xu Ying couldn't explain anything, he could perceive Zhou Emperor's side.

Zhou Emperor's strength must be extremely terrifying,

Of course, Su Chen has some doubts in his heart. There are phantoms of the Heavenly Gate in this world, and there will definitely be restrictions on the strength of those who are concentrated in the sea and above.

What's so special about Emperor Zhou, and why he can shock the world.

Judging from the current situation, there should be quite a few strong men above sea level in this world.

"I didn't expect that the eldest prince is also a strong man in the sea. It's really unexpected!"

The phantom behind the eldest prince is surprising


Following the First Prince's punch, the phantom of Emperor Zhou behind him also punched out.

When he punched out, suddenly there was the sound of Wanlong roaring above the fist.

Then a giant dragon appeared.

The power exuded by this giant dragon actually surpassed the concentration in the sea.

Perhaps it was because the aura displayed by the First Prince was too strong.

"Tianzi Yulong Fist!"

Looking at the fist shadow, Tianfei said in a deep voice.

The giant dragon landed on the body of the blood-colored giant crocodile with terrifying power, and the figure of the crocodile Wuxing was hit by this punch and flew backwards, but when the body flew backwards, the huge crocodile tail was caught The body of the man in black.

The body hit the stone wall.

Blood spewed from the mouth of the man in black, and his abdomen was pierced, and he lost his breath.

The crocodile Wuxing collided with the stone wall.

A blood hole appeared on his body, and blood flowed from it.

One punch.

The eldest prince punched a bloody hole in the opponent's body.

The crocodile Wuxing roared, and as he roared, the bloody hole in his body that was punched out by the First Prince was constantly recovering.


Seeing this situation, the eldest prince's expression changed.

The punch I just punched was the Heavenly Dragon Yulong Fist that my father practiced.

"This punch is very powerful, but your strength is still a bit weak. You just stepped into the sea to concentrate, and the strength in your body is not enough to blow my body."

"The punch just now must have consumed a lot of the power in your body!"

"But even if it's not consumed, you're still going to die, I won't let you punch a second time!"

Crocodile Wuxing's voice was low, and there was a black cold light in his eyes, giving people a sense of cold fear.

Crocodile Wuxing growled.

I'm afraid that the roaring sound is like a huge wave of sound waves, forming a monstrous wave and enveloping the eldest prince.

When the sound waves enveloped the eldest prince, the crocodile Wuxing kicked the ground, and shot out with extremely fast speed.

In the blink of an eye, he came to the side of the First Prince.

He raised his palm and slapped it out. The violent blood-colored palm force was like a heavy mountain, pressing towards the First Prince.

"Although this world restricts strength, it expands the scope of some power explosions."

"Otherwise, my speed and the strength of my blood would not be able to create such pressure,"

Crocodile Wuxing shouted in a low voice when his palm fell.

"Tianzi Yulong Fist!"

This time, the aura on the eldest prince's body soared, and his whole body was golden.

one punch

The fist collided with the falling palm.

This time, the first prince's fist was crushed under the opponent's blood, and the ground under his feet collapsed, and he felt like he was being driven into the ground.

"Haha, I'm eating you now!"

Crocodile Wuxing stood up, with both hands towards the shoulders of the First Prince,

At this moment.

Lei Buhui of the Tianjian Division's eyes narrowed and his brows were tightly furrowed. He wanted to make a move, but seeing Crocodile Wuxing's display of formidable strength made him dare not make a move.

I want to explode all the power to trigger the Tianmen,

But can't do it.

The large formation they arranged just now has the ability to isolate the gate of heaven.

Although he has done something by himself, his strength is completely unable to reach the level of destroying the formation.

So he wanted to mobilize the power of Tianmen to help the First Prince, but he couldn't do it at all.

"Don't you just watch the First Prince being beheaded like this!"

Lei Buhui was anxious.

His eyes were fixed on the direction of the First Prince,

"I don't know if the eldest prince has any cards in his cards. To be able to come here at this time, he must have cards in his cards!"

Su Chen, who was behind, looked at this situation and thought in his heart,


At this time, the eldest prince roared, and a wave of terrifying power erupted from his body,

When this power erupts.

The divine power was concentrated, and the figure of Emperor Zhou reappeared.

But this time Emperor Zhou's figure was a little solid.

punch out,

Shocked the palm of the giant crocodile on top of his head.

The fist continued to move forward, but there was a sneer in the eyes of the giant crocodile's head.

"It's your time to wait!"

The figure of the giant crocodile suddenly disappeared above the First Prince's head, and when it reappeared, it was already behind the First Prince. The speed was so fast that the First Prince could not react.

The claw-like palm moved towards the First Prince.

The First Prince only felt a darkness in front of his eyes.

There was a claw mark on his chest,

No blood gushed out.

Because a golden armor appeared on the eldest prince,

But the body was thrown backwards by this huge force,

When flying backwards, Crocodile Wuxing disappeared and appeared behind the prince, flicking his tail behind him.

The great force slapped the First Prince to the ground.

When the eldest prince's body was patted on the ground,

A sharp claw appeared directly above the First Prince's head.

When the First Prince didn't respond.

The head was crushed by the palm.

The whole body trembled a few times, and there was no vitality,

The eldest prince of the Great Zhou Dynasty died like this

The gap in strength is too great.

Grabbing it with the palm of your hand, the flesh and blood on the eldest prince's body was absorbed by the other party in a blink of an eye,

"It's good to exercise your muscles and bones just now!"

"This world is really suitable for us, it's a bit late to develop!"

That crocodile Wuxing said in a cold voice.

Su Chen, who was behind him, had his eyes fixed, and the other party just burst out at an extremely fast speed, surpassing the naked eye.

But the aura on his body didn't surpass that of the sea.

"Vigor and blood are only part of him, mainly because of his speed and the sharpness of his palms!"

Su Chen thought to himself.

Although this guy is arrogant, he is also deeply scheming.

"It's a little bit worse, a little bit worse, his blood is about to be stimulated!"

After devouring the first prince's flesh and blood, the crocodile Wuxing showed disappointment on his face.

"Send two of you to catch the escaped prince back, I want to live."

Crocodile Wuxing said to the five people behind him.

Hearing Crocodile Wuxing's words, Lei Buhui rushed out first.

Seeing that the people beside him also left quickly.

And here!
Crocodile Wuxing also disappeared.

At this moment.

Some of the men in black gathered here were all pierced and screamed, being swallowed by the crocodile Wuxing,

a time.

Before Shimen, only Li Xunhuan, A Fei, and the injured Concubine Tian were left.

"You are the only ones left!"

"It's a pity, if you just shot with them, you might have a chance to escape, but it's a pity you didn't!"

Crocodile Wuxing looked at Li Xunhuan and the others with cold eyes and said coldly.

When speaking, his eyes were looking at the pale concubine Tian, ​​and there was a lewd light in the huge eyeballs.

After animalization, the demand for this is even stronger.

Although Tianfei's face is pale, her body is graceful, coupled with her own beautiful face, it makes people feel like flames are bursting out from her body.

The huge eyeballs rolled, and suddenly the fingers flicked.

A red light instantly enveloped Tianfei.

Concubine Tian saw the red light enveloping her, and hurriedly mobilized the only zhenqi in her body to form a zhenqi shield, but the red light shattered the zhenqi, turned into smoke, and poured into Concubine Tian's body in an instant.


Sensing the red light entering her body, Concubine Tian knew what it was and immediately resisted it.

But his originally pale face became rosy, and a flame appeared in his body.


"When I get rid of them, I will vent to you!"

Crocodile Wuxing's eyes are filled with evil light

"Is this guy going to force Tianfei on the spot!"

While watching the battle, Su Chen couldn't help but feel his heart skip a beat when he saw this scene.

He didn't expect to see this scene.

"If you killed Emperor Zhou's son, wouldn't you be afraid of Emperor Zhou's attack? Your strength is no match for Emperor Zhou!"

Li Xunhuan didn't care about these things.

He looked at Crocodile Wuxing and asked in a cold voice.

Just now the First Prince used Emperor Zhou as his miraculous power, Li Xunhuan can see that Emperor Zhou's strength is absolutely terrifying,

"Hmph! Emperor Zhou!"

"He wanted to take himself a step further, but unfortunately, things backfired. I believe that it won't be long before his Great Zhou Dynasty will fall apart."

"When the time comes to attack him, no matter how strong he is, so what?"

Crocodile Wuxing said in a cold voice.

"It seems that you are still very afraid of Emperor Zhou, Bulaodang, and Beast God Sect!"

"You are here to collect blood, are you going to evolve that animal blood?"

Li Xunhuan said softly.


Hearing Li Xun Huan's words, Crocodile Wuxing's expression froze.

"You know a lot!"

"But it's okay to tell you, not only here we are absorbing blood and evolving divine blood, but also other places in the Great Zhou Dynasty."

"The power of divine blood, after you try it, you will enjoy it."

"You just saw my strength, horror recovery ability, speed, and strong blood, defense power,"

"Even if you surpass Concentration in the Sea and reach the broken level, you will not be my opponent."

"I'll give you a chance to join my Immortal Church, and then you will be able to directly step into the Heavenly Gate and enter the Beast God Sect"

Crocodile Wuxing looked at Li Xunhuan and said,

He just wanted to attack Li Xunhuan and A Fei, but when he got close to Li Xunhuan and the others, he suddenly felt a sense of danger, so he killed the others.

"Betray the human race? People like you shouldn't exist!"

Li Xunhuan looked at Crocodile Wuxing and said in a cold voice.

"court death!"

Hearing Li Xun Huan's words, Crocodile Wuxing's eyes showed fierceness.

The figure disappeared in an instant and appeared on the left side of Li Xun Huan, and the sharp claws of his palm came out immediately.

At this moment, A Fei who was beside Li Xun Huan instantly drew out his sword.

The speed of the sword was so fast that metal sparks were emitted when the long sword collided with the opponent's palm.

Quick Sword A Fei, in terms of the speed of the sword, he is not inferior to anyone.

(End of this chapter)

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