Chapter 1126 When attacked, let me kill you

Unknowingly, a month later, Su Chen's motorcade had already entered the territory of the East Frontier.

The beautiful scenery along the way and the majestic mountains and rivers really opened Su Chen's eyes.

In the carriage, Su Chen closed his eyes and meditated, sitting upright like a mountain.

His right hand is bluffing.

A group of cyclones hovered in his palm, and finally condensed into a point, but this point vaguely affected the surrounding fluctuations,

During this period of time, Su Chen didn't need to sleep much at all. Apart from the necessary meals, he was basically practicing.

Now he has stepped into the domain level, and is feeling the magical effect of the domain.

Withdrawing the strength of his palm, Su Chen said, "Qiu Xiaolin from the Flame Sword Sect, why hasn't he arrived yet?"

A strong person in the Supreme Realm rushes on his way. In a day or two, he can actually reach Su Chen's side.

Although Su Chen is not in Luoyi City now, the other party should be able to find him,

But for such a long time, the other party did not show up,

"My lord, I just got the news that Qiu Xiaolin was ambushed by someone on the way here, and she lost her mind and soul. She is about to report this matter to you."

"Being ambushed and killed, it seems that I don't want to have a master by my side, is there someone who wants to attack me?"

"An Shigeng went to investigate and found that the place of the battle was suspicious. He did not find any information about the remnants of the soul. After careful investigation, he suspected that Qiu Xiaolin of the Raging Flame Sword Sect had faked her death. Zong's soul lamp has indeed gone out."

The original follow the cloud.

"Well, it seems that Qiu Xiaolin would rather not show up than come to protect me for a year."

For An Shigeng, Su Chen still believed. Although he had just stepped into the realm of transformation, some abilities gradually emerged.

"Fake death to escape, according to the logic, the time to protect me is only one year, at this time, Lie Yan Jianzong will not do this, it seems that this Qiu Xiaolin needs to pay attention!"

"I still don't have the strongest master by my side!"

Thinking of this, Su Chen then sighed.

Now he is just taking advantage of the momentum, the momentum of the Supreme Demon Palace, not his own momentum,

After shaking his head, he calmed down.

After stepping into the realm of transformation, his mind still did not relax.

He had a completely different mentality than when he was down below. He knew little about it before, and slowly planned to develop, step by step to expand the Azure Dragon Club and Tianya Pavilion, and become the overlord of the world below.

Let him have an air of supremacy.

But in this world, he has always had a feeling of being suppressed.

After all, you can't do whatever you want like before.

Mental problems.

During this period of time, from Luoyi City, he was both cultivating and cultivating his mind.


On top of a mountain not far away.

Two figures appeared.

One of them was wearing black clothes and a bamboo hat, and the other was Zhongxinhou.

"Zhou Ru has returned, do you think the Beast God Cult will do something this time?"

The man in black and a bamboo hat spoke.

The voice was soft and pleasant, and from the sound, the other party was a woman.

"If the Beast God Sect doesn't make a move, will Qiu Jianshou make a move?"

Marquis Zhongxin looked at the man wearing a bamboo hat and said,

From his words, it can be heard that the person wearing the bamboo hat turned out to be Qiu Xiaolin, the head of the sword of the Raging Flame Sword Sect, whose soul has dissipated.

"I don't know how to make a move. If I make a move, I will leave traces. People who are too high in the magic palace will definitely be able to find me. I can't be exposed at this moment!"

Qiu Xiaolin said.

Hou Zhongxin did not speak again.

But he was extremely surprised in his heart, he didn't expect Qiu Xiaolin to belong to his imperial brother,

"Brother Huang, the situation you have set up is really big!"

He could only sigh like this in his heart.

He looked at Su Chen and his team.

At this moment, Su Chen and his convoy were entering a rolling forest.

In the forest area, quiet, very quiet

When the convoy was halfway through, a sudden change occurred
Xi Yuyu

The war horse neighed, and black shadows burst out of the ground suddenly. At the same time as they flew out, they lifted the heavy carriages with their palms and threw them far away.

What's more powerful, with a slap of the palm, the skeleton of the carriage was directly shaken apart.

bang bang

The carriages flew more than ten feet and fell to the ground, torn apart.

"Enemy attack! Guard!"

A loud shout sounded.

Although they were suddenly attacked, the soldiers sent by Zhou Mudao, the emperor of the Great Zhou Dynasty, were not simple. They quickly stabilized and held long knives on guard.

And the leader shouted loudly, with a long gun in his hand, he immediately headed towards the ground with a terrifying gun aura.

The gun gas exploded and the ground exploded.

Several figures on the ground let out screams.

After one blow, the leader of the big man stood in one place with a gun, his breath soared, and an invisible field force spread out towards the surroundings. In the center of this field, a black spear was suspended, and there were countless small spear points floating around it. .

The man with the gun was the leader of the soldiers escorting Su Chen. His name was Cao Yiqiang, and he was a master of guns.

"Void Realm, I thought Emperor Zhou would match Su Chen of the Supreme Demon Palace with some kind of expert?"

"I didn't expect that there was just a Void Realm guard!"

As the sound fell, more than 20 figures with strong aura appeared in the woods.

These people were all wrapped in black clothes and covered with black scarves, only showing a pair of eyes, completely dressed as a killer.

The leader is tall and tall, with a terrifying aura fluctuating in his eyes.

"Su Chen, someone wants your head, I'll come and get it today!"

The burly man pointed to Su Chen's carriage and said in a cold voice.


Cao Yiqiang gave a low shout, and the soldiers guarding Su Chen quickly gathered around the gun-wielding man to form a large formation.

These powers gather together to form a rune, and these runes flow, connecting with Cao Yiqiang as one!
Inside the carriage.

A cold light flickered in Su Chen's eyes.

Nothing happened along the way, but I didn't expect to do it when I was about to reach Yuanluo City.

Just when Su Chen was thinking.

Outside the carriage.

The burly man moved, leaving an afterimage on the ground, and his figure appeared in front of Cao Yiqiang.

Cao Yiqiang is the central link of this army formation.

The fist fell, and the long spear in Cao Yiqiang's hand shot out instantly.

The two forces collided.

The body of the burly man who made the shot was shaken back a few steps.

"Protect the convoy forward!"

After one blow, Cao Yiqiang spoke.

The convoy cannot stay here, once it does, it may be surrounded by the opponent.

So now we can only move forward.


Just as they were moving forward, the soldiers in the front line suddenly began to fester under their feet. In a blink of an eye, one foot was quickly melted and spread towards his entire body.

The long knives in the hands of the two quickly cut off their poisoned legs!
And at this time.

A cyan figure rushed out and slapped the formation with a palm!
Cracks appeared in the rune of the big formation, and Cao Yiqiang appeared in front of Cao Yiqiang in a blink of an eye, with the palm of his hand like an eagle, grabbing Cao Yiqiang.


Cao Yiqiang could only shoot out with a backhand shot.

The spear collided with the palm, and the two forces raged,

At this moment, the burly man had rushed into the army formation, and more than 20 men in black appeared after him and quickly killed them.

For a while, the formation was broken.

The sergeants quickly formed a small formation to fight the men in black,


And the burly man shouted sharply, his body's energy soared, and his jacket burst instantly, revealing his naked upper body. His body was like a demon body made of steel, full of extremely tyrannical and unpredictable power.

Take one step.

It disappeared from the spot, leaving only a faint afterimage in the air, the speed was too fast!
One punch!
A very casual punch.

Blast Su Chen's carriage fiercely
Suddenly, a wave of powerful energy fluctuations burst out in an instant.

Just when his fist was about to land on Su Chen's carriage.

On the carriage, Su Chen's figure appeared without any stop, and his fist was also punched out.

The fists staggered, and the two bodies retreated violently at the same time.


The burly man's complexion changed.

"Violent Ape!"

Just when his face changed drastically, Su Chen let out a low voice.

The whole body began to collide, transforming into a giant ancient ape, exuding unfathomably powerful power.

Step on the ground.

The ground trembled, and at this moment he seemed to weigh more than ten thousand junctures.

"I also really want to move around, so let me beat you to death!"

Su Chen looked ferocious, and he also needed to vent.

With a movement of the body, an afterimage was left behind, and it went directly in front of the burly man, and punched out.

Seeing this, the big man advanced instead of retreating. With a low growl, he also punched out,


Two fists.

Like a nine-day thunder rushing down, the deafening sound pierced the sky.

The ground nearby trembled, and some trees fell on the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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