The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 1189: Duan Lang takes action, takes action and kills, one person frightens the crowd

The first evil emperor roared and swallowed the blood mist in one gulp.

The demonic energy around him surged.

The knife slashed out and collided with the withered palm.

In addition, the magic energy on his body formed a black and white magic circle, which collided with the sound wave that came over.

Although it was blocked, the body of the first evil emperor was still thrown backwards by the impact, and he opened his mouth to spit out a mouthful of blood.

After receding hundreds of feet, he stabilized his body, and watched two figures appear in his eyes.

"You are?"

The first evil emperor stood up straight, although the corners of his mouth were overflowing with blood, his eyes were extremely sharp.

He didn't find out that there were two such masters in the Tang family.

The aura of these two people is stronger than that of the ancestor of the Tang family.

"That's Yan Mie of the Demon Blood Clan's Yanmai Clan and Yan Zun, the Venerable of the Beast God Cult!"

Some spectators couldn't help exclaiming when they saw two figures suddenly appearing.

Su Chen, who was watching the battle, had his eyes focused.

He didn't expect that at this time, people from the Beast God Sect and the Demon Blood Clan would appear in the Tang family. Judging from the aura emanating from the opponent's attack, the strength of these two people has definitely reached the Supreme Ninth Level.

And the other party has been at the Tang family, which means that he has arrived long ago.

"Unexpectedly, with your consumption just now, you can still block the blow of the two of us, which really surprised us!"

"But it's useless to block it. We won't be like that old loser of the Tang family!"

The Yan Mie of the demon blood clan disappeared while speaking, and appeared in front of the first evil emperor in a blink of an eye.

To shoot is to kill the opponent.

Taking advantage of the opponent's injury and taking the opponent's life is the thing to do in the fight.

When the first evil emperor appeared, his expression changed.

The cold hairs all over his body stood on end, sensing the great danger, he turned around and retreated.

He is as fast as a ghost.

The speed is extremely fast, like a wisp of light smoke, almost ethereal, and the body is elusive.


The movement of the first evil emperor was still fast, and the speed of the flame extinguishing was not slow. It tore through the air and turned into a bloody light, followed closely behind, and with the palm of his hand, the terrifying blood-colored energy went towards the first evil emperor.

The coverage area is so large that there is no chance for the first evil emperor to evade,

The first evil emperor slashed out with his magic sword.

The two forces collided, and the void collapsed where they intersected.

The body of the first evil emperor was knocked down by the terrifying force again,

When he stabilized his figure, he found that he was locked by a huge force.

"Endless Beast God Fist!"

The beast god taught Yan Zun to drink in a low voice, and punched out his fist.

Boundless murderous intent and evil energy were pouring out like a galaxy, all heading towards the First Evil Emperor.


The first evil emperor was possessed by demons again, and the demonic energy in his body was raging, exploding with all his strength.

Two swords are cut out, palm strength, sword energy, and fist strength collide.

The first evil emperor's body was shaken back, his body made a soft sound, and cracks burst out in blood vessels.


The first evil emperor spat out a mouthful of blood again, standing still, but trembling slightly.

His own realm is at the seventh level of the supreme, but he stepped into the ninth level of the supreme with the help of magic, and he has already exploded with all his strength when he fought against the ancestor of the Tang family.

Now that he has been wounded by the opponent twice in a row, he is completely unable to fight anymore.

"The Demon Blood Clan and Beast God Sect all appear here, what do they want?"

Su Chen, who was watching the battle, focused his eyes,

The First Evil Emperor is no match for the two at this moment.

"Cutting Waves!"

Su Chen thought in his heart.

Previously, Su Chen thought about destroying the Tang family with one strike from the imperial army, but now in this situation, he needed to show his power in the world.

Undoubtedly, only Duanlang takes action.

"Go ahead!"

At this time, there is no need to keep it.

Just let Duanlang make a move.

"Hidden identity shot!"

Su Chen also secretly asked,

Duanlang has other uses, and it is most suitable to hide his identity.

"Kill you first, let me see if there are any strong people in your world!"


The flames of the demon blood clan were destroyed, and they shot violently, heading towards the first evil emperor.

He wants the flesh and blood of the first evil emperor!

"It's so presumptuous that even with the strength of the ninth level, you dare to challenge me in this world. You really don't know how to live or die!"

Just then.

A deep voice sounded in the void.

As soon as the sound came out, the entire void seemed to stop, and Yan Mie seemed to feel an infinite terror, his figure immediately retreated, and appeared in one place, his eyes looked towards the source of the sound.

His expression was extremely serious.

one place

A figure wearing a black robe appeared in the void, his whole body shrouded in a terrifying true energy, an invisible aura, a black mask on his face, and his eyes revealed a heart-stopping gloom.

Standing there, it was like the only one in this space.

"Quasi-Emperor Breath, who are you?"

Looking at the figure that appeared, Yan Mie looked horrified. To deal with the Tang family in the world, a strong man of quasi-emperor level was really dispatched.

"Haven't you been waiting for me?"

Duanlang's voice was a bit cold.

While speaking, the quasi-emperor-level aura on his body exploded directly, enveloping Yan Mie and them.

Breath filled!

For a while!

Many warriors in the entire city spewed blood.


Shocked by the engulfing Yan Mie, a mouthful of blood spewed out, followed by a punch.

"Crimson Blood Demon Flame!"

Horror flames blasted out from his fist, covering Duan Lang,

However, all this is in vain.

Duanlang's figure was not affected by anything, he tore apart the world, and suddenly appeared in front of Yan Mie.

Yan Mie's expression changed drastically, and he wanted to back away.

But Duanlang shot out with his big hand.

There was a slight tremor of "buzz", the strength of the shot did not seem to be very strong, but it suddenly collapsed the void.

The Demon Blood Clan Yan Mie yelled.

He found that his body seemed to be branded in the void, fixed on the wall like a picture scroll, unable to move at all.

The boundless killing intent and terrifying power hit him like a torrent, causing endless fear in his heart.


The sound of death sounded.

The Ninth Level Supreme Being was slapped to pieces by Duanlang's big hand, and a large spray of blood rushed out.



With a soft sound, his split body turned into a piece of bloody mud, completely annihilated.

At this moment, everyone was stunned.

It's almost unbelievable.

Demon Blood Clan Yan Mie, a powerhouse of the Ninth Layer.

It was still incomparably powerful just now, but in the blink of an eye it became a cloud of blood mist.

Even more horrifying, the methods of people appearing in this world are cruel and cruel.

I won't tell you much at all.

To strike is to kill,

This is extremely intimidating.

You must know that the quasi-emperor-level powerhouse is strong, but violent killing will always make people horrified.

too strong!

Everyone was shocked.

At this moment, Duan Lang looked at Yan Zun, the Beast God Cult.

"There are people who came with you, show up, and I will kill them together!"

His tone was cold, but a chill swept through Yan Zun's heart, and he couldn't help but tremble


while speaking.An unimaginable terrifying power burst out from Duan Lang,

This breath.

The whole city felt it.

Under this aura, Duanlang is like a peerless demon abyss, devouring the entire world.

Within the land of the Tang family
Han Feiyu, the deputy head of Yuan Palace in Taiqing Dao Palace, had an uncertain look in his eyes.

They brought the emperor soldiers to prevent the world, but judging from the current situation, they are going to fight each other for life and death.

The body rushed out and appeared beside Yan Zun,

Seeing Han Feiyu beside him, Yan Zun's face brightened.

"Let's mobilize the emperor soldiers together, injure him severely, and then kill him!"

Yan Zun shouted.

He was trying to drag Han Feiyu into the water.

Because he said so, Duanlang would not let go of Han Feiyu who hadn't made a move.

So Han Feiyu can only urge the emperor soldiers to kill the man in black who appears with all his strength.

A powerhouse at the ninth level of the supreme state, if he uses the emperor's soldiers, is capable of fighting against the quasi-emperor level powerhouse.

It is also possible to counter-kill the opponent (end of chapter)

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