The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 1112 A monster at the king level wants to control Su Chen

Chapter 1112 A monster at the king level wants to control Su Chen
Looking at Qi Ming whose body exploded.

Yuchitian's complexion turned dark all of a sudden, Qi Ming's talent is pretty good.

But now it's dead like this,

But he was helpless,

"Qiu Jianshou, just go to the imperial city of the Great Zhou Dynasty and obey Su Chen for a year!"

Yuchitian said.

"Come with me!"

Lie Yan Patriarch standing in the void said to Yuchitian.


Yu Chitian followed Patriarch Lieyan and left.

The entire Raging Flame Sword Sect seemed silent.

As one of the five great sword heads, Qiu Xiaolin looked a little bad, and had been under Su Chen's orders for a year.

It's a disgrace to her.

But the Supreme Demon Palace overwhelms people with power.

The ancestor has no way to resist, so she can only accept this shame.

The Great Zhou Dynasty, the imperial city.

County Luhou Mansion.

When Su Chen received Pang Ban's letter, his expression changed slightly,

He didn't expect that Pang Ban would go to Lie Yan Jian Zong personally with the Supreme Ninth Layer powerhouse.

Qiu Xiaolin, one of the five great sword heads who defeated Lie Yan Jianzong, obeyed him for a year.

"The devil is indeed domineering, now we have to see the reactions of other people in the imperial city."

Su Chen said in his heart,

Su Chen didn't make this relationship public before, and no one in the Great Zhou Dynasty knew about it.

However, news from Lieyan Sword Sect will spread quickly, and I believe many people will visit him by then.


At this moment, what happened to Lie Yan Jianzong has spread to the imperial city.

In the palace of Prince Zhou Wu of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

"Princess, news came from Lie Yan Jianzong just now that Su Chen is the disciple of Pang Ban, the new leader of the Xun Mozi lineage of the Taishang Demon Palace!"

"Pang Ban and Master Jiang Yuexing from the Supreme Demon Palace came to the Lieyan Sword Sect to threaten Qiu Xiaolin, one of the five great sword heads of the Lieyan Sword Sect, to come to the imperial city to serve Su Chen for a year!"

Beside Zhou Wu's concubine Ji Qianli, a maid said hastily.

"The Taishang Demon Palace, a disciple of one of the five veins, no wonder he dared to kill Lie Yanghou."

"With this identity, no one in the imperial city would dare to attack him."

"No wonder the prince will do his best to help him!"

Ji Qianli murmured.

while they were talking.

A figure came at a high speed.

"Miss, the master sent someone to come, and asked the lady to go back."

This maid was brought by Ji Qianli from Ji's house, so she was called Miss.

"It seems that my father has also learned about Su Chen, clean up, let's go back!"

Ji Qianli thought for a moment and then said.

This is her chance.

The family knew Su Chen's identity, so they sent someone to invite her back.

She wants to use this opportunity to win some resources for King Wu of Zhou.

one place!
Qian Junmo, Zhou Yuanyi, Wen Yan, and Lanyue Hou Dongfangchu who was with Qian Junmo under the Tianmen, the four were gathering together.

"I really didn't expect Su Chen to be a member of the Supreme Demon Palace, or the first disciple of the line!"

"This identity is really unexpected!"

"The two of you have a relationship with Su Chen, if you have time, see if you can ask Su Chen out!"

Zhou Yuan looked at Qian Junmo and Dongfang Chudao.

"I'm not very familiar with Su Chen? Dongfang Chu has some relationship with Su Chen, maybe he can ask Su Chen out,"

Qian Junmo looked at Dongfang Chudao.

"Actually, before this, I have asked Boss Su to have a banquet at [Bichen Pavilion] tonight!"

"At that time, the three of you can be together!"

Dongfang Chu said with a smile.

He was a little excited at the moment.

After all, when Su Chen moved from the Prince's Mansion to the Junluhou Mansion, he made an appointment with Su Chen. It was a sneaky appointment before.

Now Su Chen's identity as a disciple of the Supreme Demon Palace has been revealed.

He felt that he was a little too wise!
"Although Su Chen is the first disciple of the Taishang Demon Palace, he is only a disciple. Otherwise, the first disciple should have come to the imperial city, not the Raging Flame Sword Sect."

"We don't need to pay too much attention to Su Chen!"

Wen Yan at the side saw the smile on Dongfang Chu's face, and said.

"Wen Yan, you need to let go of your mentality. Getting to know Su Chen is beneficial to us!"

Together with Zhou Yuan.

"Brother Dongfang, do you know what Su Chen likes, the first time we meet, I always give him something."

Zhou Yuan looked at Dongfang Chu.

He wanted to have a good relationship with Su Chen.

"My lord, Boss Su likes some ancient documents and miscellaneous books!"

"Then I'll go back and get ready, see you at [Bichen Pavilion] tonight!"

Zhou Yuanyi said goodbye and left.

Then Qian Junmo got up and left.

Dongfang Chu glanced at Wen Yan: "Brother Wen, if you don't want to go, you don't have to!"

After speaking, he got up and left.

After the three left,

Wen Yan's eyes brightened.

"The first disciple of the Taishang Demon Palace, I didn't expect it, Su Chen, you are giving me a chance to make meritorious deeds!"

His face became excited, he stood up and left, but he didn't leave the attic, but came to the back of the attic, in front of a dark courtyard.

Push open the courtyard door.

When he pushed open the courtyard door and stepped into the courtyard,

surrounding changes,

In the blink of an eye, he appeared in an underground space,

within the space
The blood-red beam of light was flowing, and the black mist filled the air, exuding a gloomy chill. A figure in a blood-colored robe was sitting cross-legged in it.

"I've seen adults!"

Wen Yan stepped forward and bowed in salute.

"What happened?"

"My lord, the first disciple of the Supreme Demon Palace has appeared in the imperial city!"

Wen Yan said immediately.

"The first disciple of the line!"

Hearing this, the breath of the blood-colored figure sitting cross-legged changed, and all the blood-colored and black air around him poured into his body.

He opened his eyes with surprise in his eyes,

"You mean the first disciple of the Supreme Demon Palace is in the imperial city?"

The bloody figure asked in confirmation.

"My lord, yes!"

Wen Yan immediately told the bloody figure some information about Su Chen.

"Pang Ban, the new head of Xun Mozi's lineage? His disciple under the Tianmen, God help me!"

"I can't kill a normal disciple of the first sect, but this Su Chen hasn't stepped into the realm of transformation. With my strength, it's very easy to control him!"

"Once you control him, you can plant a nail in the Supreme Demon Palace!"

"Very good, very good, well done this time!"

The blood-colored figure showed joy in his eyes,

"This is your reward!"

After speaking, the bloody figure flicked his finger, and a drop of brown blood instantly melted into Wen Yan's body.

That Wenyan got the blood, his face was intoxicated, and then quickly knelt down and thanked him.

"You go down first! At night, you also go to meet this Su Chen!"

"If you can test it, test the other party!"

The bloody figure spoke.


Wen Yan obeyed.

When his voice fell, the surroundings of his body changed, and his whole body returned to the situation where he just opened the door and stepped into the small courtyard.

And in that space just now,

The blood-colored figure slowly stood up,

"I will definitely be able to make great contributions to our Demon Blood Clan this time!"

This bloody figure is a monster, a member of the demon blood clan.

Has been lurking in the human race, in the Great Zhou Celestial Dynasty. From the appearance, the other party is no different from a human being. It can be seen that he is a king-level monster,

The Demon Blood Clan, close to Yuzhou and Leizhou, has always wanted to take down these two areas of the human race, and sent many clansmen into this area.

(End of this chapter)

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