The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 1070 Ambition, Sikong is not old, Chief Fang's Mansion

Chapter 1070 Ambition, Sikong is not old, the ten-party chief ambassador's office

"Crazy Yan, you actually want a reward from me!"

The devil's expression was very bad.

"Sikong is not old, didn't you look for Yan Kuangfu? According to Yan Kuangfu's itinerary, Yan Kuangfu should have arrived in the Lingjiang area!"

The devil asked in a deep voice.

"Sikong Bulao did not contact Yan Kuangfu, but according to the information fed back by the spies, Yan Kuangtu stayed in the Lingjiang area and did not leave!"

"It seems that I want to watch this battle!"

"Then Sikong Bulao contacted Yan Kuangzi, and he will pay for it himself!"

"Let's move on!"

Inside the carriage, the devil waved his hands.

"For a strong man like Yan Kuangtu to take action, he must pay a huge reward."

His devil leader is not willing to pay.

These things might as well increase his own strength.

After all, Emperor Zhou is not so easy to deal with. Although he appears as a monster now, he still needs to be careful of Emperor Zhou.

"My lord, I got the news that Emperor Zhou gathered the princes from all over the place to the capital!"

said the man in black.

"Emperor Zhou, I only know that he is a person above the Tianmen, but I don't know who he is, but judging from his blood, his identity is not simple."

"Swallow him, and then absorb the luck of the Great Zhou Dynasty. My human body must be extraordinary. When I sneak into the human race, I will definitely be able to contact the core of the human race!"

"Combining with my demon body will definitely improve my status in the clan!"

When the demon leader said this, his eyes showed excitement.

Originally, I was defeated and fled to this world, but I didn't expect to have such an opportunity.

"Master, you must be able to return to the clan!"

The man in black beside him spoke immediately.

The carriage moved on and disappeared into the moonlight.

Lingjiang area, outside Tianxia City.

"Master, this is the Tianya Pavilion, where the Chief Envoy of Shifang and Guan Yutian are located. Now Kuangfu Yan is in Tianxia City. We should be able to see Kuangfu Yan soon when we go to the residence of the Chief Envoy of Shifang!"

Beside Sikong Bulao, the fat man spoke.

"Kangzi Yan didn't leave the Lingjiang area, did he want to watch a play? Or?"

Sikong Bulao said in a deep voice.

"There's a message from the demon head that Yan Kuanglu wants us to pay, so they will help us in Tianya Pavilion!"

The fat man said in a deep voice.

"Reward, this [Tianya Pavilion] wants to take a bite at any time!"

Sikong Bulao snorted coldly.

"Master, then shall we contact Yan Kuangtu and the others?"

"Yan Kuangtu and Guan Yutian are still very strong. With their help, we can overwhelm [Qinglonghui] with all our strength."

The thin man on the side spoke.

"Let's go, let's go to the ten-party chief envoy's mansion to meet that madman Yan!"

"Then where is Li Chenzhou now?"

Sikong Bulao asked where Li Chenzhou was,

"Li Chenzhou is in Tianxuan City, which is a day's journey away from here. As long as we reach a deal with Yan Kuangtu, we can attack them tomorrow!"

The fat man said.

"it is good!"

Sikong Bulao didn't turn his head back, and walked towards Tianxia City,


Shi Fang's Office

Guan Yutian practiced cross-legged in the depths of the mansion,

In his body, the innate qi circulated continuously, forming streams of thick real qi.

In addition to this innate stellar qi, other four sources of true qi also surfaced in the dantian. These four sources of true qi are mixed with the innate stellar qi, and those four sources of true qi are the four attributes of true qi in the Four Elephants Art of Heavenly Will .

Guan Yutian practiced this skill combined with innate qi to condense stronger true qi.

And with the power of the fusion of these five kinds of qi, he has already comprehended the power of a trace of domain,

Now he is growing that trace of true energy,

He believes that as long as his true energy is fully erupted, he will be able to step into the realm of transformation.

The five strands of energies converged to form a white qi, but this qi was radiant with a kind of blazing heat, like the sun pouring down, and it circulated along Guan Yutian's meridians.


And just when this white qi was circulating in the Guan Yutian meridian, he found that the zhenqi in his body was agitated, as if he had been attracted by some irresistible attraction, and tried to rush out to disperse the zhenqi. gas.

But was firmly suppressed by Guan Yutian.

Run this zhenqi completely through the whole body, and finally integrate it into the dantian.

But in the process.

Cold sweat flowed from Guan Yutian's brows.

"It's so difficult to run it once, and it's a bit difficult to run it multiple times!"

"I don't know how my son is on the Tianmen?"

Guan Yutian thought to himself.

Subconsciously checking the transaction interface, he suddenly found that Ren Qianxing was available to contact.

"You can contact the Heavenly Gate!"

Guan Yutian's face was happy,

Recently, he has been worried about Ren Qianxing's safety, and wanted to step into the Tianmen and leave.

But now is the final stage, so I have been waiting.

Now that he was able to contact Ren Qianxing, he also relaxed, stood up, and was about to go to the study, write a letter to Ren Qianxing, and ask about the situation there!
Stepping out of the training ground,

Guan Yutian's expression changed.

"Whoever dares to visit my Shifang General Envoy's Mansion, come out!"

Guan Yutian sternly shouted.

Amidst his stern shouts, Chu Xiangyu and others rushed out in an instant, gathered beside Guan Yutian, and looked around.

"President Guan's perception is really strong, and he can be perceived with just a trace of breath."

Accompanied by the sound, three figures appeared on the roof.

He jumped in front of Guan Yutian.

"Sikong Bulao, the head of the Bulao hall, what is your business for you to appear in the residence of my ten-party chief ambassador!"

Guan Yutian stared at Sikong Bulao with fixed eyes.

"General Envoy, we are now a cooperative relationship. I am here this time to meet your Vice Pavilion Master Yan!"

"He needed to be paid before, I want to talk to him!"


"Looking for Deputy Pavilion Master Yan? Deputy Pavilion Master Yan is not in my ten-fang chief ambassador's mansion."

Guan Yutian's eyes were fixed,

"However, since Hall Master Sikong is here to see Deputy Pavilion Master Yan, please go to the living room and talk, Xiangyu, go and invite Deputy Pavilion Master Yan!"

Then he waved his hand and invited the other party to go to the living room, and ordered Chu Xiangyu to invite Yan Yan.

Yan Kuangtu is in Tianxia City, but he is not in Shifang General Envoy's Mansion.

"it is good!"

Sikong Bulao went to the living room with Guan Yutian.

During the journey, Sikong Bulao kept paying attention to Guan Yutian, sensing the aura of Guan Yutian,

"There is an unusual aura in my body, and this aura actually makes me uneasy!"

Sikong Bulao's heart moved,

While his heart was stirring, suddenly there was a special agitation in the divine blood in his body, an urge to devour the blood in Guan Yutian's body rose up.

"Is there any blood on his body?"

Sikong Bulong suppressed this impulse, but there was a dangerous light shining in the depths of his eyes.

Guan Yutian has a drop of Tianlong True Blood on his body.

Guan Yutian's recent fusion of the Four Elephants of Heaven's Will and the Innate Stellar Energy made it a little slow to absorb the true blood of the Heavenly Dragon, and he hadn't completely concealed the aura of this drop of fresh blood, so the divine blood in Sikong Bulao's body was agitated,

(End of this chapter)

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