Chapter 1172 Terrified, blood-eating Zerg larvae
"In the world, you!"

Shang Yihen roared fiercely, he, Shang Yihen, has never suffered such a loss since he came to Yuanluo City.

"Why, third son, do you have any opinions?"

At this time, An Shigeng's voice sounded in Shang Yihen's ear,

"Looking for death, you still dare to show up!"

Seeing An Shigeng appearing, Shang Yihen's face became ferocious. The other party dared to speak out so provocatively, how could Shang Yihen not be angry.

"Old Ning, kill him!"

He growled and asked the guardian next to him to take action.

The guardian who followed him was a powerhouse of the supreme realm.

"Third Young Master, be careful, the other party has a stronger opponent, and I will die if I make a move!"

"The other party should not intend to deal with the third son, the third son calm down!"

An old voice rang in Shang Yihen's ear.

There was trembling and horror in his tone.

Because his body had already been locked, and a powerful energy locked him.

That feeling is that if I move, I will be killed with one blow.

Hear what the old man said.

It was as if a basin of cold water poured down Shang Yihen's head instantly, and his whole body shivered.

Old Ning is his reliance!
Now it is not the opponent at all.

The opponent is a little scary.

"Your Excellency, do you have any orders?"

Shang Yihen quickly adjusted his posture.

Continuing to be arrogant in the face of an invincible strong man is no different from courting death. He Shang Yihen is not a fool.

"Third Prince, this will facilitate our contact."

An Shigeng said calmly.

At this time, An Shigeng came out from the dark,

An Shigeng was wearing brocade clothes and a felt hat, with a fair complexion, giving off an air of elegance.

But in this personable demeanor, there is also a sense of royal nobility.

In his previous life, An Shigeng was also a child of the royal family, so he naturally carried the noble air of the royal family.

Looking at An Shigeng who appeared, Shang Yihen's eyes froze.

The aura on the other party's body was not as good as his, but there was an aura that chilled his heart,

Let him feel that this person is extremely dangerous.

"I don't know what your name is?"

Shang Yihen asked with a bow.

"This seat, An Shigeng, comes from the human world, third prince, the purpose of your coming to this Yuanluo Sancheng should be the same as mine!"

"I would like to know, how is your progress?"

An Shigeng looked at Shang Yihen and said.

Knowing from Su Chen that Liu Qingshuang came for the cave of the strong man, the ultimate goal of this Shang Yihen must be the same as hers, so he directly asked Shang Yihen.

Hearing this, Shang Yihen's expression changed.

He wanted to deny it, but immediately changed his words: "Mr. An, we are indeed here for that strong man's cave!"

"My people are looking for it secretly, and for the time being, they only know that it is within the scope of the Razor country."

Shang Yihen said.

An Shigeng controlled the Razor country, so he thought that An Shigeng also determined the scope of the strong man's cave.

Otherwise, why should the country be controlled.

Hearing Shang Yihen's words, An Shigeng's expression remained unchanged, but he just glanced at him.

"Today we just met. I hope that when we meet next time, there will be more information!"

After speaking, An Shigeng turned and left,

An afterimage was left on the ground.

The atmosphere in the courtyard became peaceful.

The man in black who had screamed and lost his arm held a black umbrella in one hand, hugged the severed arm, and quickly withdrew.

An old man in Tsing Yi appeared in front of Shang Yihen.

"Ning Lao!"

Shang Yihen and Luo Hongyi saluted slightly at the same time.

Ning Lao who appeared at this moment had a dignified expression.

"Third Young Master, I have just been targeted by someone, and I have no ability to resist at all. This world is not simple, and it may be beneficial to Third Young Master in the future, so we can have close contact!"

Ning Lao looked at Shang Yihen and said.

"Old Ning, what is the strength of the person who is targeting you?"

"I don't know the details, but kill me, I don't have a chance to make a move!"

Old Ning shook his head.

As soon as the opponent's breath appeared, he was locked.

"If this is the case, it may be impossible for us to obtain the blood essence of the Blood-devouring Zerg,"

Shang Yihen frowned slightly.

"Hongyi, go see Ling Luoshi and ask him to take complete control of the soldiers in the three cities of Yuan Luo as soon as possible. It may be useful then."

Ning Lao gave instructions to Luo Hongyi who was not far away.


Luo Hongyi took the order to leave.

After Luo Hongyi left, Na Ning walked into the hall with Shang Yihen.

A rune appeared in Na Ning's hand, instantly isolating them.

"Third Young Master, the essence and blood of the Blood-devouring Zerg is one aspect."

"The main reason is that Master Lu speculated that in the cave, there may be a larva left behind when the strong blood-devouring Zerg fell!"

"The blood-eating Zerg have extremely powerful vitality. In recent times, they were powerful and could absorb blood and continuously improve their strength."

"If the third son obtains such a companion beast, it will be very easy to step into the Supreme Ninth Layer. It is only a matter of time before the quasi-emperor."

Ning Lao said in a deep voice.


Hearing Lao Ning's words, Shang Yihen showed shock on his face.

He didn't expect that there would be larvae of the Blood-devouring Zerg in that cave.

"However, third son, the promotion of blood-eating Zerg larvae requires a lot of resources, and it is not so easy to raise them."

"With the current resources of the third son, I'm afraid I can't raise the blood-devouring Zerg larvae,"

"Perhaps we can sell the news of the blood-eating larva to this An Shigeng in the world."

"Then we will definitely be able to win friendship with An Shigeng. When the time comes, the third son wants some blood of the Blood-devouring Zerg, I believe he will not embarrass the third son!"

Old Ning said.

Hearing Lao Ning's words, Shang Yihen's heart moved slightly.

but somewhat dissatisfied,

The larvae of the blood-devouring Zerg are very attractive to him, and they can help him step into the quasi-emperor, so he really wants to have them.

"I'll think about this matter, but Mr. Ning, when I come, my father will give me a surrender card. If there is a big chance, I can contact my father."

Shang Yihen said in a deep voice.

"If that's the case, maybe you can snatch it."

Hearing this, Na Ning said in a deep voice.

The strength of the emperor of the Great Shang Dynasty is now improving towards the quasi-emperor level powerhouse.

If he can use the descending card, Shang Yihen can temporarily possess the strength of the Supreme Nine Layers.

at this time
Another place.

Su Chen, Zhuge Zhengwo, and Yuan Suiyun gathered in the hall.

"Just now there was news from An Shigeng that he got the news from Shang Yihen that the Cave Mansion of the Blood-devouring Zerg is within the Razor Razor Country!"

"Mr. Zhuge, can you start from the Razor Kingdom and find the cave of the strong man?"

Su Chen said.

"If it's in Razor Country, it should be in a place called Zhenxueyuan in the south of Razor Country."

"My lord, brother Yang can go and investigate!"

Zhuge is right,

"Is it there?"

Su Chen frowned slightly,

The blood abyss in Razor Country Town is covered by blood all year round, filled with miasma, poisonous insects and poisonous ants are prevalent, and those who are strong in the ordinary realm may perish if they enter it.

(End of this chapter)

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