The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 1017 Beastization, space confinement, natural madness, head off

Chapter 1017 Beastization, space confinement, natural madness, head off

Hearing what Kuangzi Yan said, Venerable Heitian's eyes froze.

"Yan Kuangzhu, you are so arrogant!"

"Previously coercing Dugu because I wanted to participate in our uprising, and now he is here to kill me. I don't seem to have any conflicts with your Tianya Pavilion!"

Venerable Heitian's voice sounded.

At this moment, the whole person exudes a dark atmosphere, bloodthirsty and coldness appear in the eyes, covering the surrounding air.

Seeing this, Bai Yusheng quickly walked behind Venerable Heitian.

"Is there a conflict? But someone paid a huge price and asked me to kill you, so you can only die!"

Yan Kuangtu's tone was calm, but the clothes on his body rose automatically without wind, and his body itself was unusually burly, and he walked towards Venerable Heitian step by step.

"One of the three elders of Bulaotang, I really want to see your strength, whether it is really as rumored, powerful and unfathomable!"

"Well, someone wants to kill me, Dugu is for me!"

Hearing Yan Kuangtu's words, Venerable Heitian's eyes became cold, without the slightest emotion.

"Let you die in peace, it's Dugu for me!"

Yan Kuanglu opened his mouth and said.

"court death!"

Venerable Heitian let out a low cry, and a terrifying black air flow appeared all over his body, and these black air currents whizzed towards Yan Kuangtu's body and suppressed them.

These air currents are extremely thick, like heavy mountains.

Yan Kuangtu didn't move his body, letting the black qi press down on him.

These black auras were extremely heavy, and the ground under his feet began to collapse, and began to crack, with extremely thick cracks appearing, crackling and spreading towards the surroundings.

In the middle, Yan Kuangtu's body was still standing, without the slightest influence.

Divine Power: The Gate of Lunar Eclipse.

Under this black air current, a scarlet gate appeared behind the Venerable Heitian, and the phantom of the gate appeared red, as if blood was flowing around.

The door appeared, and the moon in the sky suddenly dimmed.

"By the power of the moon!"

Kuangtu Yan stared at the other party's expression, his eyes narrowed slightly.

Yan Kuangtu's aura began to change, and terrifying power erupted from behind him.

A phantom appeared behind him.

This phantom has the same figure as Yan Kuangtu, and uses himself as a god.

Yan Kuangtu is absolutely confident in himself, he believes that his strength can kill everything!
"Take yourself as a god!"

Seeing the aura emerging from Kuangtu Yan's body, Venerable Heitian's eyes froze.

This is a person with absolute confidence who dares to do so.

With a low growl, the voice was loud, and the whole person was like a fierce beast suddenly revived.

As soon as his footsteps kicked the ground, his figure moved, and he shot out violently.

The body shot violently, and the fist was raised.

A black aura filled the fist, and at this moment, a terrifying black punch rushed towards Yan Kuangtu.

In an instant
Countless fist shadows appeared in Yan Kuangtu's eyes, and these fist shadows tore everything apart.

"Lunar Eclipse Sky Thunder Fist!"

An incomparably terrifying fist force appeared on the fist like a thunderbolt, crushing towards Yan Kuangtu.

Accompanied by the appearance of black fist strength.

A black moon emerged from the portal behind him.

For a moment, this space was not only blocked by fist strength, but also shrouded in moonlight.

The moonlight is cloudy and cold, and the strength of the fist is domineering.

Behind him, Bai Yusheng retreated rapidly to avoid the wave of air.

Faced with this punch, Yan Kuangtu's aura surged, and a burst of stellar energy appeared around him, which formed a vortex and collided with the falling fist


The fist landed on the vortex-like stellar energy, and the vortex seemed to be shaken by this powerful force, and cracks appeared one after another.

But it didn't shatter the vortex.

"The strength is still a bit short!"

Yan Kuangtu said in a low voice.


Hearing Kuangtu Yan's words, Venerable Heitian's fist strength exploded again, which was even stronger than before!
At this moment, the swirling qi covering Yan Kuangtu's body was distorted and disordered by this force, and then directly shattered.

The rest of this punch contained a surging impact, and it all hit Yan Kuangtu's body.

There was a sound of metal collision.

Yan Kuangtu's body moved slightly.


Bai Yusheng, who was watching the battle from the sidelines, was shocked when he saw Kuangtu Yan blocking Venerable Heitian's blow in this way.

Under this punch, he himself would probably turn into meat sauce directly.

He didn't expect Yan Kuangfu's physical body to be so strong.

"Haha, nice punch, but it can't hurt me yet!"

"It is rumored that Bulaotang has divine blood, which can make people burst out with absolutely powerful power. I really want to see it!"

Kuangtu Yan looked at Venerable Heitian and said.

While speaking, the breath on his body changed, and the surrounding space seemed to be affected, and ripples began to appear.

"The power of the domain! You have reached the level of the half-step domain!"

Seeing the changes in the surrounding atmosphere, Venerable Heitian's eyes froze.

Kuangzi Yan can affect the fluctuations in the surrounding space, obviously because he has come into contact with the domain.

"Since you want to see my strongest strength, then I will let you see!"

Venerable Heitian raised his head, his eyes were indifferent, the black robe on his body was shattered, revealing a burly and tall body,

A gigantic beast appeared on top of this tall body. The gigantic beast was somewhat similar to a tiger, with a blood-red body, but it only had one eye. It looked extremely terrifying.

The giant beast appeared and devoured the imposing bloody portal that appeared behind Hei Tianzun in one gulp.

Terrifying blood power and cold aura poured into Venerable Heitian's body.

Click click!

When this force poured in, Venerable Heitian's body began to mutate, a thorny tail emerged from behind his body, and bloody hairs appeared all over his body.

a time.

Except for the head, the whole body turned into the shape of the blood-colored monster that appeared on the chest earlier.

Although the head is still there, there is an extra blood-colored eye between the brows.

His body was entwined with blood, ferocious and cold, terrifying hostility and ferociousness erupted constantly, and his eyes were cold and terrifying looking at Yan Kuangzhang.

The violent power on his body swept around.

It shattered the trace of the power of Yan Kuangzi just now.

"The realm of lunar eclipse!"

Mouth roared.

A blood-colored red light appeared in the eyes, and it shrouded towards Yan Kuangtu,

When bloody red light appeared around Yan Kuangzhang.

Kuangtu Yan felt that the space around him was imprisoned, and he couldn't move his body.

"Space confinement, somewhat similar to domain power!"

"Inducing this force, it didn't even cause Tianmen."

Yan Kuangtu looked at the sky and murmured.

"This is the power that comes with my divine blood. Just like the bloodline awakener, you can't use the power of the half-step domain now. If you are imprisoned by me, you can only die!"

Venerable Heitian's body moved, and his whole body rushed towards Yan Kuangtu, his palms were so fierce that he grabbed Yan Kuangtu, and he wanted to crush Yan Kuangfu's head with one claw.

Just when he grabbed Yan Kuangtu with his palm.

A sneer appeared on the corner of Yan Kuangtu's mouth, and he directly activated the Natural Crazy Body.

"The power of the half-step domain cannot be moved, but I can use other powers!"

Yan Kuangtu's body suddenly began to change, and his strength increased instantly. His whole body was full of domineering aura, and the terrifying power was like a tide moving towards the surroundings.

The red light that imprisoned him was directly shattered under this force.

one punch

The fist collided with the opponent's palm.

The palm was instantly exploded under the fist.

When blasting the opponent's palm, Yan Kuangtu's whole body was full of vigor, and his whole body was tense, gathering energy in his legs.

In an instant, his body soared into the sky, and he punched out. The fist was full of masculine energy, strong and domineering.

One punch decides everything.

Venerable Heitian's palm was smashed, and his face was shocked.

The power that Yan Kuangtu erupted completely took him by surprise.

The palm recovered quickly.

All the strength in his body was concentrated in the palm of his hand, and he slapped

When this palm was struck, the terrifying evil spirit was like a millstone, and it followed the opponent's fist with a fierce breath and cold power.

The two fists collided, making a booming sound.

Suddenly the energy raged.

Amidst this energy, a scream came out.

Then the energy dissipated.

Venerable Heitian's punching arm and half of his body were directly smashed under Yan Kuangtu's fist.

"Abandon the human race, die!"

Yan Kuangtu succeeded in a blow, raised his palm, formed claws, and instantly grabbed the opponent's head.

One hard!

Tore off the opponent's head directly.

Black blood sprayed out.

Half of the body fell on the ground, the three eyes on the head were still in shock,

(End of this chapter)

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