The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 1004 Strong, enter the cottage, 1 person holds a sword

Chapter 1004 Strong, entering the cottage, holding a sword alone

"My lord, the arrangements have been completed, and we can dispatch to wipe out the 36th General Village at any time!"

A man in armor appeared behind Beiyue Mountain and said.

"Village 36, willing to be Dugu Weiwei and Bulaodang's pawns, actually courting death like this, daring to loot the villages around the capital."

"The subordinates are willing to go to the 36th village and fetch Sun Shilong's head."

In the dark, a man holding a long knife spoke.

"When they are all here, they will be surrounded and killed at that time!"

Bei Yueshan said in a cold voice.

at this time
36 Within the Zongzhai,

The evil mad Ning Yuanheng, Sun Shilong, the head of the 36th village, and Elder Mei of the Bulaotang are in the hall of the village.

Sun Shilong sat on the main seat with a golden sword.

"Report, Xue Pingsheng, the director of the Tianjian Division, has arrived!"

A copycat disciple quickly reported.

"it is good!"

There was a gleam in Sun Shilong's eyes.

"Is there anyone else?"

Xie Kuang asked,

"I got the news that Xue Pingsheng is the only one!"

The visitor said quickly.

"It's almost as I guessed. It's really too arrogant to come here alone."

The evil mad Ning Yuanheng looked very indifferent,

At this moment, at the mountain gate of the village courtyard, Dugu Qiubai in a gray robe appeared.


Seeing Dugu Qiubai, the people guarding the village shouted sharply.

It's just that after his words fell, a sword aura appeared, and his whole body was divided into two by the sword aura.

"Enemy attack!"

"Fire arrows!"

Dozens of archers quickly appeared at the gate of the village. These archers were well-trained. As soon as they appeared, the bows were opened and the arrows were strung.

Shoot out in anger.

In an instant, countless arrows rained at the gate of the village and came towards Dugu Qiubai.

It's just that when these sword rains reached Dugu Qiubai, they were enveloped by an invisible energy and stopped suddenly.

Then it bounced back at a faster speed than when it came.

Then there were screams, and the people at the mountain gate were instantly pierced by these arrows and screamed.

"A master, a master, go and tell the village master!"

Seeing this situation, some people sensed something and immediately shouted.

Dugu Qiubai continued to move forward without changing his figure.

At this moment, a figure rushed out from the village, his figure was extremely fierce, he raised his palm, and slapped it out, a gust of cold air went towards Dugu Qiubai,

"It was Deputy Village Master Luo who made the move!"

Seeing this situation, one of them spoke.

With excitement on his face.

Village 36 has a chief village master, and 36 deputy village masters, two people in Haizhong Ningshen, three people in Dantian Huahai, and the others are all in the Five Difficulties of Heaven and Man.

Overall, the forces outside the city are huge,

The person who made the shot was named Luo Yun, a martial artist who transformed his dantian into the sea.

When the people in the village were shouting just now, he appeared and took the opportunity to attack and kill Dugu Qiubai,

Dugu Qiubai's stature did not stop.

But a sword intent appeared,

The figure that rushed out was instantly pierced by a sword energy, and the body fell to the ground without breath.


Seeing this situation, everyone was horrified, and their figures began to retreat. The strength of the incoming person was too terrifying, so they could only flee,

when they fled,

Dugu Qiubai, who was still far away from them, passed by them in a blink of an eye.

"No accident!"

Some people were overjoyed.

Dugu Qiubai did not attack them.

only when they are happy,

Sword energy burst out from their bodies, and suddenly these people screamed and fell to the ground.

There is nothing wrong with fighting in the rivers and lakes, but it involves civilians. Dugu Qiubai will not allow these people to exist.

This is his martial arts philosophy.

The heroes in Jin Yong's martial arts are not the same as the heroes in Gu Long's novels.

The heroes of Jin Yong, the great heroes, serve the country and the people,

This is fully reflected in the artistic conception of the novel.

Kill all the way, no one resists,

"Report! Walled Master!"

In the hall, who were waiting for Xue Pingsheng and the others at this moment, they heard a hurried voice,

"Xue Pingsheng has arrived?"

Seeing the rush of people coming, the people in the hall quickly got up,


Just when the man wanted to speak.

The sword energy burst out from the body, and the whole person fell to the ground.


Seeing this, Ning Yan rushed out in an instant.

"Xue Pingsheng?"

He just wanted to say Xue Pingsheng, but he found a swordsman in a gray robe standing in the square outside the entrance of the hall.

Around the swordsman, there are piles of corpses, all of which were pierced by the sword energy and died.

Judging from the expressions, some people didn't even have a chance to react.

"who are you?"

Ning Yan looked at Dugu Qiubai who appeared in front of the hall and on the square.

"Indiscriminate killing of innocents!"

Dugu Qiubai said in a cold voice.

"court death,"

The sharpness in Ning Yan's eyes shot sharply, and when his footsteps touched the ground, his knees slightly bent, and the next moment, his legs burst out with a strong impact, and he appeared in front of Dugu Qiubai in an instant.

"Ning Yan, be careful."

When Ning Yuanheng saw Ning Yan make a move, he immediately spoke up.

He sensed that the other party was not simple.


At this moment, in another place, a man was holding a long spear, and a terrifying aura appeared on his body. The aura was a blurry shadow of the spear. With the long spear in his hand, it was like a long dragon slamming towards Dugu Qiubai's back.

Strong and domineering, covering the Quartet.

At this time, Ning Yan clenched his long fist.

Behind him appeared a figure covered in flames, coordinating with his fist, he punched out

The flame burst out in the fist, giving people a feeling of being burned by the red sun.

The reason why Ning Yan dared to make a move was because he saw in the dark, another strong man in the sea from 36 villages.

The two teamed up, cooperated tacitly, and attacked fiercely.


In front of him, Dugu Qiubai's expression remained unchanged, and his eyes did not move.

But the moment the two approached him,

Suddenly there was a wave of fluctuation in the space, the figures of the two were fixed, the aura on their bodies was suppressed, the true energy in their bodies seemed to disappear for a while, and they could not be mobilized.

Two sword lights appeared,

Then the bodies of the two who shot were divided into two.


Seeing this situation, the expressions of Ning Yuanheng and the others changed.

"Domain! Incomplete domain."

"who are you?"

Elder Mei of the Bulaotang looked at Dugu Qiubai with a horrified expression.

He didn't expect to meet such a master here.

"Beast blood, people in the old hall, you can be seen everywhere, abandon human blood and integrate animal blood, you should not exist here!"

Dugu Qiubai looked at Elder Namei and Sun Shilong, the head of the 36th village, and said,

"Beast blood?"

Hearing Dugu Qiubai's words, Ning Yuanheng's eyes froze,

He could know from the other party's words that the divine blood given to him by the elder of the Bulaotang earlier should be the animal blood in the other party's mouth.

"Do you dare to insult the blood of God?"

Hearing Dugu Qiubai's words, Elder Mei's eyes froze.

"Shoot together! Kill!"

The aura on his body changed, and a terrifying force of energy and blood erupted from his body. When the energy and blood erupted on him, a force of thunder appeared on him.

A fierce fist appeared on his body.

punch out,

The incomparably terrifying fist strength is like thunder from the sky, heading towards Dugu Qiubai.

Under the fist, the terrorist force blocked the surrounding space, resisting it with force,

"Brother Ning, attack together, the other party will not let you go!"

"Divine Power: Vajra Iron Fist!"

Sun Shilong gave a low shout, and a golden force appeared on his arm.

(End of this chapter)

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