The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 1200 Traitor, chopsticks pierced throat, head removed with bare hands

Everyone looked towards the sound.

The person who arrested him was a man in black, who was completely covered in black robes, with only one eye exposed. He looked very young from the sound of his voice.

"You are despicable!"

Shui Yunrou didn't expect this?
"Liu Wuyan, aren't you afraid of losing the face of Taiqing Taoist Palace?"

Shui Yunrou looked at Liu Wuyan on the other side,

Liu Wuyan's expression remained unchanged.

"This person has nothing to do with our Taiqing Taoist Palace!"

Liu Wuyan directly denied,

Although it seems from the current situation that the man in black is on the same side as them, he will never admit it. As long as he does not admit it, the threats will not be attributed to Taiqing Daogong.


Shui Yunrou was furious. She was using secret techniques to improve her strength. Time delay was not good for her.

Originally, she wanted to take the opportunity to take her junior sister away after a blow,

But I didn't expect that the other party would attack her junior sister,

"Senior Sister, save me!"

The captured woman's throat was released and she made a cry for help.


Su Chen looked at the woman asking for help, his eyes slightly condensed,

Just now, everyone was paying attention to the battle between Shui Yunrou and the blood elements, and did not pay attention to the state of the woman who came with Shui Yunrou.

But Su Chen has strong mental power, and he has always paid attention to that woman.

When the man in black took action, the woman didn't resist at all.

As if letting the other party catch him,

"Something interesting!"

A playful smile appeared on the corner of Su Chen's mouth,

of course!

At this time, some people also noticed Su Chen and the others.

Because the only people who are still sitting in the living room are Su Chen and his group, who are sitting at the table intact. Everyone else has retreated, fearing that they will be affected by the battle.

Moreover, the power fluctuations that Yuan Suiyun had just erupted were also terrifying.

The power that directly shatters the attack.


Shui Yunrou's expression became very ugly at this moment.

But she had no intention of compromising.

"Junior sister, I, the Supreme Demonic Palace, will not accept any threats, only death in battle, no prisoners!"

Shui Yunrou looked at the captured woman and said coldly.

Hearing this sentence,

In the hall, everyone looked startled. They didn't expect the people from Taishang Demon Palace to be so tough.

Of course, this is also the reason why the Taishang Demon Palace has always been feared by people.

Upon hearing this, Su Chen looked at the captured woman, wanting to see what she would do.


And when the woman heard Shui Yunrou's words, her face changed,

"Sister, I don't want to die!"

"Joining the Supreme Demonic Palace, you have to have this choice!"

Shui Yunrou no longer looked at the woman, but looked fiercely at the blood of the Demon Blood Tribe. Even if she were to die today, she would still kill someone.

The blood essence of the demon blood clan.

"Trash! Useless things, go to hell!"

Just then.

The man in black who was holding the woman snorted coldly and threw the woman towards Shui Yunrou.

Shui Yunrou's expression changed as he was gathering strength, he raised his hand and grabbed the woman,


Just then.

The demon blood clan's blood element turned into a streak of blood and attacked Shui Yunrou at a very fast speed.

And here

The moment Shui Yunrou grabbed the woman with her palm.

The woman suddenly raised her hand and slapped Shui Yunrou on the chest.

Shui Yunrou's body was sent flying backwards by this palm, and the sword in her hand was directly knocked off.


A mouthful of blood spurted out from the mouth,

At this time, the blood light also arrived in front of Shui Yunrou in an instant, and with a slap of his palm, it fell towards Shui Yunrou.

Shui Yunrou, who was vomiting blood, quickly slapped it with her palm.Bang!
This time Shui Yunrou's body flew out again and hit the ground.


Blood spurted out from the corners of her mouth,

"Junior sister, you!"

Shui Yunrou looked at the junior sister who attacked her with confusion in her eyes.

"Senior sister, I don't want to die, as the saying goes. Those who know the current affairs are heroes. The Supreme Demonic Palace cannot survive this crisis. Why do you insist on guarding the Supreme Demonic Palace? As long as we betray the Supreme Demonic Palace, we You can survive and have a better future!"

The girl looked at Shui Yunrou.

She is very young, but her words don't sound like a girl's.

"You betrayed the Supreme Demon Palace, you deserve to die!"

Shui Yunrou struggled to stand up and looked at the girl not far away fiercely, as if she wanted to kill her immediately.

"You are seriously injured now. If you obediently let us take you away, you may still have a chance to survive!"

"Even if I, Shui Yunrou, die, I will die here. I am still a disciple of Taishang Demon Palace!"

"You told them we're going this way!"

Shui Yunrou looked at the girl and said.


"Catch Senior Sister, but the reward will be huge!"

The girl said with a smile.


Just before the smile on her face disappeared.

A ray of light suddenly penetrated the air, appeared behind the girl's neck, and inserted into her throat with a hiss.

What was inserted into her throat was a chopstick,

A very ordinary chopstick,

Everyone looked at the chopsticks stuck in the girl's throat, with horror on their faces.

This chopstick appeared too suddenly!

But everyone knows where the chopstick came from.

Because now, there are only three people sitting at the dining table in the hall.


Holding his own throat,

The girl looked towards Su Chen, wanting to know why Su Chen would take action against her, but she turned her head and fell to the ground before she finished.

No one saw who killed her until her death.

"Who are you? Why did you kill that woman?"

Liu Wuyan looked at Su Chen and asked coldly.

"Who are you, the people staying in the hotel and eating? You are fighting here, which affects people's eating. I have a bad temper. If anyone disturbs me, I will kill him!"

Su Chen's tone was very calm. He took out a pair of chopsticks from the bamboo tube and took a bite of the food on the table.

His tone, demeanor, and actions did not put Liu Wuyan in his eyes at all.


Liu Wuyan didn't expect that he would be ignored. His expression kept changing, but he was able to control him. He hadn't sensed the auras of Su Chen and the others yet.

"Your Excellency, you are going to participate in the battle between several major forces!"

Liu Wuyan looked at Su Chen and said.

"Are you threatening me?"

Su Chen looked at the other party and said.

"It's a reminder, of course you can also see it as a threat!"

Liu Wuyan said coldly.

But while he was talking, the man in black appeared earlier and moved, heading directly towards Su Chen to kill him.

Not long after he got this delicate little beauty, she was beheaded before his eyes.

He can't stand it!

So he took action against Su Chen.

Just suddenly!A black shadow suddenly flashed across.

The speed is faster than him, and there is a sense of extreme speed!

A big head of the figure in black robe flew up high, his eyes widened in disbelief.

dead yourself?

Blood spurted from the headless neck, staining the ceiling red.

The body fell to the ground.

But the flying head was caught in someone's hand,

It was Yuan Suiyun who was beside Su Chen earlier.

Yuan Suiyun got the blood of the bat, and because of his fast speed, coupled with his sharp shots, he directly took off the opponent's head.

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