The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 1087 Tears the demon's body with both hands, and the Hanyue Sect appears

Chapter 1087 Tears the demon's body with both hands, and the Hanyue Sect appears

The devil roared.

The bones of the body began to cover his body surface.

The bones that appeared were not white, but blood brown, covering the body like armor, and covering the arms in the same way.

Let his fist become extremely ferocious and cold,

The fist collided with Yan Kuangtu's palm.

Yan Kuangtu's eyes suddenly became more crimson, and the power erupting from his palm suddenly increased several times,


The ferocious skeleton covering his fist shattered directly.

When it shattered, a huge force enveloped his body, and the bones on his body also shattered and fell to the ground.

With a successful blow, the madman with crimson eyes rushed towards the opponent violently.

The palm turned into a blade, piercing directly into the opponent's body.

The demon's body let out a scream, Yan Kuangtu didn't care about the scream, and inserted the other hand.

When the two hands exerted force, they directly tore apart the opponent's body and split it into two.

Blood spurted wildly, and countless blood poured on Yan Kuangtu's body, and a suction force appeared on Yan Kuangtu's body, absorbing all the blood.

At this moment, the madman Yan has become extremely ferocious,

At this moment, because the demon head and demon body were divided into two.

The previous haze disappeared.

Thunder gathered and crashed down.

Yan Kuangtu roared, and punched out, shattering the thunder and lightning, his eyes became clear, and he glanced at the battlefield in the imperial city. The battlefield has been fully controlled, and all the people brought by the devil have been suppressed and lingering.

One step at a time, appearing in front of the Tianmen, and then stepping on the Tianmen, leaving.

The demon head and demon body were torn apart.

The expressions of those demon bosses changed drastically, they were already suppressed, and now they are under this power.

were resolved one by one,

The corpse was bloody.

"I always feel that something is not right!" Murong Qingchen looked at the battlefield and said with a frown.

"I also have this feeling!"

"Does the devil have other backers?"

Su Chen looked at the ground covered with corpses and blood.

Just then.

Five figures appeared in the imperial city.

These five figures, three men and two women, one of them is wearing purple, looking at Su Chen, is Zi Hanyue of Hanyue Sect.

Zi Hanyue is the saint of the Hanyue Sect, and the person standing beside her needless to say, is the master of the Hanyue Sect, Chu Yunxi, the palace lord of the Great Chu Dynasty who has disappeared for many years.

Su Chen couldn't help looking at Chu Yunxi, the princess of the Great Chu Dynasty.

Su Chen only knew about him before, but never met him.

Zi Hanyue's beauty is extraordinary.

But this Chu Yunxi is a peerless sexy beauty, full of mature and attractive femininity, with a plump and graceful figure, and every curve on her body is flawless.

At this moment, his eyes were looking at Su Chen, and there was a lot of coquettishness between his brows.

"This is a man not to be trifled with!"

Su Chen thought in his heart.

"Chu Yunxi, the demon capital has been eliminated, you Hanyue Sect still dare to come out, don't you want to take advantage of the fisherman, but do you have the strength?"

Murong Qingchen said in a cold voice.

She wanted to know what the hell the Hanyue Sect was doing.

"Sit back and reap the benefits of the fisherman, I'm not just reaping the benefits of the fisherman, don't you think that's the only thing arranged by the devil?"

"Tianya Pavilion, Qinglonghui, Bulaodang, Emperor Zhou, these people are extremely powerful. If he doesn't do anything behind, even if he has a demon body, he is not an opponent."

Chu Yunxi said.

Hearing this, Murong Qingchen's expression changed, and Su Chen frowned slightly.

Chu Yunxi's words let Murong Qingchen and Su Chen know that the demon leader still has a plan.

"Chu Yunxi, your Great Chu Dynasty was destroyed because of the devil. He caused civil strife in the Great Chu Dynasty, but you colluded with him."

Murong Qingchen looked at Chu Yunxi and said.

"You were wrong. The civil strife in the Great Chu Dynasty was not just caused by the devil. It was also because of helping him. Otherwise, you thought the Great Chu Dynasty was so prone to civil strife."

"The background of the Great Chu Dynasty is much stronger than that of your Zhou Dynasty."

Chu Yunxi looked at Murong Qingchen and said in a cold voice.


Su Chen's expression changed when he heard the words. He didn't expect that the collapse of the Great Chu Dynasty had something to do with this Chu Yunxi.

And she helped the devil complete it.

something unexpected,

No wonder the Great Chu Dynasty with such a strong background would suddenly have civil strife,

"Then let the devil appear!"

Su Chen stepped forward and said.

"Su Chen, you are completely unbelievable, not only the young dragon head of the [Qinglonghui], but also the owner of the West Pavilion of Tianya Pavilion. No wonder Emperor Zhou will cooperate with you."

"Unfortunately, Shen Lang, the chief dragon head of the [Blue Dragon Club], and the deputy pavilion master of the [Tianya Pavilion], have left through the gate of heaven!"

Chu Yunxi looked at Su Chen and said.

"Even if they leave, with the people you brought, they still want to deal with us!"

Su Chen snorted coldly.

Needless to say, Li Wuxie, Yaoyue, Shangguan Jinhong and the others hadn't exploded with full force,

Of course, the people on his side hiding in the dark are stronger.

"These people are strong, but they have no chance to make a move!"


Chu Yunxi snarled, and four figures appeared at the four corners of the battlefield. When these four figures appeared, they exploded with a bang, turning into a cloud of blood mist.

The blood mist appeared, and a blood-colored rune appeared on the ground. These runes quickly formed a kind of cage, covering all the people gathered on the battlefield from the Qinglonghui and Tianya Pavilion.


Seeing this, Li Wuxie punched out his palm,

But the fist collided with the bloody screen.

There was only a bang, and a layer of ripples appeared on the blood-colored screen, but it didn't burst all of a sudden.

"How many people do you have now!"

"Yueyue Lianxing! And Murong Qingchen, Jiang Yuyan, Tianfei beside you!"

When talking about Concubine Tian, ​​a smile appeared in Chu Yunxi's eyes,

"Su Chen, did you put Leidi's core on Concubine Tian, ​​that's why you brought her to the capital!"

Chu Yunxi looked at Su Chen and said.

"Is not it?"

Su Chen frowned when he heard this.

"Of course not, Concubine Tian is just an illusion created by us. In fact, the real Thunder Emperor's core is in me!"

A sinister smile appeared on Chu Yunxi's charming face.

"No wonder I haven't found Concubine Tian, ​​it turns out that Thunder Emperor's core is on you!"

They have been looking for abnormalities in Concubine Tian, ​​but they have not found anything. It turns out that their guess was wrong, and the devil set them up for them.


At this moment, a golden ring appeared, and the light in the golden ring flickered, turning into a dragon and a phoenix, heading towards Chu Yunxi.

"You dare!"

Beside Chu Yunxi, a person shouted in a low voice, and punched out,

The fist collided with the dragon and phoenix, and the whole body was shaken back a few steps before stabilizing his figure.

A figure came out from the darkness, it was Shangguan Jinhong.

"With your strength, you dare to say big things!"

Shangguan Jin Hong said in a cold voice.

"Since you want to die so much, then stop talking nonsense with you and send you on your way, Hanyue will resurrect the devil!"

Chu Yunxi said to Zi Hanyue.

Zi Hanyue made seals on her palms and gave a low shout, and three blood-colored figures came from a distance.

(End of this chapter)

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