Chapter 1109 Killing with one punch, no one in the world knows you
Yuan Suiyun's aptitude is extraordinary in itself, and it is stimulated by the blood of bats, and the speed exceeds others' imagination.

At this scene, Wang Yan couldn't help showing a hint of surprise in his eyes.

This Yuan Suiyun is not only fast, but also has extraordinary kendo attainments, but his cultivation level in terms of true essence is somewhat different from his.

After all, he is already close to the level of the transformation domain,

At this moment, the opponent's speed is so fast that he can only defend.

"Fire Yang True Essence Sword Formation!"

With a movement of the long sword in his hand, the true energy in his body exploded, and the sword energy burst out from the long sword, forming a sword formation to cover himself in front of him.

Yuan Suiyun gave a low drink.

The speed is extremely fast, and the sword light is violent.

It collided with the sword array, making an earth-shattering collision sound

The terrifying fighting power erupted and spread from between the two, turning the surrounding space into sword energy and spreading towards the surroundings.

The ground is pierced with countless fine holes by the sword energy,

This time Wang Yan's body was shaken back a few steps.


Seeing this situation, the expressions of the people watching the battle changed,

Wang Yan is a disciple of the master of Lieyan Sword Sect, and Yuan Suiyun just followed Su Chen's entourage. Who is not surprised that such a person is evenly divided with Wang Yan and fights in a separate court!

At this moment, the retreating Wang Yan's face became extremely ugly.

He didn't expect that this Su Chen follower could fight against him,

Before the Lord saw him, he started to fight with the opponent's follower,

Thinking of this, Wang Yan's face became more gloomy, and his deep eyes were full of murderous intent.

A phantom appeared on his body, and the flames were burning in the phantom, vaguely beginning to affect the surrounding space.

Yuan Suiyun's complexion changed.

He felt the air temperature in the space around him begin to change,

A burning sensation enveloped his heart.

Accompanied by this scorching heat.

Yuan Suiyun found that the surrounding air began to burn, and the flames burned out, turning into long swords.

This is the domain.

"This Wang Yan has come into contact with Yu!"

Yuan Suiyun's eyes froze. Although he had obtained some ancient bat blood, he hadn't realized the domain yet.


Wanting to break through this domain, his figure turned into an afterimage at an extremely fast speed.

But it is impossible to break away from the envelope of this domain.

"You dare to come out to fight me without comprehending a trace of domain. Could it be because of your speed?"

Wang Yan's eyes were ferocious and fierce.

Yuan Suiyun's advantage is his speed, which increases the sharpness of his kendo.

Now the original Suiyun speed is limited.

How could he be his opponent.


Wang Yan shouted, and slashed out with a sword, the flaming long swords around Yuan Suiyun gathered in an instant, enveloping Yuan Suiyun away.

Under this sword energy, Yuan Suiyun felt an extreme majesty.

The blood of the ancient bats in his body began to be stimulated continuously, flowing in his body, and a terrifying viciousness erupted in Yuan Suiyun's body. At this moment, there was a slight vibration in the domain that originally suppressed him.

After all, Wang Yan only came into contact with the domain, and did not fully grasp the domain.

In this shaking moment,

Then Yuan Suiyun rushed out of the field, dodging the splitting sword.

The figure appeared behind Wang Yan.

The qi and blood on his body surged instantly, and in conjunction with the true energy in his body, he slashed out with a single sword.

"not good!"

Wang Yan's expression changed drastically, and he sensed the danger.

At this moment, he suddenly let out a roar, and cast a forbidden technique, the blood all over his body seemed to be on fire, cooperating with his true essence, his body speed accelerated.

His figure flickered and disappeared instantly.

Almost at the same time, a night-like sword qi slashed down, and the sword light fell on the area where he was standing just now.

Wang Yan, who appeared at one place, broke out in a cold sweat. If he hadn't erupted in time just now, his fate would have been split in half by a sword.

A sword fell through.

Yuan Suiyun came to kill again, no nonsense at all.

He wants to attack, not giving Wang Yan a chance to react,

Seeing this, how dare Wang Yan hesitate?He suddenly crushed a strange golden flame rune in his hand.

A golden flame enveloped his figure.

Yuan Suiyun's sword collided with the golden flame, but was blocked, and there was a scorching feeling from it, and his face changed.

"Damn it, you're courting death! I'm going to cook you up,"

Shouting with boundless anger resounded around.

Amid the need for flames, a huge flaming giant sword appeared above Wang Yan's head, and the surrounding air began to burn when the giant sword appeared, forming a vacuum. Yuan Suiyun's figure once again felt suppressed.

At this time, Wang Yan's sword fell.

He will not give Yuan Suiyun another chance to react.

The sword fell.

Just at this moment, a figure appeared from the Hou Mansion.


The figure was huge, and the energy and blood on the figure appeared like an oven, soaring into the sky, piercing through the sky and the earth, with majestic momentum, and the blood energy surging like a vast ocean.

The powerful qi and blood were burning fiercely, so powerful that it made people tremble, and the space surrounded by the huge flame sword was shattered at this moment.

at this moment.

Yuan Suiyun's figure disappeared in front of Wang Yan.

Wang Yan's sword fell through.

Seeing this situation, the people watching the battle were a little shocked.

His eyes turned towards that figure.

"That's Su Chen!"

Some recognized Su Chen,

"Why is his blood so strong!"

Perceiving Su Chen's blood, everyone was extremely surprised.

The energy and blood on Su Chen's body turned into a blood dragon, burning blazingly, so powerful that it made people tremble.

"If you are looking for death, I will give you a ride!"

Su Chen was speaking.

Disappeared in place, no matter how low he appeared, he had already appeared in front of Wang Yan,

Fist in hand
Violent and bloody like a dragon, it landed on the opponent's golden rune.

Before Wang Yan could react to the golden flame rune, his whole body together with the rune was punched on the ground.

The ground collapsed, but Wang Yan was not seriously injured.

The golden rune defense is still there.

But his face is grim,

With the protection of the golden rune, Su Chen punched him and landed on the ground, as if he was no match at all.

This also somewhat puzzled him.

When Su Chen killed Lie Yanghou, he didn't show such a strong power,

Just when he was furious.

Su Chen's fists continued to fall, one punch after another, punching like a dragon, galloping and roaring, hitting the golden flame rune.

In the rune, Wang Yan couldn't use his strength to make a move at all, and his whole body was shaking extremely,

"You can't break through my defense!"

Wang Yan growled.


When Wang Yan's low growl fell.

A crack appeared in the golden rune.

Wang Yan's expression changed drastically.

Click, click, as the crack grows bigger, it shatters like glass.

When he returned to his mind.

Su Chen's fist landed on his head.

The head was like a paste, smashed by Su Chen's fist,

"This is the one sent by the Marquis of Zhongxin. It's really too weak, and I'm so disappointed!"

After Su Chen finished speaking, he turned around and returned to the Hou's mansion. Yuan Suiyun glanced at Wang Yan's body, and kicked him out.

After killing, insult the corpse,

The fact that Wang Yan was killed by Su Chen's fist swept across the entire imperial city in no time.

Compared with the previous killing of Marquis Lieyang, the momentum is even stronger.

And spread outside the Great Zhou Dynasty.

There is quite a posture that no one in the world knows the king,

(End of this chapter)

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