Chapter 1099 Su Chen is going to die tonight

"Then he did this not only to establish his majesty, but also to see your reaction!"

Ji Qianli couldn't help but speak.

"Judging from the current situation, it is indeed the case."

"What's more, if I don't protect him, outsiders will think I'm afraid of Zhongxinhou?"

King Wu of Zhou opened his mouth and said.

"Once you fully protect him, if you want to delay your journey to the West Frontier, I'm afraid you won't be able to delay it!"

"They will definitely let you go to the western frontier as soon as possible to deal with the Hunyuan Heavenly King!"

"The Hunyuan Heavenly King is a fierce beast in the Soul Realm. It is not so easy to deal with him!"

Ji Qian left the mouth and said.

"Always go!"

King Wu of Zhou opened his mouth and said, with fear in his eyes,

The ferocious beast in the living soul state is equivalent to the second level of the six levels of the true self. In terms of strength alone, he is not the opponent of the Hunyuan Heavenly King.

Of course, Hunyuan Heavenly King is the strongest among fierce beasts and means of respecting strength.

King Wu of Zhou will bring his masters there.


Just then.

A servant came in from outside and said

"My lord, my concubine, Master Hai has brought my uncle into the palace!"

The servant replied.

"it is good!"

King Wu of Zhou waved his hand.

He stood up slowly, and Ji Qianli, who was sitting beside him, also stood up.

At this moment, Hai Wufeng led Su Chen and Yuan Suiyun into the hall from outside.

"My son-in-law, you are here, this is the princess!"

King Wu of Zhou introduced it to Su Chen.

"I have seen the prince, I have seen the princess!"

Su Chen saluted slightly, and looked at the concubine of King Wu of Zhou. She was really unusual in appearance, she was a beauty, but she was dressed a little maturely.

"My lord, I just cleaned up the door for you, you don't care, do you?"

Su Chen saluted and said.

"I don't know the uncle who protects my Prince Wu's Mansion, he deserves to die, of course I don't care about it, I have to thank you, this time you have honored my Prince Wu's Mansion!"

"Sit first!"

King Wu of Zhou invited Su Chen to sit down.

"I thought my father-in-law would blame me?"

When King Wu of Zhou said so, Su Chen called his father-in-law back.

"You don't have to worry about this matter. In my Great Zhou Dynasty, once a martial arts contest is fought, it is life and death. They can't say anything?"

"However, Hou Zhongxin is not an easy person. Recently, you have stayed in my mansion!"

"I'm afraid I will leave the imperial city after a while. I will be sent to the western frontier to deal with the beast Hunyuan Heavenly King entrenched there!"

"You can go with me!"

King Wu of Zhou is going to take Su Chen to the western frontier.

"Western Realm? Hunyuan Heavenly King?"

Su Chen frowned slightly, with a puzzled look on his face.

Of course, he knew in his heart what was going on with the Western Realm and the Hunyuan Heavenly King, but he needed to pretend to be puzzled.

"Xizhen, which is the western part of our Great Zhou Dynasty, is now occupied by a giant ape known as the Hunyuan Heavenly King, and has slaughtered many people of our Great Zhou Dynasty!"

King Wu of Zhou opened his mouth and said.

"Is that so?"

"But I don't want to leave the imperial city yet, I want to get acquainted with the imperial city!"

Su Chen shook his head.

"Su Chen, Marquis Lieyang is the son of Marquis Zhongxin. Marquis Zhongxin is the first-class Marquis of the Great Zhou Dynasty. His strength is in the Six Levels of Real Self, and there are many masters under his sect. I'm afraid it will be dangerous for you to stay in the imperial city." !"

At this time, Princess Ji Qian left the mouth and said.

"It was Marquis Lieyang who attacked me, I just dealt with it with all my strength, and in the end I missed him and killed him!"

"If that Zhongxinhou takes action against me, I think my father-in-law should be able to solve this matter!"

Su Chen looked at King Zhou Wu.

Throwing this question to King Wu of Zhou depends on the strength of King Wu of Zhou.

Although he was a first-class marquis, if King Wu of Zhou wanted to compete for the position of the emperor of the Great Zhou Dynasty, even a first-class marquis could not solve it, so his father-in-law would not need to compete for the emperor's position anymore.

"I'll help you with this matter!"

"I'm going to the palace right now, to see the emperor, and ask the emperor to give you a decree. As long as there is a decree from the emperor, the loyal prince will not dare to touch you in the imperial city!"

When King Wu of Zhou heard Su Chen's words, King Wu of Zhou spoke.

another place

In the majestic Zhongxinhou Mansion.

The headless body of Marquis Lie Yang was placed outside the hall.

A lady looked at Lie Yanghou's body on the ground with a sad face.

This woman has a golden hairpin on her head, and tassels hang down. Although she is over 40, she can still see her youthful beauty in her eyebrows.

It's just that her lips were too thin, which gave her original dignified appearance a sharp and cruel taste.

This woman is Zhongxin Hou Zheng's wife, Mrs. Lu, the wife of the Great Zhou Dynasty, title: Mrs. Zihua.

Crying now, his face is pale, his eye circles are slightly dark, and his eyes are even bloodshot. It seems that he has been crying for a long time and has not had a good rest.

"Who killed my son, who is it!"

"Catch him for me, and I will let him die."

Mrs. Zihua's eyes opened angrily, her knuckles turned white from too much force, she gritted her teeth and said.

Standing beside him was a butler in fine attire.

At this moment, he was shivering all over, but he had to speak at this moment.

"Ma'am, the person who killed the young master is called Su Chen, and he is the son-in-law of King Wu of Zhou. He is currently in the residence of King Wu of Zhou. We have no way to arrest him!"

The housekeeper in Huafu said timidly.

"King Wu of Zhou, his son-in-law killed my son and hid in the palace, so why don't you dare to take it? What's the use of you?"

While speaking, Mrs. Zihua slapped the butler in gorgeous clothes on the face.

The face of the steward in Chinese clothes opened up, his face was swollen high and purple, and he didn't dare to use his true energy to resist.

"You take someone to Zhou Wuwang's mansion and ask him to hand over that Su Chen, my son can't just die like this!"

Mrs. Zihua looked at the butler in Chinese clothes, her eyes filled with murderous intent.

"Madam, Zhou Wu Palace, we!"

The housekeeper in the Chinese clothes said fearfully.

Taking someone to Zhou Wuwang's mansion to ask for someone is no different from courting death.

Most of them are beaten here, if they go there, they will die directly.

Seeing the butler in Huafu standing here motionless.

Mrs. Zihua's face darkened.

"Didn't you listen to my order? Then what do I need you for?"

"Madam, I'm afraid we won't be able to enter Prince Wu's Mansion even if we go, please forgive me, Madam!"

The butler who spoke immediately knelt down and said.

"Trash, a bunch of trash! Where's Master Hou? He can retreat even after his son is dead! You call Master Hou out!"

Mrs. Zihua said sharply.

"Ma'am, Master Hou should be able to come out tomorrow. Master Hou is consolidating the last step, and he can't come out today for such a big thing! What's more, Su Chen is in Prince Wu's mansion, so he can't escape, Madam, don't worry!"

At this time, an old butler with gray hair and stooped figure came over and said.

When the white-haired old man appeared, Mrs. Zihua's expression and tone stabilized.

"But I can't wait, the person who killed my son, I don't want him to live another day, I want him to die, since you don't take action, then I will arrange it myself!"

"Send the young master's body to the mourning hall!"

After Madam Zihua finished speaking, she turned and left.

When leaving the courtyard, he said to the old woman beside him, "Go see them and let them take action. I will kill Su Chen today."


The old lady turned and left.

But at this moment in the hall, among a group of servants, a man rolled his eyes and looked at the figure of the leaving old lady.

"You all go down too!"

At this time, the old butler waved to the people in the courtyard.

outside the palace
a corner
A man in black is waiting.

in a while.

A person walked out of the palace and came to the man.

"I've seen the leader. The old lady next to Mrs. Zihua has left and went to ask someone to help. Zhongxin Hou has not left the retreat, and he will come out tomorrow!"

The visitor said immediately.

"Mrs. Zihua wants to arrange for someone to do it herself."

"Okay, you go back first, I won't look for you, you don't need to do anything!"

The man in black waved his hand.

comers leave quickly,

After the visitor left, a fierce look flashed in the exposed eyes of the man in black.

"Are you going to attack the master? You are looking for death. I will go and see who you are looking for."

The voice was exactly that of the Five Poison Boys.

Five Du Boys and Cui Wuhu stepped into the Heavenly Gate and came to the Great Zhou Dynasty half a year ago. The poisoning of the group of people on the street just now was also caused by Wu Du Boys.
On a business trip, it is expected to return around the 8th

(End of this chapter)

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