Chapter 1203: Terrifying body, powerful hunting
"King Kong Splits the Demonic Body!"

In an instant, a terrifying blood evil shield appeared in the figure. The two people's attacks landed on the blood evil shield, making a rumbling sound, but they did not break the light shield.

"Is this the strength?"

"It can't even break my true energy!"

"You all die for me!"

Su Chen roared loudly, and thunder erupted, shaking the earth and the earth.

A pair of terrifying palms violently pushed forward, carrying the terrifying power of pushing a golden mountain toppling a jade pillar, and struck the two people who took action fiercely.

There was a loud noise, and the bright light instantly covered everything.

Two figures flew out from the light and hit the ground.

Inside the inn, some people who were hiding in the dark and watching the battle quickly looked over.

Soon everyone had a look of horror on their faces.

At this moment, Su Chen stood there, covered with a layer of blood stains, which were stained by the blood of the Nine Pythons and Heavenly Snakes.

There seemed to be no injuries on his body, and not a single mark was left on the entire blood stain.

But looking at the two people who flew out upside down.

But it made everyone look horrified.

Among them, the person in the blood robe was spitting blood, his mouth, nose, and eyes were all bleeding, and he was missing an arm.

His entire left shoulder was dripping with blood, revealing stubble.

An extremely hideous huge palm print appeared in the area in front of the heart, causing the flesh and blood there to completely dry up.

the other side.

Zi Zhongxiao from the Taoist Palace of Taiqing was slightly better. His Taoist robe was broken, and the bones of his attacking palm were visible. His chest was uneven, his bones were completely broken, his face was extremely pale, and blood was constantly flowing out of the corners of his mouth.

"Demon blood reborn!"

The man in the blood robe roared. Although blood spurted from his mouth, a thumping sound appeared in the heart of his body, which began to connect to the meridians throughout his body. Layers of blood wrapped around his body and restored his injuries. .

A purple pill appeared in Zi Chongxiao's hand and he swallowed it in one gulp.

The injuries on their bodies were also recovering quickly. While they were recovering, the two of them struggled to stand up and stared at Su Chen with sinister eyes.

"Your strength, how can you be so strong!"

"You haven't stepped into the realm of your true self yet!"

Their eyes looked at Su Chen unwillingly.

"That's because you are too weak. Even if I don't step into the true self realm, I can still kill you!"

"Trash is always trash!"

Su Chen said coldly.

After hearing Su Chen's words, the two people's faces were filled with anger.

At this moment, their injuries have recovered a lot,

"Demon blood, devil's palm!"

The blood-robed man shouted low, raised his palm, and suddenly a huge palm appeared. When this palm was released, it exuded the terrifying majesty of the devil.

"Su Chen, if you dare to underestimate me, I will kill you, kill you!"

With the sound of "rumbling", the big bloody hand tore through the air and grabbed at Su Chen. His palm fell hugely, as if he wanted to crush Su Chen to death like an ant.

Su Chen's expression turned cold, and a cold light flashed across his eyes.

Footsteps hit the ground!

His body flew directly into the air, and he clenched his fists. The terrifying blood evil energy on his body emitted a bright light, and poured into his fists like an overwhelming force.

One punch!
Colliding with that bloody giant palm.

The bloody giant palm was directly shattered under the fist, and Su Chen's violent body appeared in front of the opponent again.

"With this punch from me, you can survive!"

Su Chen's eyes were filled with a sinister smile.

The fist landed directly on the opponent's chest.

There is no resistance.

Under the terrified gaze of the man in the blood robe, the fist pierced through his chest.

The terrifying blood evil energy poured into the opponent's body. Under this force, the opponent's body shattered like a bomb and turned into a ball of blood mist.

The blood mist was attracted by an invisible energy, and poured into Su Chen's body,

And in this very moment.

The eyes of Zixiao Ke, who was full of potential earlier, flashed fiercely.

He was waiting for this opportunity, and the sword came out instantly from behind him.

"A Sword of Nirvana!"

He shouted low and shot out the long sword in his hand. There was a purple light in the sword light, which turned into a bolt of lightning and slashed at Su Chen with the force of thunder.

Wherever the sword energy passed, the air shattered into pieces, and black twisted cracks were clearly visible.Extremely fast!

"You want to attack me too!"

Su Chen slapped the sword light with his backhand.


The sword light collided with the palm and was immediately extinguished.

Zi Zhongxiao let out a muffled groan, and was thrown out by a huge force like a kite with its string cut off, as if struck by thunder.

After being thrown away, Zi rushed into the sky and shouted,

"Zixiao turn nine, blood escape!"

Blood spurted from the mouth, but the body turned around, turned and fled towards the outside of the inn,

not an opponent
Even after the opponent kills someone, there is no chance for a sneak attack.

The opponent's strength was completely beyond his imagination.

You will die if you stay here.

"Zi Zhongxiao, you can't escape!"

A deep voice came from Su Chen's mouth,

With a movement, he shot out, his body like a cannonball, and followed him out of the inn.

inn man

Immediately relax.

Some injured people who had previously endured the pain suddenly howled, and some thought of going out to investigate.

"Why don't we go out and take a look?"

Shui Yunrou looked at Su Chen who rushed out and couldn't help but say.

"No, they are not the Lord's opponents!"

Yuan Suiyun said softly.

Su Chen made the move himself, because he didn't want anyone to disturb his fight,

"But I'm afraid they have others!"

Shuiyun Judo,

These three parties are not the only ones dealing with their Taishang Demon Palace.

"It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter how many people come. As long as they show up, they will die!"

"King Nie, let me deal with the other remaining people!"

The original Suiyun figure turned into an afterimage and disappeared in front of the two people.

There are still some disciples of Taiqing Taoist Palace here, after all, the fireworks were set off by other people earlier.

Those disciples need to be dealt with, and maybe they can also know a little bit about how many people are here from these forces,

outside the inn
In the rain.

The terrifying rainwater gathered together to form a waterfall and rushed toward Zi Zhongxiao,

The long sword in the fleeing Zi Zhongxiao's hand violently cut through the rain curtain.

But his body was blocked by Su Chen,

"Your companions are all dead, why do you have to run away? Tell me which party you are here and the whereabouts of other personnel, and I may give you a good time!"

Su Chen looked at the other party with cold eyes,

The blood energy erupting from the whole body evaporates all the surrounding rain curtains, forming a hazy mist.

"Su Chen, let me go, and I'll help you leave here and return to the Supreme Demonic Palace!"

Zi Chongxiao looked at Su Chen and said.

"I, Su Chen, can return to Taishang Demon Palace by myself, but I don't need your help. I will kill as many people as you come!"

The corners of Su Chen's mouth revealed a bloodthirsty look.

"Su Chen, your strength surpasses ours, but there are many masters who intercepted and killed the Taishang Demon Palace than us. After today, you will be intercepted and killed by stronger ones!"

Zi Chongxiao looked gloomy.

"Too much nonsense, I'll kill you first!"

Su Chen didn't want to talk nonsense with the other party, so he wanted to kill the other party first.

Su Chen raised his palm, preparing to kill Zi Zhongxiao with one punch, but at this moment, Zi Zhongxiao's face showed a hint of coldness.

"Kill me, you missed the opportunity!"

At this time, Zi Zhongxiao's face showed joy
At this moment.The surrounding rain curtain turned into a hazy drizzle, and Su Chen felt a chill.

"Hmm! Is there anyone else?"

Su Chen's heart skipped a beat!
(End of this chapter)

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