The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 1095 Imperial City, Marquis Lieyang, I Will Kill You

Chapter 1095 Imperial City, Marquis Lieyang, I Will Kill You
Great Zhou Dynasty,

gate of the imperial city,

The city wall is extremely majestic, the city wall is hundreds of feet long, it looks like it is straight up into the sky, and there is a chill in its thickness, it can be seen that the material for pouring the city wall is unusual.

And there are countless dried bloodstains on the city wall, which looks a little old

But you can also know the intensity of the war.

"My punch on this city wall, I'm afraid it won't cause damage to this city wall, but I will be injured by the shock of the city wall instead!"

Su Chen looked at the city wall and said,

"My lord, this is the first emperor of the Great Zhou Dynasty to start pouring. It took several generations of emperors to complete it. It can resist the attacks of monsters and beasts."

"It's also fortunate to have this city wall. Otherwise, my Great Zhou Dynasty would not have become a Celestial Dynasty. I have already been attacked by fierce beasts and monsters!"

"The ferocious beasts and monsters in this world, when they launch a war, sometimes they will directly attack the imperial city!"

Tian Ying, the housekeeper who was in the chariot, said.

"Is that so?"

Su Chen looked at the bloodstains on the city wall, and he could see the intensity of the battle at that time.

"But these years, the human race has gradually become stronger, and those fierce beasts have rarely attacked the imperial city of the Celestial Dynasty!"

Butler Tian Ying continued.

"Let's go, let's go meet my father-in-law as soon as possible!"

Su Chen said.

After checking the chariot at the gate of the city, it was released and headed towards the mansion of King Wu of Zhou.

The city of Luoyi is bustling with pedestrians and merchants gathering on the road.Seeing the gorgeous and prosperous scene, Su Chen was also a little dazzled.

After all, Luoyi City is the capital of the Great Zhou Dynasty, in terms of prosperity.

When he was about to enter the city gate, the housekeeper Tian Ying threatened him severely.

After checking at the gate of the city, the group headed towards Prince Wu's Mansion.The city of Luoyi is bustling with pedestrians and merchants gathering on the road.Seeing the gorgeous and prosperous scene, Su Chen was a little dazzled.

After all, Luoyi City is the imperial city of the Great Zhou Dynasty. In terms of prosperity, it can be regarded as one of the most prosperous cities in the twelve states of the human race.

At this moment, two rows of cavalry in bright armor galloped forward. Behind the cavalry, there were several long rows of guards of honor. Under these cavalry were black and red tigers, these black and red tigers.The body is huge and exudes a terrifying aura.

Among these cavalrymen, a black and red tiger king, pulling a gorgeous carriage, came slowly.


The moment he saw the carriage.

Su Chen only felt a shock in his mind.

In an instant, a black sun appeared in his eyes, and the sun exuded a light like a black hole, which made people unable to bear to look directly at it.

In that chariot.

A tall and thin figure vaguely sat in it, exuding the aura of a black sun.

"Who is this?"

Su Chen looked at the figure.

In appearance, he is about the same age as himself.

But the aura emitted was unusual, so he couldn't help asking.

"The newly promoted nobleman, the third-class Marquis Lieyang, his father is the first-class Marquis Zhongxin, with a family of two marquises. It can be said that they are extremely powerful. They belong to King Cambrian, and King Cambrian is the third son of His Majesty!"

"Grandpa, let's get out of the way!"

Butler Tian Ying said.

"A family with two princes is really expensive!"

Su Chen muttered in his mouth.

While Su Chen was speaking, the steward Natian had already moved the chariot to one side.

"Who dares to block the car of Lord Ben Hou!"

Just as Steward Tian drove to the side, a deep voice sounded on the street,

When this voice sounded.

On the chariot, Su Chen suddenly felt that the air around him became hot, as if it was about to burn.

Soak in this air.

Su Chen felt a stabbing pain all over his body.

On the shoulders, there was a heavy weight, as if there were two majestic mountains pressing on his shoulders.

At this moment, the true energy in Su Chen's body has not yet turned into true energy, so this kind of suppression really puts a lot of pressure on him,

The sound of the black red tiger stepping on the stone slab was deafening.

A pressure was formed, and the chariot where Su Chen and the others were sitting seemed to collapse and split apart, revealing Su Chen and the others.


Some pedestrians have already avoided and stayed away.

When they saw this phenomenon, their eyes showed the color of watching a play,

"That chariot is the chariot of Zhou Wuwang's mansion. Who is that person on the chariot? Why haven't I seen it before!"

Some people started talking.

The strong in this world are respected, even in this Luoyi city, while you have a noble status, you also need to have strong strength,

"I don't know who it is, but the identity of Tian Yinglai, one of the old stewards of Zhou Wuwang's mansion, is not easy!"

Some people didn't know Su Chen, but they knew Tian Ying, and they all said: "This is a good show, I guess Marquis Lie Yang is going to suppress the momentum of Prince Wu's Mansion!"

Su Chen, who showed his figure, in his perception, a figure of the sun appeared above his head, and the endless coercion was overwhelming.

Su Chen felt that the power of the whole world was pressing down.

"This is targeting Lao Tzu!"

Su Chen's face became very ugly.

Originally useless real yuan conversion card, activated instantly

At this moment, the real energy in the dantian changed, and it was transformed into real energy at a very high speed.

A terrifying force erupted from Su Chen.

In the blink of an eye, the pressure on his shoulders was instantly dissipated.

Looking at Lie Yanghou, there was a fierce look in his eyes.

The other party has already targeted him, so Su Chen is not just accepting it.

What's more, he is not afraid of the other party.

To be honest, the status of King Wu of Zhou is much worse than him now.

a year.

Not only Pang Ban and others, but also some other people have some development. These people add up to an extremely powerful force.

What's more, the person in front of him is just a mere Marquis.

Although in the eyes of outsiders, Lord Zhou Tianchao is unparalleled in power and authority, but Su Chen hasn't taken him seriously yet.

He even coerced him as soon as he came up.

Yuan Suiyun, who was beside Su Chen, also immediately transformed his true energy, and a fierceness erupted from his body.


At this moment, in the chariot of Marquis Lieyang.

Marquis Lie Yang let out a hush sound, he was a little surprised, he didn't expect Su Chen to be able to shatter his coercion.

He is a person who has reached the half-step transformation domain, and is about to transform the domain.

Su Chen is just a person who just came up from under the Heavenly Gate.

As for why he appeared here.

It's all for Su Chen.

And he also knew Su Chen's identity, he just wanted to lose Su Chen's face.

"Master Hou, this is my son-in-law from Prince Wu's Mansion!"

At this time, Steward Tian immediately replied.

There was also surprise in his eyes.

Just now he wanted to help Su Chen relieve the coercion, but he didn't expect that the real energy on Su Chen's body would turn into real energy in a blink of an eye, and it also erupted with terrifying ferocity.

"I didn't expect it to be the son-in-law of the prince. Why haven't I heard that the prince has a daughter? How could there be another son-in-law suddenly? Are you fooling me!"

Marquis Lie Yang stepped out of the chariot and looked at Tian Guan's house.

Lie Yanghou was extremely slender, about eight feet tall, and was wearing a purple costume.

There are some fierce beast patterns embroidered in gold on the Chinese clothes, and the aura on his body is surging, like the sun shining through the sun.

He is called the Marquis of Lieyang, and his own practice is a strong Yang technique, with a domineering aura, and a fierce blood in this domineering aura.

Marquis Lieyang was able to be named Marquis because he guarded a place on the border of the Great Zhou Dynasty, led the army to kill a hundred half-step beasts, and besieged and killed three beasts in the realm.

In addition, he is a noble young master himself, so he can be named a marquis.

If a commoner wants to be a Marquis, the number of beasts to be killed needs to be doubled, and he can only be a Marquis of the fifth class.

"Report, Lord Hou, he is the husband of the prince who is in the lower realm of Qingchen County, and he just came up from under the gate of heaven!"

Butler Tian immediately bowed and said.

"Really? You are also extremely talented, otherwise you would not be favored by King Wu. I really want to see your strength!"

Lie Yanghou looked at Su Chen and said.

The eyes that speak are full of teasing.

"Master, let me kill him!"

The eyes of Yuan Suiyun beside Su Chen were filled with murderous intent, and a terrifying beast aura erupted from his body.

"No, I will kill him with my own hands!"

Su Chen waved his hands and said in a cold voice.

His breath exploded.

A dragon shadow crossed his legs around him, like an ancient dragon, giving people a sense of endless oppression.

"My old father-in-law is not good enough, it's so provocative!"

Su Chen took a step forward, his figure exploded,


"This son-in-law of King Wu has an extraordinary aura. He also looks like a murderous person, not at all like someone who came up from below!"

"What did he just say, he wants to kill Marquis Lie Yang!"

"It's not that he said that even the subordinates beside him wanted to kill Marquis Lie Yang. It's a bit fierce!"

Some people are discussing.

They didn't expect to see such a powerful thing.

Perceived the aura emanating from Su Chen, and the arrogant expression of Su Chen.

Lie Yanghou's face showed anger.

A person who just came up from under the gate of heaven dared to ignore him like this.

He also threatened to kill him.

"I'm really looking for death. I just wanted to beat you to death, but now I want to beat you to death!"

Lie Yanghou's handsome face became ferocious,

"This is going to be a big battle!"

Looking at the momentum of the two sides, as well as the breath fluctuations erupting from their bodies, it can be seen that there must be a battle between the two sides

"Uncle, you are in the Celestial Dynasty, you have no status, and you are not easy to be impulsive. Take a step back!"

Seeing this, Tian Guan's family who followed wanted to speak out.

He is the one who picks up people, he doesn't want Su Chen to have an accident, and of course he doesn't think Su Chen is Lie Yanghou's opponent.


When Su Chen saw what the butler Natian said, he yelled a waste.

It made him take a step back.

Does Su Chen need to take a step back?

Hearing Su Chen's words, Butler Tian's face turned red, and he didn't know what to say.

Su Chen actually called him a waste.


His face was a little anxious.

"My lord, say you're trash, you have an opinion!"

At this time, Yuan Suiyun's voice rang in the ear of Butler Tian, ​​the voice was gloomy and cold, making Steward Tian's neck feel cold, and the hairs on his body immediately stood up.

It seemed that as long as he spoke, Yuan Suiyun would attack him.

"what happened!"

"Young master is overbearing, this follower is also so overbearing!"

Steward Tian also received a lot of people who came up from under the Tianmen, and none of them was as overbearing as Su Chen.

Although the manor outside the city is more important, but Tian Steward has been stationed there, which shows that he is already a marginalized figure.

Edge is not edge, it is not very important.

The important thing is that this guy is a little servile to this Marquis of Lie Yang, completely losing the majesty of Prince Wu's Mansion.

Also, that Marquis of Lieyang was coercing him just now, but this guy didn't help him resist this coercion in the first place.

If it weren't for the fact that the other party was from the mansion of King Wu of Zhou, he would have been slapped to death a long time ago.

"It's so domineering. This son-in-law of King Wu is really domineering, but I don't know if he has the strength to be domineering."

"There should be some strength, otherwise, he wouldn't be so strong, but Marquis Lieyang is the Marquis of the Great Zhou Dynasty, but this person is only the son-in-law of King Wu. If he hurt Marquis Lieyang, he might be taken into Dali Temple too! "

Some people spoke.

"This is not what we should care about. We will see if the battle can be fought or not. Don't be anticlimactic!"

Some people argue,

(End of this chapter)

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