The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 1026 Violent crushing, killing the vice-master of the Hall of Immortality

"See if you die!"

Yuan Hua, who turned into a giant leopard, had a ferocious face.

Just when his sharp claws were about to attack Yan Kuangzhang.

Suddenly, he was suppressed by an invisible force.

His palm seemed to have entered the water instantly, being suppressed by a powerful force of water.

Weak Water, Soft and Easy Nine Turns,

Yan Kuangtu practiced a kind of Wudang school's pinnacle of internal energy, which sucked the opponent's palm force, as if falling into a mire, unable to extricate himself.

This skill comes from a passage in the "Tao Te Ching": "There is nothing soft and weak in the world like water, but no one can win against the strong. There is nothing easy to change. The weak wins the strong, and the soft wins the hard. The world knows everything. Impossible."

"Strength and speed are good, but if it's just this little ability, your so-called divine blood power is really not too strong!"

Kuangtu Yan looked at the other party and said in a cold voice.

Yuan Huayi's leopard-like face became ferocious as his attack slowed down.

They gave up their human bodies and turned into ferocious beasts in order to pursue powerful power.

Now so despised,

His face became more ferocious.

There was a terrifying roar, the huge body was filled with endless brute force, and the palm of the hand erupted with terrifying power, trying to break free from this water-shaped pressure

It's just that the power erupting from Kuangzi Yan combined with some divine power made it impossible for him to break through this suppression for a while.

He didn't expect Yan Kuangfu to be able to erupt such a powerful force,

beyond his expectations.

He didn't expect that he would not be able to suppress the madman Yan when he revealed his true body.

At this moment, the strength of Kuangzi Yan has not yet fully exploded.

If it erupts completely, the Tianmen in the sky will not be frozen.

"How can this happen, how can this happen?"

Yuanhua growled in a low voice,

Just then.

Those water-shaped fluctuations rolled into his body in an instant, filled with huge sticky and suction force, and the body wrapped in it hit directly away.

The body hits the ground,

The bloody light on his body was scattered by the impact.

At the moment when the bloody light scattered,

Yan Kuangtu stepped out suddenly,


The breath on the body increases instantly when the footsteps are stepped out, and the phantom of the gods changes even more terrifyingly,

Intense pressure swept through Yuanhuayi.

Yuan Huayi, who turned into a black panther, was unable to get up from the ground for a while,

The beast body is completely suppressed



Yuanhua growled.

He moved his limbs, trying to stand up, but followed Yan Kuangtu step by step.

The breath was like a heavy mountain, pressing down on him layer by layer.

He struggled with all his strength, and the strength in his body continued to explode, making a crackling sound, allowing his limbs to support his body.

A fierce light flickered in the eyes.

Only when his body is supported.

Yan Kuangtu raised his palm, and an invisible water-shaped force wrapped him up again, hitting a place,


At this impact, Yuan Hua let out a scream and spewed out a mouthful of blood.

The body wants to stand up again,

But Yan Kuangtu's figure had already appeared in front of him,

golden palms,

claw out
Vajra Buddha Claw Kung Fu.

The finger was like a king kong, and fell down in an instant, landing on the opponent's leopard head.

Grabbing the opponent's huge head.


"Crazy Yan, you!"

Yuan Huayi looked ferocious.

He didn't expect that he would be so miserable.

"This is your strength. It really disappoints me. Just like you, you still want to overthrow the Great Zhou Dynasty. I don't know where your courage comes from!"

Yan Kuangtu looked at Yuan Hua.


Yuanhua growled.

The head struggled, shaking its huge body.

The black tail was like a long whip, slapping towards the body of Yan Fan.

Extremely fast!

The tail hit Yan Kuangzi's body.

But it was Yuan Huayi who screamed, because when the power erupted from his tail hit Yan Kuangtu's body, it all bounced back.


The tail, like an iron chain, made a snapping sound.

The black blood mist erupted and turned into a cloud of blood mist,

And at this time, Yan Kuangtu's golden fingers directly inserted into Yuan Huayi's head.

"I'll kill you, I think the head of the Hall of Immortality should come to the South China Sea area!"

"The weak are not worthy of cooperating with me!"

"And with your strength, you also want to fight the idea of ​​Zhenwu Taoism. I suspect that you want to weaken our strength!"

While Kuangzi Yan was speaking, he used force with his palms and directly took off the head of the giant black leopard.

foot step

The body of the huge leopard was kicked out by him

A blood hole appeared in the chest,

The heart is pierced through the blood hole,

Lord Wolf, who was watching the battle from a distance, saw such a bloody scene,

With a terrified expression, Yuan Huayi's strength is in the Bulaotang, but it is second only to the existence of the hall master,

Yan Kuangtu killed Yuan Huayi without any effort,

The hairs on the body stood up, the cold sweat flowed,

"Not an opponent at all!"

"Vice Pavilion Master Yan, please spare my life!"

Seeing Kuangtu Yan looking towards him, Master Wolf immediately knelt down with a plop and begged for mercy.

"I won't kill you!"

"If you kill you, no one will pass it back to the Hall Master of the Bulual Hall, and I will not be able to see him."

"Let's go, you pass the news of Yuan Hua's death back, I hope you can come here!"

Yan Kuangtu looked at Lang Zun and said.

Hearing Yan Kuangzhang's words, Lord Wolf's expression relaxed,

It's just that what Yan Kuangtu said next gave him a chill in his heart,

"Death is inevitable, but you still have to be slapped by me!"

talking room,

Yan Kuangtu slapped out with a palm

The wolf master instinctively wanted to resist, but at the moment when his energy exploded, he quickly withdrew.


I'm afraid Yan Kuanglu's attack will be more powerful,

The wolf's body was slapped backwards by this palm, and the wall of the house collapsed directly.

Spit out blood
But there was a relaxed look on his face.

He bet right,

Kuangtu Yan kept his palm and left without daring to stop, and quickly fled away.

"He's injured, follow him and see if you can find out where Bulaotang is?"

Yan Kuangtu faced the person who walked out of the house like a god,

Letting this Wolf Lord go is not just about sending a message, but also about finding out where Bulaotang is?

Liao hid like a god and chased after him.

The battle scene here was quickly spread.

Great General Palace,

Dugu Wei, who was next to me, Mr. Wu, was shocked when he heard the news.

"Yan Kuangzhu killed Yuan Huayi, Yuan Huayi didn't expect you to die like this."

Elder Wu sighed, then fell into deep thought.

After a while, he got up and headed towards Dugu's secret room for me.

This news must be told to Duguwei as soon as possible, to see how Duguwei reacts to me.

the other side,

Su Chen's carriage has already arrived outside the capital.

"The deputy hall master of the Bulaotang met Yan Kuangfu and was beaten to death by Yan Kuangfu!"

Hearing this news, Su Chen was extremely surprised.

I also heard that Bulaotang is going to unite with several other major forces to target Zhenwu Daoist Temple?

Before it even started, a deputy hall master died first.

Yan Kuanglu is worthy of Yan Kuanglu. (end of this chapter)

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