Hearing the words of Hou Zhongxin,

Ao Chong's expression changed.

He didn't expect Hou Zhongxin to want to be the emperor.

"Lord Zhongxin, your ambition is really not small! The emperor of the Great Zhou Dynasty, you dare to think about it."

Ao Chong looked at Hou Zhongxin with some disdain.

Seeing the disdain on Ao Chong's face, Hou Zhongxin's eyes flickered coldly, and a breath appeared on his body, which enveloped Ao Chong.

Perceived the breath fluctuations emanating from Zhongxinhou's body.

Ao Chong had a vague feeling of being suppressed.

"Your strength?"

Ao Chong's eyes froze, Zhongxinhou's strength had not reached the Supreme Realm, but it gave him a vague sense of oppression.


"If Yan Zun doesn't show up next time, don't notify me!"

Zhongxin Hou said in a cold voice.

While speaking, he turned and left.

"Why do you have to leave when Zhongxinhou is here? I can promise Zhongxinhou some things for Lord Yan Zun!"

The person hiding in the dark came out and said,

Hou Zhongxin stopped and looked at the other party: "Who are you?"

"In Xiayuedu Mountain, Lord Yan Zun's emissary, Hou Zhongxin, if you want to meet Lord Yan Zun, you need to show sincerity!"

Yuedushan looked at Zhongxinhou and said.

"Sincerity! Isn't it sincerity for me to come here in person?"

Zhongxin Hou heard the words and said in a cold voice.

"This is sincerity, but it is not enough. Our Beast God Sect now controls many small countries, but very few countries like the Celestial Dynasty."

"Don't you want to become the Emperor of the Great Zhou Dynasty?"

"Near the eastern frontier of the Great Zhou Dynasty, there is a small country called Razor. They are interested in Yuanluo City, a small city controlled by the frontier army!"

Yuedushan looked at Zhongxinhou and said.

"This sincerity is very appetizing. Yuanluo City is one of the most densely populated cities in the eastern border."


Zhongxin Hou asked in a deep voice,

"Five days!"

Moon Hill.

"it is good!"

After Zhongxin Hou finished speaking, he turned around, the rune in his palm reappeared, a passage appeared, and his figure stepped into it.

"What do you think of Zhongxinhou's words?"

After Zhongxinhou left, Yuedushan spoke.

"A fool's dream!"

"But if he really wants us to take away all the people in Yuanluo City, then he really has this heart."

Ao Chong said in a deep voice.

There are millions of people in Yuanluo City.

"Do you know why Master Yan Zun sent his avatar to see Hou Zhongxin?"

"It's because of the loyalty and ambition of the Lord. The previous line of the religion was to control some small countries, but after so many years of development, it has reached a bottleneck, so some venerables proposed the idea of ​​​​controlling the celestial dynasty."

"If our Beast God Sect can control a celestial dynasty, then it is conceivable that the Beast God Sect can continue to change from darkness to light, and can develop vigorously in secret!"

Yue Yueshan opened his mouth.

"The five celestial dynasties in Yuzhou have nothing to do with the three major sects on the surface, but secretly the royal families of the five celestial dynasties are recognized by the three major sects."

"I'm afraid that if there is any big movement, it will attract the attention of the three major sects!"

Ao Chong frowned and said.

"That's why we have a chance if they rebel internally. Judging from the news we got, Emperor Zhou wants King Wu of Zhou to succeed him as emperor."

"Otherwise, I wouldn't send him to the Western Frontier. This is to help King Wu of Zhou improve his military skills and combat power,"

"It is rumored that the Marquis of Zhongxin has always been close to King Cambrian."

"He can completely wear the coat of the Cambrian King and do many things."

"What's more, just now the burst of Zhongxinhou's aura made me feel that he has been controlling his own strength and preventing his strength from stepping into the Supreme Realm. Zhongxinhou is hiding very deeply."

Yue Yueshan said in a deep voice.

"Then how do we do it?"

"Wait for the news from the eastern border first. If something happens to Yuan Luo City, Lord Yan Zun will definitely meet with him."

"Let's go!"

Yue Yueshan left with Ao Chong,


The setting sun is setting.

Su Chen's carriage stopped in front of [Bichen Pavilion].

When the door attendant saw the carriage, he immediately stepped forward. Dongfang Chu hosted a banquet for Su Chen in [Bichen Pavilion], and informed the door attendant about Su Chen's situation.

Su Chen got off the carriage.

"Junluhou, the old slave Rongcheng is the steward of this [Bichen Pavilion]. Young Master Dongfang is in the backyard, please."

At this time, a middle-aged man in brocade clothes came out of the building, saluted Su Chen,

The Young Master Dongfang he was talking about was Dongfang Chu.

This 【Bichen Pavilion】is the property of the Dongfang family.

[Bichen Pavilion] In the imperial city, it is the favorite place for dignitaries and martial arts experts to gather,

Following the steward, they entered the back yard,

The courtyard at the back looks very quiet, with a lake.

Although it is small, it is clear and bright. The shore is covered with old vines, which is very beautiful.

On the shore, stones are piled up to form a scene, which is very natural.

On the lakeside, there is an attic built near the water.

Because around the lakeside, the mist in the water rises, forming a sense of fairy mist.

The attic is hidden among ancient trees, surrounded by greenery and covered by mist.

The sound of guzheng and zither ensemble came from the pavilion.

"This is Tingxian Building!"

The butler brought Su Chen outside the pavilion.

And Dongfang Chu was standing under the pavilion, when he saw Su Chen, he immediately stepped forward.

"Boss Su, former manager!"

Dongfang Chu was still as enthusiastic as he was under the Heavenly Gate.

A sense of familiarity.

"You go down!"

Dongfang Chu waved his hand to let the steward leave, and he took Su Chen and Yuan Suiyun into the pavilion,

In the pavilion, there were already five people sitting. Apart from Qian Junmo, Zhou Yuanyi, and Wen Yan, there was also a young man in a purple robe.

when they come in.

Qin, the sound of the zither stopped.

Su Chen looked at the people in the pavilion and narrowed his expression slightly. He didn't expect to see Qian Junmo here.

Dongfang Chu and Qian Junmo disappeared after they were in the south of the Yangtze River, and unexpectedly returned to Tianmen.

"Boss Su, let me introduce you, this is the son of Prince Zhenwu, a young prince of Zhou Yuan!"

"This is Wen Yan, the third son of the first-class Marquis Wenchang!"

"This is Zi Qianqiong, the only son of first-class Hou Ziyihou!"

"As for Qian Junmo, he is the son of the head of the ancient Qian family in Yuzhou."

Introduced one by one on Dongfang Junior Day, even Qian Junmo introduced,

Thousands of families from ancient times.

There are two characters of ancient times in the name, which shows the extraordinary heritage of this thousand family.

"I have met Brother Su. In Yuanyi next week, I heard that Brother Su has a fondness for ancient objects. This is a small gift from me, and it is an ancient document!"

As soon as Zhou Yuan saw the ceremony, he also presented a brocade box.

"I met Brother Su,"

Several people greeted Su Chen at the same time, and gave a gift,

It's just that when these people were presenting the ceremony, because of their strong spiritual sense, Su Chen felt that Wen Yan was hostile to him.

"I don't seem to have offended this Wen Yan. Why would you be hostile to me? It seems that I should pay attention to this guy later?"

Su Chen thought in his heart.

"Boss Su, I know you like ancient books, ancient books, and some ancient things, so tell them in advance!"


Dongfang Chu arranged for Su Chen to sit down, and then clapped his hands, the sound of the zither and the zither continued to sound on both sides,

And at this time, behind the screen in the attic, several beautiful women came out one after another. These women are graceful, slender, and pleasing to the eye.

Behind these beautiful women.

A person appeared, wearing a red tulle dress, with crystal clear skin, as if made of crystal.

Her lips were like a burning flame, full of temptation, but her eyes were mournful and melancholy, with a thrilling and alluring feeling.


After this person appeared, Su Chen's consciousness suddenly moved.

"Boss Su, this is Master Li whom I specially invited from [Qin Yuelou]."

"Her dancing is unrivaled in the imperial city, her collarbone is natural!"

Looking at the dancing Li masters in that scene, Dongfang Chu said.

And Su Chen's side.

The scene begins to change,

In an instant, into a special scene,

In front of him, the woman in red is still a woman in red, but her eyes are flickering with red light, revealing endless fierce light.

"Su Chen, this blood demon king, plant a blood talisman and you will live!" (End of this chapter)

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