The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 1154 One Pang Ban Posthumous Emperor Corpse, One Supreme Emperor Puppet Body

County Luhou Mansion
[The host's subordinate An Shigeng killed the lord of the Razor country, controlled the Razor country, and rewarded 1 purple lottery card,]

[A Taoist soldier appeared in the mall, please check it, the Taoist soldier has been sealed by the mall, and a purple lottery card has been obtained. 】

Su Chen, who was looking through ancient books, got such information.


Su Chen's expression changed.

He knew that An Shigeng was attacking Razor Country.

But I didn't expect this to be the result.

Not only destroyed the razor clam country, but also got a Taoist soldier,

An Shigeng's strength is only in the Void Realm, how did he do it.

Su Chen then asked An Shigeng how he did it, his eyes widened, he didn't expect it to be like this, An Shigeng controlled the four generals of the Razor Kingdom, and the four generals besieged the Palace of the Razor King.

Launched a large formation of millions of soldiers and killed Tang Sheng, who owned the Taoist soldiers.

"It's really unimaginable, the spectacular situation at that time!"

"This An Shigeng is really ruthless, with sharp methods!"

Hundreds of thousands of soldiers were killed and wounded. This is a fight for human life.

However, it brought him 2 purple draw cards.

I spent a whole day looking here desperately. I only got 50 orange lottery cards in several large boxes of ancient books, and I haven't got 1 purple lottery card yet.

"If there are no other triggers, I think it will be difficult to get the purple lottery card,"

Su Chen said in his heart,

Then he looked at the two purple lottery cards,

"I hope An Shigeng can bring me good luck!"

Su Chen drew away these two purple lottery cards.

[Obtain a corpse of Pang Ban's descendant emperor, and obtain a puppet body of the supreme emperor. 】


Su Chen was shocked.

It was a big bang.

An Shigeng gave him an excellent item.

Check out Pang Ban's later emperor body and supreme emperor puppet body.

A corpse of a top emperor of Pang Ban's later generations, combined with the emperor's seal, can use the secret method of eternal reincarnation on the emperor's body, which can display the strength of a top emperor once.

The puppet body of the Supreme Emperor is exclusive to the host. The host can attach his mind to the puppet body of the Supreme Emperor and burst out the power of the Supreme Emperor. Once used, it cannot be used again within a year.

"Here, there are restrictions!"

Su Chen's previous happiness was gone.

Although it is good, it can only be used as a hole card.

Su Chen sighed a little.

Think you can make yourself invincible?
"However, the purple lottery card, to be able to draw such a hole card, is considered pretty good!"

"I love An Shigeng so much!"

Su Chen said in his heart.

Glancing at the ancient books around him, he felt a little unsavory.

No desire to look any further.

This time, An Shigeng not only helped him get such a hole card, but also got a Taoist soldier, which can be said to be a full harvest.

Get out of the room.

"Master, Yang Xuyan has returned!"

The original follow the cloud.

"Come back? Let's go and see the situation first!"

Su Chen followed Yuan Suiyun to the hall.

Yang Xuyan is on the table.

"My lord, Yuedu Mountain of the Beast God Sect appeared in the City Lord's Mansion to meet Sima Hao and the others. There was also an old man among them. The identity of the old man has not been found out by the subordinates."

Yang Xuyan said.

At this moment, Yang Xuyan's strength has been raised to the first level of the True Self Realm.

About to enter the second level,

Yang Xuyan's shadow-devouring body, coupled with his Heaven-Building Dao inheritance technique, has allowed his strength to improve rapidly recently.

He vaguely wanted to catch up with King Nie Ren.

Of course, under the absorption of Yuan Shi, Nie Renwang and Bi Xuan also improved their strength very quickly.

Recently, Kuangzi Yan has killed many monsters and beasts, and obtained many primeval stones.

In addition, Guan Qi occupied a primordial stone mine.

He now has a lot of primordial stones.

Of course, in the transaction of Qinglong Pagoda, Su Chen discovered that there were transactions between fierce beasts and monsters.

"It seems that when you have time, project the Azure Dragon Tower onto the area of ​​ferocious beasts and monsters, and let them kill wildly!"

But Su Chen quickly rejected this approach.

Once this is done, I am afraid that the monster beast and the fierce beast clan will join forces again.

They will rush into the human territory even more frantically.

There will be no such short gap time.

At this moment, the tripartite structure of Yuan World is not completely chaotic.

Of course, after the death of Emperor Zhenwu, the war between the three clans will definitely break out, and how it will break out will probably depend on the two clans of monsters and beasts.

The human race is now only resisting, unable to attack.

Of course, there are other great emperors in the human race. Although they are not as numerous as demons and beasts, they are still a force that cannot be ignored.

This is also the reason why Tianfozi dared to take action.

Now at this time, it is not enough to nest.

Of course, you can't stimulate fierce beasts and monsters. Once you go crazy, it will be bad.

After all, demons and ferocious beasts are unusually ferocious.

"Do you know the purpose of Yueyue Mountain coming here?"

"From their conversation, it should be to persuade the Lord to join the Beast God Sect. If the Lord does not join the Beast God Sect, the Razor Kingdom will attack the three cities of Yuanluo. At that time, the Lord will be imprisoned and brought out of Yuanluo City. People from the Beast God Sect will come, strip the consciousness of the Lord, and become their puppets."

Yang Xuyan said in a deep voice.

"It's really courting death, but I'm afraid they don't know that Tang Sheng of Razor Kingdom is dead now!"

"Standing behind Tang Sheng is not only the Tang family, but also the Taiqing Taoist Palace. Could it be that the Taiqing Taoist Palace has something to do with the Beast God Sect!"

Su Chen suddenly thought of it like this.

According to the information from An Shigeng, Tang Sheng was the seed of Taiqing Taoist Palace.

Today's Seed Program.

Su Chen learned about it from Pang Ban, Ren Qianxing and others.

It is to select the disciples with the strongest qualifications, highest understanding and highest talents among the various factions for training.

So that when fighting fierce beasts and demons.

Once defeated.

These seeds are also able to preserve their own sect tinder.

Don’t let your sect disappear.

Logically speaking, Tang Sheng and the Tang family believed that it was impossible to cooperate with the Beast God Sect.

Because they will have scruples,

What's more, the Tang family doesn't need faith.

What needs faith is Taiqing Taoist Palace.

So it is really possible that Taiqing Taoist Palace is cooperating with Beast God Sect.

"Regardless of the Beast God Cult, if you dare to plot against him and imprison him, then it must be destroyed!"

A chill flashed across Su Chen's eyes.

Just when Su Chen was thinking.

A servant came in from outside.

Yang Xuyan's figure disappeared in front of Su Chen.

The servant stepped forward.

"Lord Hou, City Lord Sima came to visit and brought two people with him, they are in the hall!"

The servant reported.

"Okay, I know, I'll be there in a minute!"

"You need to receive them first!"

Su Chen waved his hand.

The servant bowed away.

"I didn't expect them to come here as soon as you came back. It seems that they are trying to win me over!"

"Go and meet them and see what kind of conditions he can offer me!"

Su Chen is going to cheat the Beast God Sect, and also see how they plan to win him over.

As for whether these people will die or not, they must die.

Even if the arrow cannot be hidden.

Su Chen can also use the Yunxi afterimage knife, so that the Taoist soldiers can kill them.

After contemplating for a while, Su Chen and Yuan Suiyun left and went to the hall.

in the hall.

Besides Sima Hao, there were two men in black robes and bamboo hats.

They are sitting on the seats, drinking tea,

When Su Chen came, Sima Hao stood up immediately.

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