The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 1214 The 9th level of supreme, destroying the soul with one hand

Chapter 1214 The Supreme Ninth Level, destroying the soul with one hand
"Haha! Master Heixuan, I'll send you on your way!"

"Kill you with one sword!"

Liu Xu was carrying a long sword behind him that was instantly unsheathed and appeared in his palm.


At this moment, the surging sword intent behind him suddenly poured into his long sword,

"One sword falls on Changhong!"

Liu Xu gave a low shout and slashed out the long sword in his hand.

The sword energy surged to a length of thirty feet, appearing in the void like a rainbow.

After the rainbow, there is the dazzling Sword Light Waterfall, which falls overwhelmingly, like the gloomy Tianhe pouring down, and the violent aura of destruction sweeps in all directions.

The old man in black robe stepped forward without dodging.

Fist blows out.

The thunder above the black fist was bright, colliding with the falling sword light.

The power of the fist is like a landslide and a tsunami, extremely violent.

The two forces collided again. At the moment of the collision, the sword in Liu Xu's palm suddenly changed and turned into a sword of tens of feet. He breathed sword energy and headed towards the black-robed old man.

"Demon sea, seven kills, thunderstorm!"

The black-robed old man's energy surged all over his body, and the terrifying energy pushed his strength to the ninth level of the Supreme. His whole body was filled with black light,

Dazzling black light poured into his fist.

A terrifying fist force formed, a terrifying thunderstorm, murderous intent surged into the clouds, the world trembled, and all the long swords that were struck were shattered!

"Look at the sea, listen to the sea, the sea of ​​swords in heaven and earth!"

The sword intent on Liu Xu's body surged, and the sword intent surged and condensed a series of sword lights.


For a time, countless sword lights appeared in the void.

Each sword beam was a hundred feet long, standing in the void, and then slashed down.

This is no longer a sword light, but an ocean of sword energy. The endless sword energy floods everything like a terrifying storm, sweeping forward and destroying all obstacles.

Watching the Sea and Listening to the Tide Sword is the most powerful killing move.

The wave of sword energy attacks and kills without distinction!

And now it's pointing at one person.

This kind of power is unimaginable, as if the end of the world is coming, the world will collapse.

Sword Qi, the sword light spit out turned into an ocean, swallowing everything, sweeping everything,


Every ray of sword light was like a flood, so frightening that the expressions of the people who were attacking the Bloody Palace changed.

None of them expected Liu Xu's sword to be so terrifying.

The old man in black robe had a focused look in his eyes.

He had fought with Liu Xu back then and even defeated him. Back then, the opponent's attack was not so strong.

Now the momentum and power are stronger than before,

But he is not afraid at all. Fighting is only meaningful when fighting against strong people.


The demonic energy in his body surged, his true essence exploded, and black thunder and lightning erupted in his true essence, submerging his body and blocking the sea of ​​swords from the outside world!
"Devil, true thunder"

Endless thunder and lightning appeared and enveloped the old man in black robe. For a moment, the sword was unable to attack the old man in black robe.


Liu Xu roared at this moment, and the sword energy around his body swept violently, waving the long sword in his hand to kill Heixuan Lord.

"Heixuanzun, I will kill you today!"

Liu Xu stood up and slashed down with his sword, his energy and blood rushed into the sky, roaring to shake the rivers and mountains, and the infinite void was shaking.

The old man in black robe also roared, the hair on his body stood up, and the muscles all over his body began to collide continuously, becoming extremely burly. His big hands tore his robes, and his fists blasted out, shattering the void, and pounced towards Liu Xu.

For a time the fighting was fierce,

The battle on the other side was not so fierce.

A black halo of light appeared around the old man in white robes, and he held a ring-shaped treasure in his hand. The halo of light was emitted by this treasure.

The defense was so strong that She Tianji and Huang Tianhu were unable to quickly defeat each other.

"Quickly attack the Bloody Palace!"

She Tianji shouted in a low voice.

At this time, five figures appeared before, and the virtual mirror above their heads emitted a light towards the palace.

Suddenly, all the nodes of the large formation outside the Bloody Palace emerged,


After surrounding and killing several people in the palace, they saw the nodes of the formation and attacked the nodes at the same time.

Suddenly, the large formation outside the bloody hall was instantly shattered,

Nine figures rushed into the Scarlet Hall, "Old Ghost Bai, they have rushed into the Scarlet Hall, aren't you anxious?"

She Tianji looked at the old man in white robe and said.

The old man in white robe had a dull expression. He did not listen to the other party's words at all, but concentrated on defense.

But there was a sigh in my heart.

These people disturbed the first seat further.

"You will pay for your actions!"

The old man in white robe thought of this and said coldly.

"The Supreme Demonic Palace is about to be destroyed. What price do you think we can pay!"

"This is not the only place to take action, the battle at the Taishang Demon Palace is about to begin!"

She Tianji said coldly.

She wanted to attack the old man's mind. In this case, she could take further action and attack the other man's soul,

In the Scarlet Palace.

Nine figures rushed into the palace.

He saw Pang Ban's figure sitting in the main hall.

They immediately sensed the aura of the figure.

The breath of true self.

"That's Pang Ban. If we catch him, it will be a great achievement for us!"


When a golden lion clan member saw Pang Ban, he rushed towards Pang Ban.

Pang Ban, who had just become the leader of the Taishang Demon Palace, was only at the level of his true self. To them, such strength was like an ant.

"Things are a little different!"

Two brothers, Liang Jin and Liang Yin, followed and looked at each other, feeling that the hall was too quiet.

However, the people of the Golden Lion Clan have already rushed over.

They can only follow along.

At this moment, Pang Ban, who was sitting cross-legged, opened his eyes.

Suddenly, a layer of terrifying soul energy fluctuations appeared in the palace.

The golden lion clan rushing at the front suddenly felt the pressure of a heavy mountain on their bodies. Their steps stopped immediately, their entire bodies bent, and they could not move forward.

Everyone else is the same.

For a time, the entire palace was filled with endless pressure.


Everyone was shocked.

He tried his best to look at Pang Ban who opened his eyes.

When they looked at Pang Ban, the aura on Pang Ban's body suddenly changed, directly transforming into the Supreme Ninth Level.

"The Supreme Ninth Level, Pang Ban's strength is at the Supreme Ninth Level, how is this possible?"

Sense this situation!

They looked stunned, with a look of horror on their faces,

Even if the nine of them attack at the same time, they are no match for the Supreme Ninth Level.

Endless fear appeared in my heart.

"Unfortunately, it's a bit short!"

Pang Ban said softly.

As he spoke, Pang Ban stood up.

"The strength is pretty good and has some uses!"

Pang Ban looked at the nine people in front of him and murmured.

"Golden Lion Fist!"

At this time, the golden lion clan member at the front roared, and endless golden light erupted from his body to resist the pressure, and roared, wanting to punch,

Pang Ban's eyes moved.

In the eyes of the man from the golden lion clan.

A figure appeared in his consciousness.

It was Pang Ban's figure.

At this moment, Pang Ban was huge, and the demonic power on his body was unparalleled, like a demon in the world. He raised his palm and dropped it, and the soul of the golden lion clan was directly destroyed.


The movement of raising his fist was still there, and the golden light on his body was still there, but his eyes were dull and his body paused.

(End of this chapter)

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