The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 1210 Guan Yutian leaves for Dajing, and the 9 pythons and 1 clan attack

Chapter 1210 Guan Yutian left for Dajing, and the Nine Pythons attacked

"Blue Dragon Club?"

Hearing this beautiful woman's brows slightly wrinkled,

Because she had never heard of the Blue Dragon Society at all.

"The Qinglong Society is a very ancient force, a killer force. As long as you pay the due price, the Emperor can kill you!"

Wang Xuemei said coldly.


Hearing Wang Xuemei's words, the pretty woman's face showed a look of extreme shock.

She never expected that Wang Xuemei would say such words,

Even the emperor can kill him.

This somewhat subverted her imagination,

"You told me specifically because you wanted me to tell the Emperor about the Blue Dragon Society?"

"You want to use the Qinglong Society to let the emperor protect your safety. You are so brave, even the emperor dares to scheme against you."

The beautiful woman stabilized her mind and looked at Wang Xuemei with sharp eyes.

"This is not a calculation, but an in-depth cooperation with the emperor!"

"We think Dijun has investment value, otherwise, we would not cooperate with her!"

"Of course, it is true that there are some dangers around us now. Whether the emperor protects us or not depends on the emperor's wishes."

Wang Xuemei said in a very calm tone.

She told the visitor so much, mainly revealing two points.

The first is to tell the Blue Dragon Society behind them, and the second is to ask the empress to temporarily guarantee their safety.

"I will tell the emperor what you said, but I don't know what Jiang Shoufu is doing?"

"She has received some rewards and is in retreat! She has improved her strength. I believe you will be surprised to see her in a few days!"

Wang Xuemei said.


"Then say goodbye!"

Qingli's expression changed when she heard this, but she didn't ask any more questions, but then turned around and disappeared in front of Wang Xuemei.

After the beautiful woman left,

The expression on his face remained unchanged as he walked into a house and started to contact Su Chen.


On top of an official road inn.

inside the room.

"Do you need me to send an expert here?" Su Chen said in a deep voice.

"Yes, my subordinates are throwing out the [Blue Dragon Society]. If we can reach cooperation with the Empress this time, it will be beneficial for us to control the Empress in the future."

Wang Xuemei told Su Chen some situations about the Dajing Dynasty.

Su Chen's eyes narrowed slightly,

Originally, he wanted to send Huan Huan to the Dajing Dynasty to help Jiang Yuyan and others, but after Huan Huan was summoned, he had to follow Su Chen to the Taishang Demon Palace.

But Houhou's strength is not enough to make Empress Dajing tremble.

"I will arrange this matter. This seventh-grade Black God Tower is a low-grade Taoist soldier. Give it to Jiang Yuyan first! With the strength of her True Self Realm, she can activate the Taoist soldiers. The Supreme Being can guarantee your safety!"

While Su Chen was talking, he placed the seventh-grade black god tower of the low-grade Taoist soldier he had obtained earlier in the transaction column with Jiang Yuyan.
This Taoist weapon was obtained by Su Chen from the Great Zhou Dynasty. It doesn't matter even if it is spread out. Su Chen himself is a member of the Qinglong Society.

The details of Jiang Yuyan and Wang Xuemei will definitely be discovered within a short period of time.

Then maybe the Azure Dragon Society will show up.

Of course why give it to Dao Bing.

That's because there are not many powerful people in the Supreme Realm on Su Chen's side at the moment. It is definitely not suitable for the First Evil Emperor and others to appear as human beings. The arrow is hidden in An Shigeng and cannot escape for the time being.

And Duanlang was already on his way to the Taishang Demon Palace,

When Pang Ban appears, he will introduce Duan Lang into the Taishang Demon Palace and participate in the ensuing power war.

Moreover, Su Chen also received news that the powerful men from Taishang Demon Palace also invited some friends.

These people are rushing to the Supreme Demonic Palace.

It can be said that the war at that time will definitely be earth-shattering.

After trading the Dao soldiers, Su Chen pondered. Now that he has no purple lottery cards, he cannot use lottery to alleviate the current situation of insufficient strong players.

"Guan Yutian, please let Guan Yutian get away with the people from the Qinglong Society first!"

Now Guan Yutian has gained the power of Xiongba, and his strength is heading towards the ninth level of supreme.

The Supreme Ninth Level is also an absolutely powerful person in the Dajing Dynasty.

It can definitely become Jiang Yuyan and Wang Xuemei's trump card.

"Guan Yutian will be able to enter the Supreme Ninth Level soon. Please contact him and hope that he will be a guest member of the Qinglong Club!"

Su Chen said to Wang Xuemei.

"The Chief Officer has entered the ninth level of the Supreme!"

Hearing Su Chen's words, Wang Xuemei looked shocked. He didn't expect that Guan Yutian was about to enter the ninth level of the Supreme.

"I will contact Guan Yutian immediately!"

Wang Xuemei said with joy on her face.

The two then cut off contact.

Su Chen entered a state of contemplation.


Su Chen felt that his mind became confused.

For a moment, he felt a beautiful woman smiling and whispering in his ear.

Following the whisper, a graceful figure and beautiful body dangled in front of his eyes.

Su Chen, who was already deep in thought, felt sleepy, but a terrifying fire emerged from his body.

The fire of desire.

body restlessness,


Su Chen suddenly felt a warning sign, and a sudden impulse made the hairs on his body stand on end.

And at the same time,

A white jade hand, with slender fingertips, was gently touching his neck, like a lover's flirtation passing by, getting deeper and deeper.

And this figure was like a snake's shadow, wrapping around Su Chen's body.


Su Chen's eyes suddenly shot out cold light, he shouted loudly, and the blood in his body surged up, forming a violent energy with the loud shout.

boom! !

He opened his arms suddenly, and a blood-colored energy burst out like a blood dragon, directly bombarding the attacking figure.

The terrifying energy pushed in all directions.

"Master Su, don't you want to taste the delicious food in this world?"

A cold and charming female voice that made people's hearts tremble sounded in Su Chen's ears.

Along with the sound, a terrifying domain power suddenly appeared.

a time.

The entire room was shrouded in a strange force field, as if the whole space was locked.

at the same time.

Su Chen was surrounded by countless young women, all of them gorgeous and enchanting, full of endless temptation and dazzling.

Su Chen's eyes turned cold and he yelled, "You devil, devil, pink skull! How dare you charm my mind!"

He suddenly opened his mouth wide, took a deep breath, and roared!
Roar! ——!
The terrifying blood evil energy combined with the roar instantly turned into an extremely violent force, impacting all around.

In an instant, there was a violent riot in the air, and all the illusions of beauties posing coquettishly were destroyed by the impact.

"You really don't know how to show mercy to women. If that's the case, then I'll just take off your head!"

A beautiful woman wearing a black gauze with an exquisite body appeared not far from Su Chen, her eyes were cold and stern.

There is a black snake mark between the woman's eyebrows.

A member of the Nine Python and Heavenly Snake clan.

"Why can't you charm the young master? Are you going to do it?"

At this moment, an elf-like figure suddenly appeared in the room. Sitting on a chair, her legs swayed gently and she made a ringing sound. It was none other than Huanhan.

(End of this chapter)

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