The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 1083 Emperor Zhou was forced to step on the gate of heaven, the real body of the demon head

Chapter 1083 Emperor Zhou was forced to step on the gate of heaven, the real body of the demon head human race
"you dare!"

At this moment, someone saw Tie Zhongtang unfurl the banner of iron and blood, devouring the blood mist, his scarlet eyes changed suddenly, and he charged towards Tie Zhongtang.

These blood eaters belong to them, and now they have become demons, whoever dares to steal their things will be courting death.

The bloody figure was extremely fast, and rushed towards Tie Zhongtang.

"court death!"

Tie Zhongtang's eyes turned cold, and his bloody aura erupted.

one punch

The violent and iron-blooded fist was blasted out in an instant, punching out like a dragon, piercing the opponent's body with one punch.

The one who shot made a miserable cry,

His chest was pierced, but he didn't die immediately. He began to devour the surrounding corpses, trying to recover from his injuries.

But Tie Zhongtang stayed in his body with energy and exploded immediately.

The whole person turned into a blood mist,

With a wave of the iron-blooded flag in the palm of his hand, the blood mist was swept away and disappeared.

"Tianya Pavilion, are you going to be our enemy?"

At this time, in the darkness, a figure came out from the darkness. The person came with a burly body and exuded a strong black aura.

The strength is no worse than those who fought against Nan Jutao and Mo Beichen.

"So what if you are an enemy, you are already possessed, and you dare to attack civilians, you deserve to die!"

Tie Zhongtang snorted coldly.

"Give this person to me!"

At this moment, a golden figure appeared beside Mo Beichen, it was Gu Santong.

And beside Nan Jutao also appeared a figure in a brocade robe, Zhu ignored it.

"Thank you!"

Although Mo Beichen and Nan Jutao didn't know what was going on, but if someone took over the battlefield, they would be able to lead troops to suppress demons everywhere.

Looking at Emperor Zhou,

"Leave this place to the Azure Dragon Society and Tianya Pavilion, and you lead the courtiers to suppress demons everywhere!"

"People from all corners of the world, the head of the demon is the demon from the upper realm. If you want to avoid being ruled by the demon, let's kill them together!" Emperor Zhou sternly said.


For a while, all the courtiers of the Great Zhou retreated from the battlefield.

Some people in the rivers and lakes watching the battle also left the field one after another. If the capital really turns into a devil's cave, then the battle situation here may change.

This is no longer a struggle for power, but for the survival of this world,

For a moment, only the Tianya Pavilion and the Azure Dragon Society were left on the battlefield.

"Crazy Yan, you are conspiring with Emperor Zhou!"

The demon head looked at Yan Kuanglu and said.

"There is no collusion, because I have not cooperated with you!"

At this time, Su Chen stepped forward and said.

"Su Chen, [Blue Dragon Club] the head of the young dragon!"

The devil looked at Su Chen.

The bond between Emperor Zhou and the Azure Dragon Society was Su Chen, but now Su Chen said that [Tianya Pavilion] had never cooperated with him. Although he didn't know what he meant, he could know that Su Chen played a big role in it.

"The head of the devil, this seat, is not just the young dragon head of [Qinglonghui], this seat is also the owner of the West Pavilion of Tianya Pavilion!"

"Tell me, how can Tianya Pavilion help you?"

Su Chen said.


Hearing Su Chen's words, the devil's face changed. He didn't expect Su Chen to be the owner of the West Pavilion of [Tianya Pavilion].

At this moment, the expression of the demon leader who had stopped fighting also changed.

He didn't expect Su Chen to have such an identity.

That is to say.

Tianya Pavilion has never sided with them.

"Then why Yan Kuangzi, you will follow Sikong Bulao to deal with [Qinglonghui] in the Lingjiang area."

The devil looked at Kuangfu Yan with some confusion.

"Demon Chief, I can tell you this! That's because Vice Pavilion Chief Sikong will die of old age!"

"As for why he wants to die, it's because the moment Sikong Bulao wants to attack me, Li Chenzhou, the leader of the three dragons of [Azure Dragon Society], it means that he is going to die. After all, there is no father who doesn't want to kill someone who wants to kill his son in front of him!"

Su Chen said softly.

"Li Chenzhou is the son of Madman Yan!"

The devil's face changed again.

Things were completely unexpected, I didn't expect Li Chenzhou to be the son of Yan Kuangtu.

"It seems that things are getting more and more interesting!"

At this moment, the astonishment on the devil's face disappeared, and it became playful instead.

"Emperor Zhou, do you know why I have been at war with you until now?"

The devil looked at Emperor Zhou and said.


Emperor Zhou's expression changed, and he frowned, unable to understand the meaning of the devil's words.


Emperor Zhou's aura of evil dragon rose again, but he felt that there was something wrong with the dragon luck of the Great Zhou,

"You shot at me, Dazhou Longyun!"

"Don't ask any more questions, it's time for you to step into the gate of heaven!"

When the devil was speaking, a layer of golden dragon luck appeared below the palace covering the sky, following the momentum of the golden dragon luck.

The power of the two bloodlines in Emperor Zhou's body was drawn and the power on his body continued to rise.


The phantom of Tianmen appears in the sky,

"You, don't you want to go to the gate of heaven? I will give you a ride!"

The dragon was transported into the Tianmen, and the thunder and lightning rumbled in the Tianmen, which was more terrifying than before.

"Even if you have Thunder Emperor Armor, if your strength is perceived by Tianmen, you can only leave through Tianmen!"

"When you step on the Tianmen Gate, I will take good care of Qinglonghui and Tianya Pavilion. They are not as lucky as you."

"Actually, in this world, what I care about the most is you, Emperor Zhou, Tianya Pavilion, and Azure Dragon Club. Although you are strong, you haven't let me care yet!"

The devil's voice was cold and severe.

Emperor Zhou's aura soared, Tianmen was covered by lightning, and a terrifying suction appeared,

The suction appeared, and Emperor Zhou's body flew into the air.

Not at all controlled.

Looking at Su Chen, Su Chen's face is very calm at the moment, and his heart is relieved.

"Where is your human race really?"

Emperor Zhou said.

"It's right in the Hanoi of the Dragon's Luck at the bottom of the palace, otherwise, how could it have been hidden from your perception, but you can't see it!"

The devil said.

"I didn't expect to be in the palace, but the devil, no matter how scheming you are, you will fall in today's battle. Unfortunately, I can't see it!"

Emperor Zhou's body had already reached Tianmen, said these words, and then disappeared into Tianmen.

Below the main hall.

in a closed space
In the Hanoi of the Golden Dragon Luck, a figure in a purple robe was lying in it, with purple rays of light emerging from his body, preventing the Dragon Luck from invading his body.

When Emperor Zhou stepped into the gate of heaven, his eyes opened suddenly, divine light emerged, vitality began to emerge on his body, and a terrifying force fluctuated, constantly erupting from his body.

Then the purple light beside him turned into a vortex, and began to want to absorb these golden dragon luck.

But these golden dragon lucks began to flee towards the surroundings.

The huge vortex can only absorb a little bit.


Seeing this, the complexion of the figure in the purple robe changed, and he stood up slowly.

The whole person rushed out of the place following the previous golden light.

The figure appeared above the palace.


When Su Chen saw the figure in the purple robe, his eyes narrowed slightly,

"This is the real body of the Demon Head Human Race, hidden in the Dragon Canal of the Imperial Palace, blocking Emperor Zhou's perception!"

"Emperor Zhou has left!"

The human avatar of the demon leader seemed to have his own consciousness, he looked at the demon leader in the demon body and couldn't help but speak.

(End of this chapter)

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