The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 1152 Black clouds overwhelm the city and want to destroy it, please go to the king to die

Chapter 1152 Black clouds overwhelm the city and want to destroy it, please go to the king to die

An elixir appeared in An Shigeng's hand, and he gave the elixir to Han Yuan.

Han Yuan's strength gradually returned to the real domain level.

The four generals of Razor Kingdom are all at the level of the real realm, but each of them has hundreds of thousands of soldiers in their hands. The sergeants cooperate with their own skills, and the four of them work together to form a large formation to besiege the strong of the sixth level of the real self.

Judging from the information he got.

The Tang family gave Tang Sheng only two elders, one for the fifth level of real self, one for the sixth level, and one for the sixth level.

Under the siege of these four people, they directly killed them with a large formation.

As for whether Tang Sheng has any hole cards.

An Shigeng no longer cared.

Because even if Tang Sheng fought desperately with the four generals and killed the four generals, the Razor Kingdom would be over.

What's more, An Shigeng hoped that he would use his hole cards to kill the four generals.

Because the people under his control, as long as they die, their minds will be devoured by him.

It can stimulate his ghost dragon blood.

It can also increase his strength.

After stepping into the realm of transformation, he has devoured some of his mind recently, which has allowed him to step into the realm of imaginary realm and is heading towards the real realm.

Four generals died.

With their power, he can step into the Realm.

of course!

As for whether Tang Sheng will die or not, it depends on his hole cards. If his hole cards are too weak, he will die.

As for whether Tang Sheng can escape.

neither knows.

Because more than a million sergeants blew themselves up, plus the four generals of the four real realms, the first level of the Supreme Realm would also die under such a self-detonation.

Because these sergeants are all powerful people.

Not ordinary people.

Even if Tang Sheng survived, he would not be able to gather millions of soldiers.

It would consume too many resources to cultivate more than one million sergeants.

The Tang family has secretly controlled this country for hundreds of years, and it has produced more than one million soldiers.

If these sergeants are dead, the country will really be over

An Shigeng's arrangement can be said to be foolproof.

"General, someone from the palace is in the hall!"

At this time, a voice came from outside the room.

An Shigeng nodded
"Okay, I see, I'm going to see him!"

Han Yuan said.

An Shigeng walked into the dark.

Han Yuan pushed open the door.

Follow the person to the hall.

"General Han, Your Majesty wants you to go to the palace immediately!" the attendant said immediately upon seeing Han Yuan.

"Do you know why?"

Han Yuan asked softly.

"It's about the attack on Yuanluo Sancheng, the king is about to move!"

"I'm going to inform the other three generals, General Han, prepare yourself and go to the palace!"

After the attendant finished speaking, he took his leave and left.

Han Yuan immediately returned to the room and told An Shigeng the news of the summons in the palace.

"He was still a step too late, and started to gather the army to surprise Tang Sheng!"

An Shigeng said.


Won nodded.

Calling the army at this moment, it is estimated that Tang Sheng knew, and probably knew that they were going to attack the three cities of Yuan Luo.


The messenger returned to the palace.

inside the palace
Tang Sheng looked at the returning attendants, and asked in a deep voice: "Did the four generals return with you?"

He has doubts in his heart.

"Reporting to the king, the four generals said that they need to prepare, and they should be coming soon!"

The attendant spoke.

At this time, a black figure hurried in from outside the hall, half kneeling down.

"My lord, the four generals led the four armies, and more than a million soldiers appeared outside the royal city!"


Tang Sheng's eyes frowned slightly when he heard the person's report.

"My king hasn't asked them to gather soldiers yet, what are they trying to do?"

Tang Sheng had a bad premonition that swept through his heart.

"Perhaps they knew about the king's plan, so they directly gathered the sergeants!"

The old man of the sixth level of true self beside him spoke.

"Go, go and see!"

Tang Sheng's expression was very bad.

Even so, without his soldier talisman and orders, the four of them could not mobilize the army at will.

If more than a million sergeants can be mobilized at will, it will be a very serious consequence.

when speaking.

Tang Sheng walked out of the palace with the two elders of the Tang family.

The palace did not see the figures of the four generals, and could not help looking at the man in black beside him.

"The four generals are outside the royal city, and have not entered the royal city!"

The man in black said hastily.


At this moment, a cold light burst out from Tang Sheng's eyes,

He knew something was wrong.

"Two elders, do you say that the beast god taught them how to move?"

Tang Sheng said.

"These four people were cultivated by our Tang family. They shouldn't betray the young master. Let's meet them and see what's going on with them!"

The elder Tang family who spoke earlier spoke.

Tang Sheng moved, and appeared on the wall of the royal city with two elders.

Outside the royal city, densely packed figures and more than a million soldiers gathered outside the city, and a terrifying and bloody aura filled the air.

The whole space is condensed by this breath.

Scary blood-bad clouds also appeared in the sky, densely packed with darkness.

It gives people a feeling of dark clouds overwhelming the city.

Tang Sheng just arrived on the city wall, and his whole body was suppressed, feeling a sense of suffocation.

"Han Yuan, Zheng Mang, Zhao Lei, Liu Sheng, what do you four want to do?"

Tang Sheng stabilized his breath and shouted sharply.

"Please let your king die!"

At this time, the four generals spoke at the same time.

When they spoke, more than a million soldiers behind them roared at the same time, and their voices formed terrifying sonic power, making the entire city wall feel like it was being washed away.

Tang Sheng was hit by this breath, and his chest felt tight.

A mouthful of blood spurted out.

Immediately behind him, the elders of the Tang family poured true energy into Tang Sheng's body, and took out a elixir for Tang Sheng to swallow.

"Steady your mind!"

The elders of the Tang family helped Tang Sheng stabilize his mind.


After the four generals spoke for the first time, they spoke for the second time, and the sound shook.

after the sound.

"Army formation, black thunder four-day formation!"

The sound of low drinking sounded.


A terrifying black thunderbolt appeared on the body of a million sergeants, and the thunderbolt instantly covered the entire sky, while the four people in front had palm prints, and four terrifying black lightning runes condensed in their hands.


These four runes quickly condensed, and then the four people stuck out their palms in an instant.

Headed towards Tang Sheng and the others above the royal city.

Seeing this, the elders of Tang's family, who were calming down Tang Sheng's mind, changed their expressions.

"You are courting death!"

The two roared, and when they were talking, they pushed Tang Sheng out. Terrifying power erupted from the two of them, and they fought against the four runes.

But their strength is simply unable to fight against the large formation formed by the strength of millions of soldiers.

Instantly shrouded by the four major runes.

One time
The royal city was covered by the four great thunders, and only Tang Sheng appeared above the royal city, avoiding the enveloping formation.

"You are looking for death, you dare to betray my Tang family, you are looking for death, you are looking for death!"

"Hurry up and let the elders out. I might spare your lives. Do you think you can defy my Tang family by joining the Beast God Sect?"

"Impossible, impossible!"

Tang Sheng roared.

Just then.

The four black thunder runes, together with the power of more than a million sergeants, exploded directly.

For a time, a huge black hole formed in the entire sky outside the royal city, and the entire area.

Everything is swallowed by this force.

But two figures rushed out of it
However, most of his body was blown apart, blood was flowing all over his body, the blood and energy on his body dissipated, and there was very little strength left on his body, without any combat power.

They breathe heavily.

They didn't expect these four people to make a move suddenly.

(End of this chapter)

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