The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 1121 Extremely domineering, blood emperor, you will die today

Chapter 1121 Extremely domineering, blood emperor, you will die today
The Duxi Building of the Supreme Demon Palace moved.

Leizhou and Yuzhou were close, and when Yuzhou's strong man was shocked, Leizhou's strong man was also alarmed,

Some quasi-emperor-level powerhouses appeared outside Duxian Mountain.

Many people didn't know what happened. When they saw several quasi-emperors appearing, they thought that something big had happened.

As long as you cross the Duxian Mountain in Leizhou, you can reach the Demon Blood Clan.

Crossing Xianshan, the highest point.

The rocky mountain stands tall, with no grass growing, and it is scorched, as if it has been scorched by the most serious sun. The rocks emit a blazing light like black charcoal. Ordinary warriors enter here and are severely injured by the red heat here. It is like a restricted zone.

This was the place where the Great Emperor Realm powerhouses fought.

A black figure leaped in the mountains, and the surrounding energy could not cause any damage to him at all.

This person is dressed in black, with a refined and devilish face, but his hair is a little messy and looks a little rough.

If you tidy it up a bit, it will definitely be the kind of existence that can fascinate thousands of women,

This person's face was indifferent, and two terrifying rays of light shot out from his eyes, very bright, like two magic lamps, piercing through the darkness of Duxian Mountain.

"That's Duxi Building!"

At this moment, several figures appeared above the sky outside Duxian Mountain. Looking at the figure crossing Duxian Mountain, one of them spoke.

The person who spoke, his breath fluctuated pervasively, and the ninth layer of light faintly appeared, and he was a powerhouse of the Supreme Nine Layers.

The person beside him was wearing a golden robe with a mountain peak covered with cranes. He was the owner of Tianduyun Mountain, a quasi-emperor-level powerhouse.

when they speak.

Several figures appeared one after another, and they all looked at the figure in Duxilou.

"I didn't expect the Blood Emperor to lead out the Duxi Building of the Supreme Demon Palace,"

The light in one person's eyes was blazing, and he said: "Duxilou, he is going to kill the blood emperor, he is going to shake up the majesty of the human race, the agreement cannot be broken, and the one who breaks it will die!"

Just when Duxilou stepped into the territory of the Demon Blood Clan, a strong fighting spirit surged up to the sky, wanting to tear up the universe, like piercing through the entire sky.

"Demon Blood Clan, Blood Emperor, you dare to break the agreement of the three clans, step into my human clan with a clone, and kill me as a disciple of the Supreme Demon Palace. Today, I, Du Xilou, come to kill you!"

The voice was domineering and fierce, spreading throughout the entire demon blood clan,

Demon blood

In the Palace of the Blood Emperor,

The Blood Emperor, who was sitting on the huge blood chair, opened his eyes, and an astonishing blood light radiated from his eyes.

"You dare!"

After becoming a strong man in the Great Emperor Realm, no one dared to greet him like this, to kill him,


At this time, a strong man from the Demon Blood Clan rushed out.

"If you want to die, then you die!"

Just then.

Du Xilou's eyes turned cold, he raised his fist, and punched it out.

When he punched out, layers of black runes appeared on top of his fist, instantly covering the person who rushed out and the ground behind him.

After the fist shadow.

The person who rushed out and the ground behind him all disappeared.

A huge pit formed above the ground.

A terrifying blow.

Not only the person who took the shot was killed by a punch, and evaporated into nothingness, but also the other demon blood people on the ground, there was not a single bit left.

It's too scary,

"That's Groom, his strength, but the Supreme Ninth Layer, why can't he catch the opponent's blow, who is this person, who is this person?"

In other parts of the Demon Blood Clan, some people just rushed out, ready to attack and kill Duxilou.

But seeing this scene, he couldn't help but stop, not daring to make another move.

This person is not something they can resist.

"Moon Demon Heart Wheel!"

Just when the demon blood races were terrified and did not dare to do anything, a deep voice sounded in the air.

A black full moon appeared among the demon blood clan, and a blood shadow appeared in the full moon,

The blood shadow slapped down.

The full moon under the palm turned into two moon discs, heading towards Duxilou.

"Moon Demon Zhundi, you Demon Blood Monster Clan, at least there are ten quasi-dimperor-level powerhouses, and one of them has reached the half-step emperor level, why are you the only one here!"

Duxilou said in a cold voice when he saw that he raised his hand and smashed the two falling moon shadows with a punch.

"Duxilou, you have already stepped into the coffin, and you dare to come to my Demon Blood Demon Clan. Are you looking for death? I advise you to return, maybe you can still survive."

The attack of the shooter was blocked by a single blow, he didn't care at all, he stopped in a void, looking at Duxilou with sharp eyes.

"I'm here to kill the blood emperor. If the blood emperor dares to enter our human territory and kill me, the elder of the Supreme Demon Palace, he will die, he must die!"

As soon as Duxilou said these words, the breath in his body rose sharply.

Heaven and earth.There was thunder, as if offending God.

He stood alone in the void, with black hair dancing wildly, and his eyes were as scary as knives, staring in the direction of the Blood Emperor Palace.

Everyone was shocked, Duxilou was a bit too violent at this moment,

The demonic energy rolled all over his body, and the thunder rolled, like a demon lord, very frightening and frightening, his eyes were full of madness, making people afraid to approach.

Speak, with a firmness and an extreme self-confidence,

The blood emperor will die in his hands,

If you dare to stop me, I will kill you

The quasi-emperor known as the moon demon changed his face.

The figure gradually blurred, and disappeared in a blink of an eye,

Who is Duxilou? Although the fusion of the emperor's seal failed and he is still alive, it is undeniable that the combat power that broke out in the end is absolutely astonishing.

He is not an opponent,

Demons are selfish.

He won't fight for the Blood Emperor.

The blood emperor is a generation behind them, but he practiced very quickly, and stepped into the emperor realm before them, and now he is overwhelming them.

If the blood emperor dies, they may still be able to obtain the blood emperor's emperor seal and hit the emperor's realm.

Unlike the human race, in order to continue to survive, the emperor-level powerhouses must go to the land of the three states when they attack the emperor's realm. If there are monsters and beasts coming to attack and kill them, they must be blocked at the periphery.

And the powerhouses who have become the Great Emperor Realm will basically stay in the three states, increasing the strongest combat power of the human race,

Now the strongest in the periphery of the states are some half-step emperors among the quasi-emperors.

Of course, there may be some great emperors hidden in each state.

The high-end combat power is relatively concentrated, and it will be very terrifying if they erupt at the same time.

What's more, if the two sides fight, only one side can be cheaper, so the three parties restrict each other, forming this situation.

In the Blood Emperor Palace,

Red light flickered in the blood emperor's eyes.

Unexpectedly, the moon demon was scared away by the other party's words,

Now he also knows who this Duxilou is.

"These bastards didn't stop Duxilou for my emperor, and I will liquidate you after I clean up Duxilou!"

The blood emperor said sharply.

Then the figure disappeared into the palace,

in a blink of an eye,

Space fluctuations in the void,

The blood emperor dressed in blood appeared in the air.

"Duxilou, you really want to die. I, the blood emperor, have not just broken through and stepped into the Great Emperor Realm."

"Today I will kill you!"

The blood emperor took a step forward, equally strong and ruthless.

In an instant.

A terrible wave like a vast ocean rushed up, and the blood energy in the blood emperor was extremely prosperous, forming a sea of ​​blood that swept across the entire void.

The demon clansmen below, as well as some strong men outside Duxian Mountain, felt palpitations and almost suffocated. They felt as if they were being stared at by wild beasts. The Blood Emperor was a strong man at the level of a great emperor no matter what.

"Good, good, good!"

Duxilou called three times in a row.

After these three sounds, the breath of life on his body began to flow away, his eyes became crazy, and the devilish energy on his body swarmed out like terrifying devil flames, colliding with the sea of ​​blood!
The booming sound continued,

At the moment of the impact, Duxilou moved towards the Blood Emperor.

As soon as he made a move, he went all out, and his palms and fists carried vast power to suppress the blood emperor.

(End of this chapter)

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