The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 1139 The Grottoes Tianfo Temple, the Buddha's order competes


Su Chen's heart moved slightly when he heard the words,

"Do you know, where is it?"

Su Chen couldn't help asking.

"I haven't found it in Yuanluo City for the time being, but my subordinates recently investigated outside Yuanluo City and found that there are demons devouring the surrounding villages!"

"When Yuan Luocheng was attacked by the Razor Kingdom, the monsters should also take the opportunity to appear and devour my human race!"

Yuan Suiyundao,

"Looking for death! Find the hiding place of the monster as soon as possible!"

A cold light flashed in Su Chen's eyes.

"The Marquis Zhongxin is the royal family of the Great Shang Dynasty. He should be a person arranged by the Great Shang Dynasty in the Great Zhou Dynasty. He already knows his identity. There is no need for the Marquis Zhongxin to stay. Let Jianyin kill him, and then let Yang Xuyan swallow him. Drop him and make it look like a demon attack!"

Su Chen kept Zhongxinhou because he wanted to find out the forces behind him through Zhongxinhou. Now he knows,

It's useless for Zhongxinhou to keep it.

What's more, keeping this loyal Hou may cause trouble for him, and it is most appropriate to solve the problem of blaming the demon.

at this time
barren state, the territory of the human race

The Grotto Yunfo Temple, one of the three ancestral temples of Buddhism, is also one of the most powerful forces in the barren state.

Today, the Buddha's light in the Tianfo Temple in the Grottoes is at its peak, soaring into the sky,

Countless Buddhist disciples are standing in front of a stone pagoda in Tianfo Temple in the Grottoes,

There is no Buddha's light on the stone pagoda, only layers of blood and demonic energy, which exudes a gloomy look, which is very different from the Buddha's light.

"Tell me, among the nine Buddhist disciples, which Buddhist disciple will be today, and will eventually become the only Buddhist disciple of my Grotto Tianfo Temple!"

One said softly.

"Who would know this? You all know that this year's Buddha disciples are all very strong!"

"For example, senior brother Muming, his awakened blood is the body of the golden Buddha Arhat, and senior brother Ziyuan awakened the holy body of the heavenly Buddha! Senior brother Yuan Ming's glazed golden body, these people have the opportunity to become the only disciples of Buddha,"

"How come you have forgotten Senior Brother Wuhua, it is rumored that Senior Brother Wuhua is a person with the heart of Buddha!"

"Yes, I heard that Senior Brother Wuhua has the heart of heaven, earth and Buddha, but there is a demon in his murderous heart!"

"What is this? I, a member of Buddhism, just want to kill monsters. What about the seriousness of killing?"

Some countered. "

There is nothing in this world, there is no such thing as the idea of ​​laying down the butcher knife and becoming a Buddha immediately for monsters.

Seeing monsters and ferocious beasts appearing in the human race is killing,

Therefore, among the Buddhist sects, there are those who are strong in killing.

"Even if he has the heart of a Buddha, what can he do? After all, his practice time is very short, he can't compare with the others, and he can't get the Buddha Order at all!"

Another person said,

The Grotto Tianfozi Temple, as one of the most powerful forces in Huangzhou, is also one of the ancestral courts of Buddhism. The only one among the Buddhist sects who is close to the supreme emperor is from the Grotto Tianfo Temple.

It can be seen that the Grotto Heaven Buddha is powerful.

If he can become the only Buddha head of the Grotto Tianfo Temple, it means that after the abdication of the Buddha head of this generation of Tianfo Temple, the only Buddha son will become the Buddha head of the Grotto Tianfo Temple and lead the entire Grotto Tianfo Temple.

It can be seen that the status of the only Buddha son.

Of course, the competition is also extremely fierce.

The stone pagoda in front of him is called Zhenmo Pagoda.

The Demon Suppressing Tower is a top-grade imperial soldier, with countless spaces in the tower, suppressing demons and ferocious beasts.

In the Grotto Tianfo Temple, nine Buddhist disciples will be selected and placed in the Demon-Suppressing Pagoda,

In the Demon Suppressing Pagoda, the nine Buddhist disciples on the first floor can choose the Grotto Tianfo Temple, the golden body corpse of the powerhouse who has passed away at the eighth level of the Supreme Realm, and by virtue of his own chance, he can fully inherit the body of the strong man if he is recognized by the corpse of the strong man. The power of this corpse.

Then began to suppress the monsters and beasts in the tower, stepped into the top of the tower, and obtained the order of the Buddha.

The obtained Buddha's order will be the next Buddha head of the Grotto Tianfo Temple.

It can be said that this is the prosperous age of the Grottoes Tianfo Temple,

Not far from Town Demon Tower

Nine figures sat in the void.

These nine figures are the masters of the nine sub-temples of the Tianfo Temple in the Grottoes, and they are all chosen by them to participate in the competition for the only Buddhist disciple.

"Master Zhenming Temple, it is rumored that Monk Wuhua is someone who came up from the small world built by Lei Di in your Lingyun Grotto Temple,"

"The training time is very short, you are not afraid that he will get the last place, then your Lingyun Grotto Temple will be ugly!"

"Hmph! Fa Wang, this is my Lingyun Grotto Temple. It has nothing to do with your Guangshi Temple. You should take care of the Buddha disciples in your Guangshi Temple. Don't be the last one!"

"Okay, don't you two need to pinch each other as soon as you meet? The outcome is undecided, so there is no need to quarrel!"

The other person spoke, persuading
At this moment, in the Demon Suppressing Pagoda, a ray of Buddha's light shot up to the sky, and in the Buddha's light, a golden arhat sat cross-legged and roared, but it dissipated immediately.

"I didn't expect Mu Ming to be the first to come out!"

One of the old men sighed.

There is some loss in the eyes.

Muming is the person recommended by their temple.

Just as his voice finished speaking, five Buddha lights appeared one after another.


The expressions of the others changed.

Unexpectedly, six people came out at once, and now there are only three people left in the Demon Town Tower.

"Fa Wang, it seems my vision is better than yours, but Wu Hua hasn't come out yet!"

The Lord of the Temple of the Underworld, looked at the King and said.

"This year's Buddha's ability is a bit strong, and the opponents they meet will be stronger."

Some people sigh.

"Now there are only three people left, Ziyuan, Yuan Ming, and Wuhua."

The nine figures all looked at the Zhenmo Tower.

Judging from the current situation, only three people are vying for the position of Buddha.

Of course, if no one can get the Buddha's order, then they will continue to screen the Buddha's children for the next competition,

Ning Deficiency,

This is the purpose of choosing the only Buddha son of the Grotto Tianfo Temple.

Because the only Buddha son will not only inherit the position of the head of the Buddha in the Tianfo Temple in the Grottoes, but also become the disciple of the Buddhist sect who has the best chance to become the supreme emperor Tianfo Great.

Inside the Demon-Suppressing Tower, within a large hall.

Wu Hua, who was dressed in a white monk robe, was facing a blood-colored phantom.

"Boy, your body is not in this palace. It's interesting. What's your name?"

The bloody phantom looked at Wuhuadao.

"The little monk has no flowers!"

Hua Hua said calmly.

"No flowers?"

The bloody phantom muttered in his mouth, and looked at Wuhua with narrowed eyes,

This Wuhua has a faint aura, vaguely not in this space, making him unable to make a move for a while,

At this moment, a figure came in from outside the hall.

"Glass golden body!"

Seeing Yuan Ming sense the glazed golden body on his body, the bloody phantom had a ferocious look on his face, staring at the person who walked in like a poisonous snake.

Back then, he was suppressed by a person with a golden body of glass and imprisoned in this Demon Suppressing Tower.

Seeing a man with a golden body of glass, he will take revenge,

This person is none other than Yuan Ming who cultivated into a golden body of glazed glass among the nine great Buddha disciples.

Watching Yuan Ming step into the main hall, the blood-colored phantom's body flashed to the extreme, like blood-colored lightning, a big hand grabbed Yuan Ming like lightning.

Yuan Ming's face was shocked, and his figure quickly backed away, and he was about to shout, a layer of glazed gold appeared on his body. (end of this chapter)

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