Chapter 1054 The head of the devil and the body of a demon
Outside the courtyard, Jian Zun and Liao Rushen watched the two fight, and couldn't help but fluctuate in their hearts.

This is the first time they have seen Kuangzi Yan fully displaying his strength. This amazing fighting power made it difficult for them to calm down.

The physical body is actually so strong.

"You have already shot once, then take a punch from me!"

While Kuangtu Yan was speaking, the zhenqi on his body began to overlap layer by layer.

This overlapping power spread to Yan Kuangtu's right hand layer by layer. He raised his right hand and clenched it into a fist.

With a clenched fist, it is like an endless mountain,

Thousands of mountains overlap
One of Yan Kuangtu's martial arts, he overlaps his true qi to form a heavy mountain, which bursts out above his fist.

stature vacated,

fist blasted,

The golden fist strength was superimposed layer upon layer on top of his fist, forming a halo of terrifying power, heading towards the devil's head.

Sensing the power of this punch, the devil's expression changed.

The two just had a simple fight.

He missed Yan Kuangtu's move, and now the opponent's burst of such a strong punch shocked him. After all, the opponent has not yet exploded his power, but only attacked with true energy.

"You can't fight like this, you must take him down as soon as possible, kill them, and get out of here!"

A cold light flickered in the demon head's eyes. He occupied Dugu Weiwei's body, but he couldn't let it out. It had something to do with his plan.

There was a ruthless look on his face, and a demonic aura appeared on his body. The strong black demonic aura was like an abyss. A layer of black air flow appeared above his face, and the air flow showed a blurred face.

His face was ferocious, and his body began to change. Strands of black hair appeared, and a cold air permeated the hair.

"It's so cold!"

The bodies of Liao Rushen and Jian Zun who were watching the battle couldn't help but tremble.

The strength of the two of them is not simple, they can both feel trembling, which shows that this chill is unusual,

"This is the spirit of demons, you and I feel the cold all over!"

Liao Rushen said in surprise.

"Yes, it seems that monsters are really not simple!"

Sword Master's eyes became sharp.

The eyes are looking at the place where the fight is fought.

"Monster, Tianming Abyss Python, Abyss Cage!"

The demon head let out a low cry, and a layer of thick black fog appeared around his body. The thick fog spread towards the surroundings like an abyss, and the voice of the monster in the abyss roared,

The dense black fog that diffused out swallowed everything, as if connecting to a bottomless abyss, drowning all the golden punches erupted by these Yan madmen.

The golden fist power that was immediately covered by the black mist was rapidly dimming, disappearing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Yan Kuangtu's fist, as if entering an abyss, did not make any waves.

"Monsters are not something your human race can contend with, this is the power gap!"

The voice of the demon head resounded in the thick black mist.

Surrounded by the ears of Yan Kuanglu.

And when it was spreading, a giant python's head appeared behind Yan Kuangtu. The huge snake head shone with scarlet light, and its huge tongue shot out towards Yan Kuangfu's body like a sharp sword.

Yan Kuangtu's eyes turned cold, he turned around instantly, and punched out with his palm,

The fist is like a gun, and it shoots out violently with a monstrous evil spirit
It collided with the huge tongue that was sweeping incomparably quickly,

The fist collided with the huge tongue, but the tongue suddenly disappeared and turned into black mist.

It's just a shadow formed by the fog,

Yan Kuangtu's eyes froze.

The opponent's strange ability is unusual. He clearly sensed the opponent, but when he attacked, the opponent turned into a black mist.

Eyes narrowed.

Yan Kuangtu's divine power erupted, and a huge figure emerged from Yan Kuangtu's body. When this huge figure appeared, a terrifying force surged out, crowding out the surrounding space.

And a faint power of domain diffused out.

Vaguely suppress this black mist.

"You are about to step into the Huayu level, why are you still here?"

"A person like you should be a born fighting madman!"

Perceived the power of the madman Yan,

The devil's voice sounded again.

"I still have something to do, so I haven't got to go to the Tianmen, otherwise, I will activate the power of the Tianmen!"

"With your strength, you will be reduced to ashes in the blink of an eye under the Heavenly Gate!"

Yan Kuangtu said in a cold voice.

"Got you!"

With Yu's help and perception, Kuangtu Yan's eyes fell on one place, and with a movement of his body, he was there in the blink of an eye, and slapped out with his palm.

A large golden handprint erupted in his palm.

The powerful divine power with a trace of power solidifies the surrounding black mist, finds the opponent, and strikes out with a palm.

The golden palm print shattered the black mist.

In the black mist.

The body of the demon head emerged, the face of a giant python appeared above his face, and a huge tail appeared behind him.

The demon head punched out, colliding with the huge golden handprint.

"Appear in front of me, then you will only die!"

Yan Kuangtu's palm fell, and the demon's fist was instantly shattered.

The palm fell directly on the body of the demon head.

A bloody hole was blasted out of the demon head's body by Yan Kuangtu's palm.

But the phantom of the giant python's face appeared on the devil's face, showing a cruel smile.

The flesh and blood on the body solidified, and for a while, the palm of Yan Kuangzi was fixed on his body.

The huge tail swept across Yan Kuangfu in an instant, entwining Yan Kuangfu's body.

The huge tail carries endless power.

The ability of monsters is not comparable to that of your human race.

Let you feel what a huge force is, to crush your body.

The huge tail began to use force, trying to squeeze Yan Kuanglu's body.

"It's really not fun to fight!"

Yan Kuangtu said coldly.

Because he is now the strongest combat power on Su Chen's side, he can't unleash his full strength for fear of triggering the Tianmen, so he can only leave at that time.

Once he leaves, other surprises may arise.

So he has been suppressing his strength.

Even if the scope is used, it is only a hidden use,

But now he is entangled by the huge snake body, and a huge force envelopes his body.

There was a trace of scarlet in Yan Kuangtu's eyes.

Yan Kuangtu's body began to change, and he directly exerted the power of his natural mad body.

at this moment.

Yan Kuangtu's body was like a volcano erupting, and endless power erupted from his body.

His whole body turned red because of the power change, and his eyes became crazy.

The whole person became very violent, and a murderous aura swept out like a monstrous sky.

This fierce and unusual horror.

All the surrounding black mist was shaken away.

Yan Kuangtu's right arm is strong!
Pulled out from the body of the demon head.

Then he grabbed the huge snake body with both hands.

"Break me!"

With a low growl, terrifying power erupted between his hands.

A section of the snake's body in front of him was directly torn apart by his hands, and black blood mist erupted from the two broken sections.

At this moment, the devil let out a scream,

(End of this chapter)

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