The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 1038 Grand Master Pang, a giant in the bureaucracy, not old

Chapter 1038 Grand Master Pang, a giant in the bureaucracy, not old
In the palace
Murong Qingchen has already returned to the imperial palace and summoned the chief envoys of the Tianjian Division from all over the place to come to the capital.

There are also some intelligence summaries.

Xue Pingsheng still made a lot of arrangements.

She hasn't gotten started with these yet, and is sorting them out.

"My lord, there should be an underground palace in the courtyard of Mobeichen's house."

Yuan Suiyun appeared in front of Su Chen and said.

"Can you check what's going on inside?"

"My subordinates haven't found the cave entrance yet, I just confirmed it based on the echo, and this underground palace should be huge!"

The original follow the cloud.

"Is that so?"

"Let Bai Choufei investigate. Please inform Zhuge Zheng that I am coming to the capital. I need him to be in charge of the Tianjian Division. I also need to inform Sword Master and the Twelve Hall Masters of [Qinglong Society] to come!"

Su Chen can be the head of the Tianjian Division, but he will not be in charge of the Tianjian Division by himself.

Zhuge Zhengwo is the most suitable candidate.

And Zhuge Zhengwo's strength is also extraordinary.

As for the sword master and the twelve hall masters, Su Chen also needs to show some strength to the outside world.

As long as Sword Master and Twelve Hall Masters make a move, I believe the world will know about it, and he also wants to see the reaction of other forces.


Yuan Suiyun bowed and said.

"By the way, let Bai Choufei pay attention to the movements of other forces in the capital, and news will come immediately."

Su Chen said.

[Blue Dragon Club] itself is in a kind of focus, Su Chen [Blue Dragon Club] the head of the young dragon came to the capital in person.

The daughter of Emperor Zhou was received by the head of the Tianjian Division.

This in itself is unusual.

[The host's monk Wuhua shaped a Buddhist golden body, followed the Buddhist eminent monk, stepped on the heavenly gate and left, and rewarded 3 orange lottery cards. 】

"Shaping the Buddha's golden body? What kind of situation is this?"

Su Chen was a little puzzled, he didn't know much about this shaped golden body.

However, he gets 3 orange draw cards.

Wuhua also stepped into Tianmen, and it is estimated that she will enter the Buddhist cave Tianfo Temple.

"I originally wanted to use Monk Wuhua to learn about the specific situation of Buddhism?"

"I didn't expect Wuhua to step directly into the gate of heaven!"

Su Chen sighed, waved Yuan Suiyun down to rest,

He himself came to the bed.

The recent accumulation, plus the three orange lottery cards just obtained, Su Chen now has 3 orange lottery cards.

Come directly to a 10 consecutive draw,

[Congratulations for getting 5 Ningshen, gaining 30 years of skill, the exclusive character Ling Luoshi, getting the Eight Fierce True Blood, the exclusive character Ling Luoshi, getting 3 Huayu Pills (not available under Tianmen)]


Su Chen looked at the lottery card.

Can't say good, can't say bad.

The Eight Fierce True Blood and 30 years of skill are the key to enhancing Ling Luoshi's strength,

"Enhance Ling Luoshi's strength?"

Suddenly, Su Chen's eyes lit up.

Who is Ling Luoshi? He is called the terrifying general, but he is a real general.

The thousand-faced demon now occupies Mo Beichen's identity.

Mo Beichen is one of the three giants of the military department, controlling the power of the military department.

At this time, Ling Luoshi's strength has improved, and he can completely replace Mo Beichen as one of the three giants of the military.

Although Emperor Zhou wanted to make Murong Qingchen the Empress.

Then there will be no objection to his [Qinglonghui] power entering the Great Zhou court.

"This thing is completely operable!"

Su Chen thought in his heart,

As for the Huayu Dan, he can't use it, but when others want to enter the Tianmen, they can take it with them.

No further thought.

sleep with clothes on,

next day
In the palace of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

a message came out,

Princess Qingchen of the Great Zhou Dynasty and [Blue Dragon Club] Shaolongshou fell in love with each other, and Emperor Zhou specially betrothed Princess Qingchen to [Blue Dragon Club] Shaolongshou Su Chen,

For a moment, the whole world was a little shocked.

Especially the forces of the rivers and lakes,

[Blue Dragon Club] and [Tianya Pavilion] are now the two most famous forces in the Jianghu of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

It turned out that Xue Ping was alive and dead, and the chaos of the Great Zhou Dynasty began.

But now the Great Zhou Dynasty has formed an alliance with [Blue Dragon Club].

This made some forces that were about to move suddenly took a wait-and-see attitude.


Taishi Pang, who was wearing a purple-gold robe, was sitting on the main chair in the hall.

in front of him.

Sitting was a man in a black brocade robe.

Both of them showed a trace of invisible official authority, from this point of view, the man in black is also in power.

"Master Bu? What do you think of this matter?"

Grand Master Pang said to the man in black.

"Why did Your Majesty choose the [Blue Dragon Club] to cooperate with? My staff lost a giant at the [Blue Dragon Club]."

The man in black said in a low voice.

The man who spoke was one of the giants of the official department of the Great Zhou Dynasty named Bu Jingwu.

It has a close relationship with Tian Dinggong, the giant of the bureaucracy who fell into the hands of the [Qinglonghui].

Therefore, he does not approve of Murong Qingchen's marriage to Su Chen.

"The current situation forces His Majesty to do so,"

"For me, Dugu is not old, plotting against His Majesty, and the devil leader in the dark is also a great enemy."

"One of the most famous names nowadays [Tianya Pavilion], cooperate with Dugu for me?"

"Beiyueshan, one of the three giants of the military, has brought Su Zhemu, one of the five great generals of the military, to the area adjacent to the South China Sea! Always beware of Dugu for me."

"The outside world is already in chaos. If His Majesty has the [Blue Dragon Society]'s help at this moment, with the strength of the head of the Azure Dragon Society and the ever-expanding assassins, some forces in the world will definitely be extremely afraid."

"This step is right!"

Grand Master Pang spoke.

"But if this is the case, it will be difficult for us officials."

Bu Jingwu sighed.

"Teacher, there must be a way to call me here this time!"

Bu Jingwu looked at Grand Master Pang and said.

"I summoned Lord Bu to come here this time, of course I want to help Lord Bu!"

"Master Bu, please follow me!"

Taishi Pang got up.

Bu Jingwu looked at Pang Taishi who got up, his eyes were slightly fixed, but he still followed Pang Taishi out of the hall.

The two walked through a corridor and appeared in front of a rockery,

Taishi Pang clapped his palms together.

Suddenly a secret room appeared,

"Master Bu, come in and have a talk!"

Grand Master Pang stepped into the secret room first.

Bu Jingwu followed behind.

inside the secret room
There is only one desk, on which there is a porcelain vase.

Nothing else.

"Teacher, this!"

Bu Jingwu was a little puzzled, he didn't understand the purpose of Pang Taishi bringing him into the secret room.

"There is some divine blood in the porcelain bottle, Master Bu can take it."

"I believe that after Master Bu takes the blood of the gods, his strength will definitely be able to go further."

Grand Master Pang said.

"Divine blood?"

"Isn't that something from the old hall?"

Hearing this, Nabu Jingwu's expression changed.

"Teacher, you are not old man,"

"That's right, this old man is a member of the Immortal Hall. This drop of divine blood is specially applied for by Master Bu. As long as you absorb this drop of divine blood, Lord Bu, you will be a member of my Immortal Hall,"

Master Pang said.

"Teacher, you are going to betray His Majesty!"

Bu Jingwu looked at Grand Master Pang vigilantly, with vigor circulating in his body.

"In this world, no one betrays anyone. His Majesty wants to strengthen his strength, step into the gate of heaven and leave!"

"He was the one who abandoned us first!"

"We also want to go one step further, this divine blood can help us,"

Taishi Pang said
"We, you mean that there are other people in the court who have joined the Bulao Tang!"

Bu Jingwu asked in a deep voice,


Master Pang nodded,

"Are you not afraid that I will report on you, Grand Master Pang, your strength cannot keep me!"

"Do you think that I have told you so much and brought you here without any preparation?"

"Didn't you notice that the energy in your body has disappeared, and your consciousness is a little fuzzy?"

Grand Master Pang looked at Bu Jing Wu Dao.

"Master Pang, what do you want to do?"

Bu Jingwu's energy circulated in his body, trying to alleviate the disappearance of the strength in his body.

At this time, a black dress appeared behind Bu Jingwu. Bu Jingwu sensed it, but the strength in his body was restrained, and his body moved a little slower.

The opponent struck behind him with a palm.

"I will integrate the divine blood into your body, and when you feel the power of the divine blood, you will join us."

Grand Master Pang said softly.

In his voice, Bu Jingwu's body collapsed on the ground.

"There is a change in the South China Sea area, and Dugu is out of control for me. The hall master asked the capital to move first."

Hei Yi looked at Grand Master Pang and said.

"Having mastered Bu Jingwu, we will be able to control most of the officials in the Ministry of Officials, and we will be able to do a lot of things at that time."

Grand Master Pang said in a deep voice.

(End of this chapter)

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