The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 1167 The sword is bright, the fist is fierce, the fierce demon is true and I am

The moment of speaking.

Waves of terrifying and vicious aura gushed out of him like a storm, pressing towards Tang Ren.

His target was Tang Ren.

To threaten Tang Ren in this way is to create an opportunity for him to kill Tang Ren.

How could Tang Ren kneel down and worship him?

"You... let me kneel down and beg for mercy?"

Tang Ren had a strange look on his face, as if he couldn't imagine it. He didn't expect that someone would ask him to kneel down in this Eastern Frontier.

"You're looking for death, are you looking for death?"

Then his face became extremely angry.

Sword intent erupted from his body, and he carried a long sword behind him, transforming into a dazzling sword shadow.

After the sword shadows staggered and converged in the void, they finally condensed into a sword light.

The sword light was as sharp as the sun and moon.

Suspended in the void, it is three feet long, and the runes on it move, exuding a dark and dark atmosphere.

Tang Ren grabbed it with his hand, and the sword light fell into his right hand.

At this moment, the sword intent was full.

He, Tang Ren, is the number one master of the younger generation of the Tang family.

What's more, after becoming the young master of the Tang family, with the support of the family, he has now stepped into the first level of true self, Ningzhen level.

Ling Luoshi's behavior was provoking him, and he was courting death.

He wanted to kill Ling Luoshi to shake his reputation,

Immediately, the pedestrians around felt a tingling sensation in their eyes and skin all over their bodies, and they began to flee one after another.


Sensing the sword intent on Tang Ren, Ling Luoshi's eyes showed a slight movement.

Ling Luoshi's eight fierce real body skills exploded.

A blood-colored ferocious beast's aura that was several times larger than before surged out, like a flood bursting a dike, pouring towards Tang Ren overwhelmingly.

"It's so fierce and fierce, is this the capital of your rampant? Seeing that you are so rampant, I don't know if you can take my sword!"

See you!

A cold light flashed in Tang Ren's eyes, and a terrifying sword glow erupted on him.

With sharp eyes, he stepped forward, and lightly waved the sword light in the void in his hand.

In an instant, the sword energy swept across the sky, pulling out a rainbow of unparalleled sword intent, piercing the rain curtain, tearing the night sky, and attacking Ling Luoshi.

With this sword, the sword qi shook the sky, but the power that erupted was extremely terrifying.

There is a tendency to split the mountain with a sword.

He, Tang Ren, was also considered a well-known figure in the younger generation of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

As for the person in front of him.

He has no reputation at all, he has to crush the opponent.

sword out
It seems to be able to split the mountains.

The momentum of the blue sky,

But in the eyes of everyone, there is only one sword light piercing the world, piercing through the ten directions.

"This Tang Ren's swordsmanship still has some skills!"

Looking at Tang Ren who shot, Shang Yihen on the pavilion said.

His eyes were on Ling Luoshi.

"Just this sword, you also want to deal with me, you underestimate me too!"

"Eight Fierce Real Body Fist!"

Ling Luoshi roared, and a terrifying and blurry shadow of a ferocious beast appeared behind him. As soon as the shadow of the ferocious beast appeared, a terrifying and ferocious aura erupted, colliding with the soaring sword energy.

And in this moment.

The power in Ling Luoshi's body began to boil, and the evil spirit of blood filled his powerful body,

Punch out.

The void trembled, and the surrounding air of heaven and earth was instantly evacuated. The bloody fist was like a mountain, giving people a strong sense of oppression.

Collide with that sword energy!

The terrifying and bright sword energy was instantly shattered under the fist.


The sword energy was shattered, and Tang Ren's complexion changed, but the sword light in his hand turned into a long sword, shining with sharp sword light, and continued to move towards Lingluo Shitou's head.


Ling Luoshi moved his fist slightly,

That bloody fist slammed heavily on the sword, causing the light of the sword to scatter in all directions.

The radiant long sword dimmed in an instant, the sword energy disappeared,

Tang Ren's pupils shrank sharply.

He didn't expect that the opponent's fist shattered his sword.

The flesh-like fist still collided head-on with the long sword in his hand, which was a top-level spiritual weapon level sword.

The hand holding the long sword trembled slightly.

His eyes became extremely gloomy.

The opponent's realm was lower than him, and he didn't have a sharp sword in his hand. With one blow, he failed to kill the opponent, but was easily broken by the opponent.

"who are you?"

He looked at Ling Luoshi with a gloomy face, wanting to know who the other party was,

"Ling Luoshi, the general commanding the three cities of Yuanluo City."

When Ling Luoshi was speaking, his footsteps stepped on the ground, and his body shot out violently. The terrifying true essence shot out from his body.

At this moment, the air vibrated and there was a crackling sound.

Facing this punch, Tang Ren only felt a shock in his brain, and his vision blurred, as if he saw a blood-soaked terrifying beast rushing towards him on top of a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood!
If such a phantom appeared in front of the eyes of ordinary people, they would already be paralyzed from fright, and the weak-willed would even die of fright on the spot.

But what Tang Ren practiced was the way of swordsmanship.

The way of the sword is clear.

It is extremely demanding on the heart.

So facing this situation, Tang Ren slashed out with a fierce sword.

"Raging Flame Chiyang Slash!"

boom! !

Amidst the huge explosion, violent air waves swept out.

The two figures also rushed towards the two sides under the huge impact force.

Tang Ren stepped back, his face was a little pale, the hand holding the long sword, drops of blood flowed from the wrist,

Looking at Ling Luoshi in horror, he didn't pay attention to the blood flowing from his wrist.

He has never heard of Ling Luoshi,

But such a person defeated him with the power of the True Domain level.

He has already stepped into the first level of the true self, the condensed level.

His pale face and injured wrist made him lose his mind all of a sudden, and the awe-inspiring arrogance on his body disappeared instantly.

Liu Qingshuang, who was behind, saw this with a hint of disappointment on her cold face.

Although Ling Luoshi was strong, Tang Ren was not completely defeated.

A swordsman would rather bend than bend.

You can't lose your energy with just one blow.

"Calm down!"

Liu Qingshuang said in her mouth.

A cold voice sounded in Tang Ren's heart.

Tang Ren, who was absent-minded, was awakened by the sound, and his face became ferocious.

Raising the long sword in his hand, a black sword energy erupted in the long sword in his hand, and the power of true essence in his body also circulated rapidly, and the power of the condensed level burst out in an all-round way, matching the long sword in his hand.

For a while, the momentum exploded to the extreme.


He gave a loud drink.

The long sword cut out.

The sword is like the sun and moon, blooming with endless sword energy, heading towards Ling Luoshi with terrifying power, and the sharp sword light penetrates everything around it.

Ling Luoshi glanced at Liu Qingshuang.

Then a cruel smile appeared in his eyes.

"This is the only way to be interesting, and to help me step into the condensed level!"

Ling Luoshi's eyes began to change.

A terrifying bloody light emerged, the clothes around him were shattered, and all the evil blood energy in his body gushed out, causing a terrifying blood net to appear all over his body.

Immediately, it gave people a strong sense of magical shock!
The people around watching the battle, at this moment, looked at Ling Luoshi as if they saw an unrivaled monster.

"Extreme Fiend Demon Fist!"

Ling Luoshi's body moved, his fist raised, and collided with the sword light, which shattered.

And also heard the sound of clicking.

The top-level spiritual sword in Tang Ren's hand was shattered and torn into pieces by Ling Luoshi's punch.

"You dare!"

Just then.

A deep voice burst out, but the sudden sound stopped abruptly as soon as it was uttered.

"Four screens!"

at this very moment

Suddenly, four terrifying blood-colored stone gates appeared around.

Shimen appeared instantly, wrapping Tang Ren in it.

Then there was a scream.

Tang Ren's body turned into a cloud of blood mist and was absorbed by the four doors of the screen.

These absorbed blood mist quickly poured into Ling Luoshi's body.

Ling Luoshi roared, his body burst out with real energy, and he started to condense his true self directly, stepping into the first level of condensed true self.

dark place
Su Chen looked at this battle,

His eyes moved slightly.

Ling Luoshi, who were extremely powerful martial arts characters in their previous lives, are really unusually talented, too strong.

After coming to this world, not long ago, I stepped into the level of my true self.

It's no worse than the high martial arts characters he summoned later,

In particular, Ling Luoshi's ferocious nature has also improved to a higher level. If he continues to develop like this, he may really become a generation of ferocious monsters.

Then his eyes turned to a pavilion.

Just now Tang Ren's guardian wanted to make a move, but was stopped by someone from Shang Yihen.

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