The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 1043 Concubine Tian, ​​the Devil's Head Furnace, Special Items

Chapter 1043 Concubine Tian, ​​the Devil's Head Furnace, Special Items
at this time.

Outside Nanhai City,

A canyon.

Concubine Tian and Jiang Yuyan were walking forward wearing bamboo hats.

"Through this canyon, we will be able to reach South Sea City after going forward for a while."

Tianfei looked at the canyon road in front of her.

"That's the news that they wanted to find the corpse of the demon head in South China Sea City!"

Jiang Yuyan said.

"South China Sea City is closely related to the South China Sea Islands. I believe we can find a clue." Tianfei said.


Jiang Yuyan who was walking suddenly stopped, her eyes turned cold.

Puff puff--

At the same time, one after another strangely shaped hidden weapons suddenly shot towards the two of them like a torrential rain.

It exploded in the air, poisonous smoke filled the air, and poisonous darts rained like rain.

clang! ! ——

Concubine Tian raised her palm, and a layer of Qi appeared in front of them, instantly blocking those falling poison marks.

"Ying Wuxie, I know you're here!"

While speaking, Concubine Tian stepped out instantly, and slapped her palm towards one place.

A figure came out of it.

The whole body is wrapped in black clothes, holding a long sword in his hand, and his eyes are sharp.

The figure turned into an afterimage, and appeared in front of Tianfei in a blink of an eye.

"court death!"

Concubine Tian let out a low cry, and slowly slapped out her palm.

The palm collided with the long sword.

The person who shot was hit by this palm and flew backwards. When flying backwards, his figure disappeared.

When that figure disappeared.

Three figures appeared behind Tianfei.

These three figures merged into one in an instant, and when they slashed down with one sword, the sword light quickly,

Concubine Tian turned her backhand, her body exploded with power, and in a blink of an eye, it turned into several afterimages.

After the sword light.

An afterimage disappeared.

The figure of Concubine Tian appeared, and she slapped several palms in a row. The three figures were hit by the three palms, and they shot backwards in an instant.

fell on the ground.

The previous figure quickly joined the other three.

"Shadow Demon Sect, the Four Shadows, Ying Wuxie, why don't you show up!"

Tianfei said sharply.


When Tianfei's voice fell, Ying Wuxie walked out from a place with fierce eyes.

Killing intent pervades.

"Concubine Tian, ​​Jiang Yuyan, you slaughtered my shadow demons all over the world, if you don't kill you, I can't get rid of the hatred in my heart!"

Ying Wuxie's eyes were angry.

"Hmph, Ying Wuxie, this is all the fruit you planted. Everyone in the Shadow Demon Sect has a demonic aura. You are willing to be a lackey of demons. Why do you let everyone in the Shadow Demon Sect be like you!"

Tianfei said sharply.

"The spirit of the demon, so what? Absorb the spirit of the master's demon, and everyone in my Shadow Demon Sect will become stronger. What did I do wrong? Concubine Tian, ​​you are the concubine of the Demon Sect, why are you willing to betray the demon?" door, come together with [Blue Dragon Club]!"

"Join me and kill Jiang Yuyan, I believe the master will accept you!"

Ying Wuxie looked at Tianfei and said.

"I am loyal to the Demon Sect, but not to Lu Junsheng who is a demon. You betrayed the Demon Sect. Kill you first, then Lu Junsheng!"

Tianfei said in a cold voice.


Almost at that moment, Ying Wuxie let out a violent cry, You Ruoping raised a Jiao Lei, moved his footsteps, and charged away like a ghost.

The dazzling lightning from the long sword in his hand flashed through dozens of dense lines of sword light, covering all angles of Tianfei's body.

Murder pervades.

And behind him appeared a divine power, which matched his figure.

The figure seemed to disappear in front of the concubine Tian.

The advantage of the Shadow Demon Sect is that it disappears invisible,


Tianfei snorted coldly,

"Heaven resents Dafa!"

Concubine Tian gave a low shout, and a strong resentment suddenly gathered on her body.

This resentment even aroused the death, ghost, hostility, cold, evil, and corpse qi deep in the earth.A breath of yin and turbidity between heaven and earth, billowing and swaying, like the sea.Coming roaring and roaring.

Sweeping towards the surroundings, trying to force Ying Wuxie's figure out.

shadow points!

With a low shout, three figures of Ying Wuxie appeared, and these three figures merged with the surging resentment and turbidity, and absorbed this force.

The strength of the body instantly increased several times.

"Tianfei, your power is useless to me, this is why I dare to kill you!"

"You dare to absorb my strength!"

Concubine Tian stared.

"My body has been baptized by the demonic energy of the Lord, and these can become my nourishment!"

The three figures of Ying Wuxie came out with a single sword in an instant.

Three sword lights broke through, revealing the powerful resentment on Tianfei's body.

Concubine Tian's eyes changed, she made a move to resist
His body receded from the shock of the three sword qi, and blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth.

"Concubine Tian, ​​be loyal to the master, the lost foundation of your body can be restored, and going against the master will only lead to death!"


"Concubine Tian has become the woman of my [Blue Dragon Association] Shaolongshou. My Shaolongshou will solve her foundation."

"Aren't you paying attention to me, Jiang Yuyan, by showing up like this?"

"To be honest, you people from the Shadow Demon Sect basically died at my hands,"

Jiang Yuyan said.

"What, you said that Concubine Tian became Su Chen's woman, but she is one of the master's heavy furnace, how dare you!"

Hearing Jiang Yuyan's words, Ying Wuxie's eyes changed.

Ying Wuxie's three figures merged into one, absorbed Tianfei's outburst of resentment on her body, and phantom figures appeared behind her, and these phantom figures carried endless resentment.

As soon as the figure moved, it disappeared instantly.

Jiang Yuyan's eyes turned cold, and the killing intent in her body rushed towards the surroundings like a tide.

A phantom figure appeared amidst the killing intent

"Your killing intent, why can't I absorb it!"

The figure that appeared had an inconceivable look in its eyes.

"You also want to absorb my killing intent, you really think too simply!"

Jiang Yuyan stepped towards the opponent.

Seeing this, Ying Wuxie's eyes changed, and he wanted to back away.

But I feel like I'm stuck in a quagmire.

"How is this possible, you!"

"It's just a trace of power, don't be nervous!"

While speaking, Jiang Yuyan raised her hand and grabbed the opponent's neck with her palm.

At this moment.

Seeing this, the four figures rushed towards the storm.

It's just that as soon as their figures moved, an endless killing intent appeared around them, pouring into their bodies.

The body is uncontrollable and explodes directly.

"You said that the demon head regards the concubine Tian as a furnace, he is a demon, why does he need a furnace!"

Jiang Yuyan grabbed the opponent's neck and said sharply.


Being grabbed by the neck, Ying Wuxie growled lowly, a demonic aura appeared all over her body, her body wanted to change, and her eyes turned red.


It's just that Jiang Yuyan didn't give him a chance to change, and directly pinched the opponent's throat.

Then he grabbed the opponent's head with his palm.

Tear off the opponent's head directly.

Blood sprayed.

"Ying Wuxie appeared here, the demon head should be in South Sea City, and you are the devil's head cauldron, there must be something special about you."

Jiang Yuyan looked at Tianfei and said.

"Special stuff, I don't know!"

Concubine Tian looked a little ugly, she didn't expect that she was the furnace of the devil's head.

(End of this chapter)

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