The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 1106 Tianwai Xianlou, 1 Pavilions on the 9st Floor, Li Chenzhou, Heaven Kills Bashan

Chapter 1106 Tianwai Immortal Building, Nine Pavilions on the First Floor, Li Chenzhou, Heaven Kills Bashan
"you are?"

Bi Xuan looked at the other party and said.

Hearing this, the person from the Imperial City Division was stunned, he didn't expect that Bi Xuan didn't know him.

"I'm new to the Great Zhou Dynasty."

Seeing the other party's doubts, Bi Xuan opened his mouth and said.

"I'm the Supervisor of the Imperial City Department of the Great Zhou Dynasty in charge of this area. My name is Fang Tong. I don't know how to call you."

The visitor identifies himself.

"I've seen Commander Fang. Now that the Beast God Sect has been executed, I won't stay here anymore!"

After Bi Xuan finished speaking, he turned and left.

Fang Tong didn't stop Bi Xuan from leaving, but just looked in the direction Bi Xuan was leaving, and froze slightly.

At this moment

Four figures in imperial uniforms appeared beside Fang Tong.

"My lord, just let him go."

"The one who died was the housekeeper of the Zhongxinhou Mansion, how should we deal with it?"

One person spoke.

His eyes were looking at the white-haired old man whose body was pierced.

"Don't let him leave. He killed the Beast God Sect, but everyone saw it. Do you think the other party will follow us to the Imperial City Division?"

"What's more, he killed everyone. The dead are more beneficial to us. Otherwise, what do you do with the living when you bring them back!"

Fang Tong said in a deep voice.

Bi Xuan actually helped him,

It stands to reason that Fang Tong still owed Bi Xuan a favor.

"You go and investigate this Bi Xuan, the others and I are here to collect clues, and by the way, bring the body of the housekeeper of the Zhongxin Hou Mansion back to the Imperial City Division!"

Fang Tong gave instructions to everyone.

Of course, regarding the appearance of Beast God Cult, Fang Tong seemed very normal.

Beast God Sect can exist for such a long time, its strength and hidden means are extraordinary.

He was more interested in Na Bixuan.

The body breath is very strong.

From the aloofness and ruthlessness shown in the battle just now, he might be able to make friends.


The steward of the Zhongxin Hou Mansion came into contact with the Beast God Sect and was beheaded by a man named Bi Xuan. The news spread quickly,

Great Zhou Celestial Dynasty Imperial City,

It's been a long time since anything major happened, but it happened one after another in the past two days.

And they are all related to the Zhongxinhou Mansion.

Zhongxinhou Mansion.


The teacup in Zhongxinhou's hand shattered directly, his expression was terribly gloomy.

"Who is that person named Bi Xuan, and where is he now?"

Hou Zhongxin said.

In front of him was a thin middle-aged man in a brocade robe, who replied, "Master, Bi Xuan just arrived today, and he directly appeared at the place where the Beast God Sect is located!"

"Judging from the clues we got, the other party should be looking for trouble with the Beast God Sect!"

"This person is fierce, as if he has a big enmity with the Beast God Sect!"

"Now in an inn in the city!"

Hearing the thin man, Zhong Xinhou's eyes froze.

"Whoever gave him the information in the city, I don't believe that he can find the place where the Beast God Sect is located by himself!"

Zhongxinhou asked in a deep voice.

"The subordinates have sent people to investigate, I believe there will be clues coming back soon!"

The thin man said hastily.

"Zhiwen, find out as soon as possible, I want to see if this Bi Xuan belongs to King Wu of Zhou."

Zhongxin Hou said in a deep voice.


At this moment, a servant rushed in from outside.

"How's the news investigation going?"

the skinny man asked.

"I found out, it was the Heisha League that Bi Xuan was in contact with, and the people from the Heisha League brought Bi Xuan there!"

The visitor replied immediately.

"Black Fiend Alliance?"

Hearing this news, Hou Zhongxin's eyes narrowed slightly,

To be able to form an underground force in the imperial city of the Great Zhou Dynasty must have a certain background,

It is rumored that the Heisha League has something to do with Fu Tianpeng, one of the Four Marquises of Yangling.

"You go to the Black Demon League yourself and ask them to give an explanation,"

Hou Zhongxin said.

"This subordinate understands and will find out where Bi Xuan came from!"

After speaking, the middle-aged man turned and left,

After the middle-aged man left, Hou Zhongxin stood up and looked outside the door.

"Whether King Wu of Zhou has something to do with you or not, you can't stay in the imperial city now, and I want to drive you to the western frontier as soon as possible, so as to restore my reputation in the Zhongxinhou Mansion!"

"Prepare the car, I'm going out!"

Hou Zhongxin ordered.

another place

King Wu's Mansion of Zhou Dynasty,

"As expected, Bi Xuan did not disappoint me, he solved it very quickly!"

"Let the Five Poison Boys pay close attention to the movements of the Zhongxinhou Mansion, he should not let Bi Xuan go so easily!"

"Suiyun, you are ready to step into the Realm Realm, and trade some resources to Bi Xuan!"

Su Chen then ordered.

Bi Xuan is only one step away from reaching the Six Levels of True Self, it is better to step into the Six Levels of True Self as soon as possible!

As for the bloodline stimulation, it needs to be developed by Bi Xuan himself.

"How about the collection of monsters and beasts?"

Su Chen asked.

"We are lucky to have stepped into the Tianmen now. They are all in the territory of the human race. Only the place where the madman Yan is located is close to the territory of the beast. He is in the eastern part of the barren state!"

"Your Excellency Yan Kuangtu is recruiting some people and preparing to form a force. What do you think of the Lord?"

The original follow the cloud.

Hearing this, Su Chen moved slightly and became thoughtful.

When he was under Tianmen, Su Chen began to think about this matter.

He plans to define the power above Tianmen as Tianwai Xianlou, and the lower part is divided into nine pavilions.

Tianya Pavilion is the eighth pavilion, and Qinglonghui is the ninth pavilion.

The previous position remains unchanged.

The major deputy cabinet masters can increase their own power by themselves.

Of course, the main reason why Su Chen didn't make his own name all of a sudden is that there is no such thing as a town.

If someone came to the level of a great emperor or quasi-emperor, he would dare to make a name for himself,

But no, I can only keep a low profile,

Keep it low-key for now.

In this way, the forces under Tianmen can also be connected.

"Yes, this subordinate will inform Pavilion Master Yu Yan!"

The original follow the cloud.

[The host's subordinate Li Chenzhou joined Tianlu Bashan, one of the five major powers in Zhongzhou, and became the third disciple of Tianluba Mountain, the third master of the closed door!Reward 1 Purple Draw Card! 】

At this time, a reminder message sounded in Su Chen's ear,

Li Chenzhou joined Tianluba Mountain, one of the five major powers in Zhongzhou, and became Tianluba Mountain, the third-in-charge's closed disciple,

This surprised Su Chen,

Zhongzhou, Shenzhou, Tianzhou, and the three major states are the most central areas of the human race, and they are also the most powerful areas of the human race. The forces here are several times stronger than the peripheral forces.

And this day, Luba Mountain, as one of the five major powers in Zhongzhou, shows its extraordinary strength.

Rumor has it that there are three masters in Luba Mountain this day, and these three are brothers.

Their strengths are all at the quasi-emperor level. It is rumored that the three of them have teamed up and fought against a beast of the emperor level. Although they were injured and escaped, it can be seen that they are powerful.

Unexpectedly, Li Chenzhou became the closed disciple of the third master.

This was completely unexpected for Su Chen.

Previously, he thought that Pang Ban had the best development, but he didn't expect Li Chenzhou's luck to be good.

Sure enough, a born overlord is welcome everywhere.

Look at that purple draw card.

Su Chen wondered whether to withdraw it.

But at this time.


A terrifying aura enveloped Zhou Wu Wangfu.

Along with a voice spread in Zhou Wu Wangfu.

"From now on, King Wu of Zhou will lead his troops to the West Hammer Realm, sit on the West Border Realm, and destroy the beast Hunyuan Heavenly King, there must be no mistake!"

Following the sound, a golden will descended towards King Zhou Wu's mansion,

this moment,

Su Chen suddenly felt a huge coercion enveloped him, and his whole body seemed to be uncontrollable. Under this coercion, his whole body was instantly suppressed, without any other thoughts in his mind.

(End of this chapter)

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