Chapter 1158 I Have Seen Your Face, You Will Let Me Go

He just wants to get stronger.

He also needs to get stronger.

Because the strong are qualified to protect everything about themselves.

This is what King Nie Ren thinks now.

"Let's leave it to King Nie, let's go!"

Looking at the crazy King Nie Ren, Bi Xuan said.

Just now, King Nie Ren chose the monster as the strongest among the three monarch-level monsters, and that monster could give him a kind of pressure, so it was normal for him to be enchanted by King Nie Ren.

Killing at this moment is also to become stronger.

He himself has recently been thinking about how to stimulate his Chiyang True Demon blood.

After checking some information on this continent, combined with himself, he discovered that in Leizhou next to Yuzhou, there is a sect called Chiyang True Fire Sect. This sect has an alchemy technique of Chiyang True Demon Pill that has been handed down since ancient times. .

When this pill is refined, it can contain the spirit of real demons.

It is rumored that it can stimulate the blood of the Chiyang True Demon in the human body.

So after preparing for this matter, he went to the Chiyang True Fire Sect in Leizhou.

On the side Yang Xuyan nodded.

The figures of the two disappeared quickly, heading towards where Su Chen was.

Yuan falls outside the city.

One place, in the dark woods.

The terrain is complex and the leaves are dense.

Thick tree trunks, like outstretched arms, stretched all over the sky. With the thick leaves, they almost covered the sky and the sun, making it rare for people to visit here.

In the forest, a stream of light was rapidly fleeing away, without stopping a step, it was better than lightning, and it was heading towards the deepest part of the forest.


The figure stopped.

It was Yuedu Mountain who fled, and his face was extremely pale at the moment.

The Thousand Miles Afterimage I just cast consumed most of my blood essence.

He stopped and took a big breath.

"How could there be a monster?"

"Could it be that the demons and ferocious beasts want to attack the human race, but they shouldn't. If they move, it should be in a large area. Could it be that the monsters lurking in the human race did it?"

Yue Yueshan said in his heart.

"This is really a big loss. I let more than half of my essence and blood disappear, and I can't recover within half a year!"

Yue Dushan looked at the situation on his body and regretted it very much.

He failed to capture Su Chen in Yuanluo City this time, and he suffered a heavy loss on his side.

"But the other party said earlier that he sent himself to see Tang Sheng. Could it be that there is something wrong with Tang Sheng!"

At this moment, Yuedu Shan suddenly remembered what Su Chen said when he appeared earlier.

At this time, the transmission rune on his body suddenly sounded.

"Yan Zun!"

His expression changed.

"Tang Sheng and the souls of the two elders of the Tang family in Razor Country all disappeared. Do you know what happened?"

A deep voice sounded in the messenger symbol.


Hearing this month, Shan's face changed drastically.

"The subordinate was just attacked by a monster, and the attacker claimed to send himself to see Tang Sheng!"

"The subordinate escaped with the remnant soul of thousands of miles away. That monster has a Taoist soldier in its palm, and its power is fierce!"

Yue Yueshan said quickly.


Yan Zun looked slightly startled when he heard this.

"Yes, the demons are attacking us and the military camp in Yuanluo City. Presumably the military camp must have been destroyed, and Yuanluo City may be occupied by the demons."

Monthly Mountain Road.

"Don't worry about Yuan Luo City, go to Razor Country to see the situation. There, we have paid a huge price to help the Tang family build millions of soldiers. Even if there is something wrong with Tang Sheng, those people must be gathered!"

"Only in that way can we bring chaos to the frontiers of the Great Zhou Dynasty!"

"Find the situation, reply me immediately!"

After finishing speaking, Yan Zun's voice cut off.

Yue Duoshan stood in place and meditated for a while, preparing to head towards Razor Razor Country.

However, just as he swept tens of meters away, his expression suddenly changed, and his body suddenly stopped, and he couldn't believe his eyes.

In front.

On the thick trunk.

Wearing a black robe, with a strange full-moon sword floating above his palm, and a man wearing a bamboo hat, he has been waiting for a long time. His breath is deep and his eyes are dark, like a bottomless abyss.

The robe fluttered, but he didn't say a word.

It was the man in black who had previously attacked him in the city lord's mansion.

Yue Yueshan was shocked.

How can this be?

How could the other party be so fast?

How could it be possible to trace him?

His thousands of miles afterimage, the speed is fast.

If you want to catch up with him, you may have to reach the Supreme Realm. According to the aura on the opponent, the opponent has not reached the Supreme Realm at all.


Yuedu Mountain was extremely decisive, stepped on the sole of his foot, and displayed a mysterious and unpredictable movement technique, and instantly retreated.

At the same time, the domain is displayed, wrapping the whole body, the body is mysterious and unpredictable, like an afterimage in the middle of the moon, the figure disappears and escapes into the dark night.

Still slow.

Almost as soon as he was about to back away and walk away, the space in all directions suddenly solidified, as if turning into an iron wall, pressing towards their bodies.

As soon as his body hurt, he felt dizzy and screamed in his mind. He was forced to retreat on the spot by a huge force, and flew backwards fiercely, landing not far from Su Chen.

"Supreme Dao Realm!"


Falling on the ground, Yue Yueshan looked around, his tone full of surprise.

He can be sure that he was suppressed by the Supreme Realm just now.

Otherwise, he wouldn't be so embarrassed,

No wonder the opponent was able to catch up with him.

There are supreme powerhouses around.

"You are not monsters!"

At this moment, Yue Yueshan's expression changed.

"I didn't say I was a monster!"

Su Chen said coldly.

"who are you?"

Yuedushan looked at Su Chen, he really wanted to know who Su Chen was?

"Yuedushan, we just met during the day!"

At this time, Su Chen took off the bamboo hat.

"Su Chen, how is this possible?"

Seeing Su Chen's face, Yue Yushan's expression changed. He didn't expect that the other party would be Su Chen.

"Aren't you poisoned?"

"That's why you think I've been poisoned by your Beast God Sect. In fact, Zhong Xinhou thinks so too. Of course, this is what I want you to see!"

Su Chen looked at Yue Yue Mountain.

"You poisoned me and asked me to join the Beast God Cult. What a good plan you made!"


"Cough cough, if you want to kill or cut, it's up to you, why humiliate me?"

The corner of Yueshan's mouth was bleeding, and he was extremely embarrassed. He lay on the ground and spoke.

Su Chen has a Taoist soldier in his hand, and there is also a strong man in the Supreme Realm around him.

With his current strength, even if he burns his blood and stimulates his body, he still cannot escape from here.

So just give up resistance and just ask for death.

"Don't worry, I don't want to kill you yet, but I'm very interested in your Beast God Sect. I really want to know your layout in Yuzhou. If you tell me some news, I might let you go."

"I have seen your face, you think I will believe that you will let me go!"

Yuedushan looked at Su Chen and said harshly,

"That's true! But you also know that sometimes people want to die, but even if they can't die, it is also a very painful torture,"

Su Chen's face showed a gloomy coldness.


When Yue Dushan was speaking, his body suddenly exploded.

At this moment, he unexpectedly exploded with all his strength to surprise Su Chen, if he couldn't leave, then he would die together.

(End of this chapter)

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