The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 1028 Provocation, 1 frozen palm, piercing the eyebrow

Chapter 1028 Provocation, Frozen palm pierces the eyebrow
Su Chen came here this time because Emperor Zhou wanted to talk to [Qinglonghui].

He is here on behalf of [Blue Dragon Club].

So in terms of momentum, Su Chen's side will not be weak.

Although he didn't understand why the seven venerables of the Tianjian Division were here.

But these seven people obviously didn't welcome him, so it seemed a bit difficult to appear here.

He looked at Murong Qingchen.

At this moment, Murong Qingchen's beautiful eyes turned, Su Chen wanted to take the initiative of the banquet.

His eyes couldn't help looking at Mo Beichen, the military giant sitting beside him.

Mo Beichen appeared here, representing Emperor Zhou.

Although her Murong Qingchen's power is increasing now, she has not yet reached the point where Xue Pingsheng has power.

It's just that Mo Beichen sat at the white jade table and drank calmly, as if he had no intention of participating in this matter.

Murong Qingchen is the person appointed by Emperor Zhou to be in charge, and she is also the host of the banquet, so she needs to handle it by herself.

Seeing Mo Beichen's reaction, Murong Qingchen knew that this matter needs to be handled by himself.

His eyes rolled, and a smile appeared on his face.

Murong Qingchen dressed up in a magnificent style today, and when she rolled her eyes, there was a heart-pounding astonishment.

"I already have some clues about this matter, and I believe that I will give Shaolongshou an answer in the next few days!"

Today's meeting is not a private meeting, it represents two parties.

When Murong Qingchen was talking, he looked at Su Chen, his face was very beautiful and touching, but there was also a trace of unwillingness in his eyes.

Not reconciled, because Su Chen spoke so bluntly and threatened her directly.

It's in vain to dress up so carefully today!

"Since His Highness said so, I will wait for His Highness's good news!"

Su Chen picked up the wine glass in front of him: "Thank you, Your Highness, for hosting a banquet today!"

The initiative, Su Chen needs to be in his hands,

You take the initiative, and sometimes it is also a kind of imposing strength.

"Su Shaolong head, please!"

Murong Qingchen sat down and drank it with Su Chen.

"Su Shaolong came to the capital. I don't know when the big dragon head of the [Blue Dragon Society] will be able to come to the capital."

Mo Beichen raised his glass and said.

"I can make decisions about all matters in the capital, and I represent the [Qinglong Club], and the [Qinglong Club] will not go back on what I promised!"

Su Chen said.

Hearing Su Chen's words, the people in the hall had different expressions.

They didn't expect Su Chen to say that.

Su Chen is just the head of the [Blue Dragon Club] outside. Although he can represent the [Blue Dragon Club] in name, there are too many interests involved, and Su Chen probably can't decide.

But he said so at the moment.

And the momentum from his body is not ordinary.

"I didn't expect Su Shaolong's head to be able to represent the [Qinglong Society]. If this is the case, I wonder if we can invite someone who is in the capital to take action against our Tianjian Division!"

"I want to meet each other!"

Zuo Tianchan said.

"he is?"

Su Chen looked at Zuo Tianchan. Although he knew who the other party was, he asked him knowingly.

"This seat is the Heavenly Superintendent Zuo Tianchan!"

"One of the eight great venerables? It seems that the left venerable wants to fight with our [Blue Dragon Society], I can arrange it!"

"Choose a place outside the city, let you compete against each other, regardless of life or death!"

A cold light flashed in Su Chen's eyes.

This is a banquet, why are you always aggressive!

Su Chen will not be used to the other party.

"Master Zuo, this is my banquet. We are welcoming Su Shaolong to the capital."

Murong Qingchen's eyes turned cold.

The previous thing just stopped, but I didn't expect it to come back.

This is not only embarrassing Su Chen, but also embarrassing her.

"Your Highness, [Qinglonghui] killed my venerable Tianjiansi, shouldn't we give our Tianjiansi an answer?"

At this time, Zuo Tianchan's voice was indifferent.

In the tone, he brought Tianjiansi with him.

"Your Highness, you are not strict with your orders! Do you want me to help you?"

Su Chen glanced at him and said, "You are forcing me to kill you!"


Hearing Su Chen's words, Zuo Tianchan's face was gloomy,

"Your Highness Qingchen, you didn't find out before, did someone leak that I came to the capital?"

"Let me tell you, this is Zuo Tianchan, he is the head of the devil."

Su Chen continued.

"You are presumptuous, dare to slander Big Brother Zuo!"

Just then.

Gu Xiaoyan, who was beside Zuo Tianchan, slapped the table with his palm, his figure was like a ghost, and he came towards Su Chen.

The shot was quick, and the red shadow fluctuated.

It's just that she's fast.

Ou Jinghao, who was behind Su Chen, was even faster, and his footsteps were raised suddenly, as if that figure was heading towards that footstep.

One foot down.

The body of Gu Xiaoyan who made the shot was kicked and flew out, and hit the palace wall heavily.


Cracks appeared in the walls.

A mouthful of blood spewed out from the corner of Gu Xiaoyan's mouth, her hair was disheveled, and blood flowed from her mouth and nose. The originally charming figure looked extremely embarrassed.

There wasn't much injury on his body, but he was trembling all over, and looked at Su Chen with ferocious eyes.

She just wanted to slap Su Chen, but in the end, she was kicked and flew away.

Still so embarrassed!
"Gu Xiaoyan, you!"

Murong Qingchen didn't expect Gu Xiaoyan to make a move, his face became cold,

For today's banquet, she didn't let the Seven Great Venerables come, but the Seven Great Venerables asked to come, and it happened that Mo Beichen also arrived at that time, so Murong Qingchen hosted a banquet for Su Chen.

Otherwise, she would just receive Su Chen by herself.

"Your Highness, Su Chen sows dissension and acts recklessly! He must be taught a lesson!"

Talking room!
She rushed out, turned into a red shadow, shot towards Su Chen like lightning, and raised her palm out.

Su Chen sneered, squatting without any movement, and when the big hand was about to attack Su Chen.

A palm came out suddenly, and it directly hit Gu Xiaoyan's body.

Gu Xiaoyan's body was directly suppressed.

That Gu Xiaoyan's bones cracked under the pressure!

Then the body was directly grabbed by a strong force, thrown out with force, and hit the wall that had been knocked out of the crack before.

this moment!
A big hole in the shape of a human was knocked out of the crack.


After being hit this time, Gu Xiaoyan let out a roar, and rushed in unkempt.


Just then.

Mo Beichen, who had been sitting upright, let out a low drink, and suddenly disappeared in place.

Appeared at the entrance of the main hall in a blink of an eye.

Gu Xiaoyan, who had just rushed in, looked up and saw a big hand appearing directly, and the terrifying cold instantly enveloped her body.

In the blink of an eye, that ancient Xiaoyan turned into an ice sculpture.

"Too presumptuous!"

"You guys leave with me!"

"Your Highness, Su Shaolong will be received by you, I will take them away first!"

Mo Beichen looked at Zuo Tianchan: "Take Gu Xiaoyan away!"

After speaking, he turned around and walked out of the palace.

Zuo Tianchan glanced at Su Chen, then at the others, and stood up.

"Your Highness, I will leave first!"

Zuo Tianchan saluted Murong Qingchen, and then he was about to come to the frozen Gu Xiaoyan and leave with his arms in his arms.

at this time,

A golden light instantly pierced through the frozen eyebrows of Gu Xiaoyan.

"Dare to attack Shao Longshou, she must die!"

It was Ou Jinghao who shot.

"You! How dare you!"

Zuo Tianchan was burning with anger, his eyes were fixed on Ou Jinghao.

Originally, I wanted to use this banquet to test Su Chen, but I didn't expect to lose one person because of it.


Zuo Tianchan picked up Gu Xiaoyan, whose eyebrows were pierced, and led them away.

For a while, only Su Chen and Murong Qingchen were left in the hall.

The direction of the banquet was completely unexpected.

(End of this chapter)

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