The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 1156 In the fierce battle, King Nie was the first to be enchanted

The expressions of the three people in the room changed.


The three of them were startled, their eyes were fixed on the person who appeared, and their pupils shrank suddenly.

An extremely strong danger emanated from the opponent's body.

This breath made Yue Dushan and the others feel chills.

"Who is Your Excellency?"

Yue Yueshan calmed down and said.

"Haven't you been looking for me? Ao Chong died in my hands!"

Su Chen said calmly.


Hearing this, the expressions of the three of them were not calm anymore.

Among the three of them, only Yuedushan was strong. Like Ao Chong, Ao Chong died in the hands of the opponent, so the three of them might not be able to get out of here.

What's more, they checked Ao Chong's body.

That was death at the hands of demons.

The opponent is a monster.

Just then.

In the camp outside the city, there was a sudden booming sound.

The sound shook the sky, and waves of terrifying energy rushed to the sky, making the originally dark night even more drowsy, and fires burst out from time to time.

"Demon breath!"

Yuedushan had previously suspected whether Su Chen was a monster, but after sensing the breath of a monster erupting from the battle outside the city, he was now sure.

"That's the military camp outside the city. The demons have attacked the military camp. They are going to take down Yuanluo City!"

Sima Hao's expression changed drastically.

While talking, he and Old Yu looked at each other.

The two seem to have a heart-to-heart connection.

The figure moved towards the back of the hall at the same time.

They don't care whether others die or not, they cannot die.

They don't want to die.

Then Yue Yueshan could only die.


See these two people in action.

Yue Yueshan's complexion changed, and the corner of his mouth cursed.

The opponent's strength is unknown, and the two escaped, aren't they looking for death?

Just then.

The Yunxi afterimage knife appeared in Su Chen's hand.

The surrounding space froze instantly, and an invisible Dao domain force suddenly spread out from behind, covering the two of them like invisible ripples.

The power of the field erupted from the bodies of the two of them, but they were instantly crushed.

"Dao Soldier!"

They were shocked.

At this moment, their bodies were mired in mud, as if there were countless sharp knife lights, directly crushing towards his body.

It gives people a feeling of being in the vortex of knife skills.

There was a drizzle in the vortex, and there were afterimages.

The bodies of the two were instantly pierced by several afterimages.

The bodies of the two fell to the ground.

"It's really stupid to want to escape in front of me, but I'm curious why you didn't move when I did it just now."

Su Chen looked at Yue Yue Mountain.

"Dao Bing, I can't escape at all, how can you let me go!"

Yue Yueshan said in a deep voice.

"You're smart, but it's useless. I'm here to kill you. Do you think you can live?"

Su Chen's tone was indifferent.

"Everything in the world is valuable, and I can provide you with more ingredients for real self-realm experts. If you don't kill me, it will be beneficial to you!"

Yuedushan looked at Su Chen and said.

“More ingredients!”

"But I can find it myself, and I don't need you to provide it at all!"

A sneer appeared on the corner of Su Chen's mouth.

"Your Excellency, I am Yan Zun's subordinate. Although you have Taoist soldiers, your aura is very normal. In front of Yan Zun, my beast god sect, you are no match at all!"

"Your Excellency Yan Zun, you are in the Great Zhou Dynasty!"

Yuedu Mountain, at this moment, can only use Yan Zun of the Beast God Sect as an example to make the other party afraid.

"Threat me, but you are not qualified!"

While Su Chen was speaking, Yuedu Mountain suddenly moved.

"Thousands of miles afterimage!"

A mouthful of blood spewed out from the corner of his mouth, and his whole body turned into an afterimage and disappeared in front of Su Chen.

He just talked to Su Chen. The first aspect was to negotiate with Su Chen, and the second aspect was to prepare this secret method.

This is a secret method he realized after devouring the blood essence of a ferocious beast.


Looking at the disappearing Yuedu Mountain, Su Chen's eyes froze.

He didn't expect Yuedu Mountain to escape in front of him.

I am a little careless.

Don't delay with the other party next time.

The villain died of talking too much, but fortunately he was not a villain.

With a lift of his palm, Su Chen put away the two corpses on the ground, then turned around, and his figure quickly disappeared.

Jianyin's perception is that he has been following the opponent, and it doesn't matter where he wants to intercept the opponent.


in the camp.

The three monarch-level monsters were stopped by Nie Renwang and others.

The other three-headed commander-level monsters were besieged by some domain experts and joint soldiers, and they were engaged in fierce battles.

These sergeants do not defend health and death because they are controlled.

Do your best in every move.

Opposite King Nie was a man with a blue complexion. The man was blue.

The demon family, the blue-faced family.

The tongue of the blue-faced monster was drawn out from the corner of its mouth, and its eyes were looking at King Nie Ren coldly.

At this moment, King Nie's eyes were cold and filled with murderous intent, and he swept towards him coldly.King Nie Ren was tall, wearing a long black robe, holding a bloody long knife in his hand, his eyes were indifferent, and his breath was as deep as an abyss.


The green-faced demon was startled, and stared at King Nie closely.

An extremely strong danger emanated from King Nie Ren's body.

Let him dare not underestimate Nie Renwang at this moment, and he feels that the blood on Nie Renwang's body is particularly attractive to him
"The qi and blood in your body are extraordinary. If I swallow the blood in your body, I may evolve!"

The green-faced monster looked at King Nie with a burning look in his eyes.

Just when the blue-faced demon was speaking.


An invisible force suddenly spread out from behind King Nie Ren, enveloping his body like invisible ripples.

In an instant, his body was mired in mud, as if countless sharp knives were rolling towards his body directly.

Dao shadows permeated his power.


The blue-faced demon made an icy voice, and the bloody knife shadow that attacked him was instantly shattered.


King Nie made the move first, his energy and spirit suddenly became one, he took a step forward, and the blood-drenched long knife was unsheathed in his hand.The strength of the blue-faced monster is not ordinary, it is a monarch-level monster, and it is also a kind of pressure for him.He wants to strike first.

woo woo woo...

There was a sound like howling ghosts and wolves directly from the sky and the earth.

Murderous aura swept across, flying sand and rocks, heaven and earth shattered

The whole area seemed to be rapidly turning blood red, and the evil spirit of blood was rapidly permeating.

The Blood Drinking Crazy Knife has absorbed a lot of power and has loosened slightly.

If the blood of these demons is integrated into his blood-drinking long knife today, his blood-drinking mad knife may be able to be further unsealed.


The space in the entire area is rapidly collapsing and shrinking, and with this knife slashing out, the bloody knife light is crushed heavily towards the green-faced monster.

The green-faced monster growled lowly, and Lei Yin roared violently, shaking the world.

Then raise your palm.

The cyan palm burst out with a sharp cyan light, forming a huge cyan palm that collided with the bloody long knife.


The terrifying bloody knife light collided fiercely with the big blue hand, causing a violent explosion immediately.

There was a series of terrifying roars, the sky collapsed and the earth cracked, and the sun and the moon dimmed.

And when the bloody saber light was shattered, the cyan monster turned into a cyan light and appeared in front of King Nie instantly.

The palms and sharp claws grabbed the top of King Nie Ren's head.

But at this moment, a sneer appeared on the corner of Nie Renwang's mouth.


Nie Ren Wang directly fell into the demon state and entered the state of madness.

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