The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 1232 Fighting, the death of Emperor Shitian, the death of Emperor Tianyi, the war ends

Because Di Tianyi's power rose, it seemed there was no end.

"Are you scared? In the ultimate sublimation, I can sense the power of Emperor Wushang!"

"The previous fight was just to pave the way for my ultimate ascension, allowing me to reach the level of the supreme emperor!"

"This one blow will kill you!"

"Thousand Ways of Heavenly Demon, one sublimation strike!"

Di Tianyi's aura reached its peak, and hundreds of light pillars shot up around him, connecting with the sky.

Each path is extremely thick, like a pillar supporting the sky, dazzling, tearing the night sky, piercing Xiaohan, making the world tremble.

This was Di Tianyi's final killing move.


The Lion Emperor was startled, and he sensed an infinite crisis.

But the surrounding area has been blocked by Di Tianyi at this moment.

"The lion roars!"


The body changed and transformed into a huge golden lion. The lion roared, and the huge roar of the lion roared out, heading towards the pillar of the sky, wanting to shatter the pillar of the sky.


But at this moment, Di Tianyi clenched his fist.

Blast away!

Those bright pillars of heaven.

Fused with his fist, it all hit the huge golden lion.

The fist pierced the lion's body, and blood flowed like a waterfall, falling toward the ground.

A scream came from the lion.

Then the Lion Emperor's body changed and turned into the same appearance as before, except that a big bloody hole appeared on his chest.

He looked at Di Tianyi.

At this moment, Di Tianyi stopped moving, the originally bright black hair on his body had turned white, and there was no breath on his body.

But he stood in the void.

Never fell to the ground.

"I'm defeated!"

After the Lion Emperor finished speaking, his eyes became dull and his body fell directly from the void toward the ground.

Right at this moment.

Duan Lang suddenly appeared, raised his hand and grabbed the Lion Emperor's body, and fled away in the blink of an eye.

Chuanying, who then appeared, also turned around and ran away.

The body of a giant-level ferocious beast is a huge treasure. How can you let it go?

Of course, taking away the golden lion body might cause trouble.

"You dare!"

Just then.

Void changes.

A huge hand suddenly appeared and grabbed into the void.

That place was exactly the direction that Duanlang left.

A big hand fell on Duan Lang's body.

However, a light shield appeared on Duanlang's body, which directly blocked the attack.

And after catching this blow, he instantly disappeared into the void, losing all breath.

"In this world, I will find you!"

A loud voice came from the void.

After the sound appeared, there was no sound, as if it had never been there.

Qingtian Demon Lord's body appeared next to Di Tianyi, and his palm wanted to touch Di Tianyi, but when he touched it, Di Tianyi's body began to turn into ashes and disappeared little by little.

"Congratulations to send the ancestors!"

Demon Lord Qingtian bowed and saluted Di Tianyi's figure,

"Congratulations to send the ancestors!"

At this time, the disciples of Taishang Demon Palace saluted in the void at the same time, with a majestic and majestic tone.

Su Chen was among them.

This is respect for a strong generation.

At this moment, the strong man of the troll clan escaped.

The expressions of all the remaining people changed drastically and they began to flee.


"Just left!"

Su Chen's eyes narrowed.

"In the end, it was just the giant of the emperor who took action. If he takes one action and loses, he will not take action again!"

Below, Su Chen's eyes narrowed.

Did he think that a supreme emperor would appear?

Unexpectedly but not.

"This is the end. No more masters will appear to take action against the Supreme Demonic Palace?" Su Chen thought to himself.

"Perhaps, the Taishang Demon Palace has suffered huge losses this time. From now on, only the top emperors will no longer be a concern!"

Hanhan beside Su Chen said.

"Those who are fleeing should take the opportunity to hunt them down and not let them leave!"

Su Chen said.

But when he finished speaking.

A burly figure appeared in the void. It was Nangong Ba, the first lord of the Tenth Palace and the Shenwu Palace.

"Emperor Shenwu ordered that due to the turmoil in Yuzhou, the remaining disciples of Taixu Mausoleum Palace and Taiqing Dao Palace will be incorporated into Shenwu Palace today. In order to ensure the strength of the human race in Yuzhou, Taiqing Dao Palace and Taixu Mausoleum Palace will be rebuilt in ten days. "

Nangong Ba’s voice was loud!

Hearing this, Su Chen's eyes were startled.

This is to preserve Taiqing Dao Palace and Taixu Mausoleum.

Nowadays, there are very few Taiqing Dao Palace and Taixu Mausoleum Palace left. The Taishang Demon Palace is now fully capable of completely cleaning up these two forces. However, when the Shenwu Palace intervenes, the situation becomes different.

And now there is animosity between the two parties.

In the future, there will probably be a lot of friction between Taiqing Dao Palace and Taixu Mausoleum Mansion.

"It seems that the one who gave up the Supreme Demonic Palace is the Shenwu Emperor!"

"Is there no other supreme emperor in the human race?"

"Emperor Shenwu, I admired him for his strong attacks before, but now I don't like it!"

Su Chen looked at Nangong Ba in the void and thought to himself.

When Emperor Shenwu appeared earlier, he was strong and domineering, which left a deep impression on Su Chen.

But the incident in the Taishang Demon Palace made Su Chen feel unhappy with the Shenwu Emperor.

Regardless of the reason, Taishang Demon Palace should not be sacrificed.

"The Supreme Demonic Palace does not welcome outsiders!"

Demon Lord Qingtian looked at Nangong Badao standing in the void.

When Nangong Ba heard this, he turned around and left without saying anything.

Demon Lord Qingtian spoke out. Although he did not say it clearly, he also said that he would not take action against the remaining disciples of Taiqing Dao Palace and Taixu Lingfu, as well as the forces in various places.

His purpose was achieved.

Of course, if Demon Lord Qingtian still wants to take action.

Then no one could stop the Nine Yuan Saint Emperor from taking action earlier.

Taishang Demon Palace will suffer heavy losses.

Already won!

Then accept it when you see it.

after this war.

Although the reputation of Taishang Demon Palace is even greater, its strength has weakened a lot.

After all, the strongest person in Taishang Demon Palace is only the top emperor Qingtian Demon Lord.

Some quasi-emperors, the most powerful men, suffered countless losses in this battle.

The war ended,

The result is unexpected to many people,

The Supreme Demonic Palace won. Although they won miserably, they had to admit how powerful the Supreme Demonic Palace was.

There is
The emergence of this force plays a very important role in the Taishang Demon Palace.

If the world hadn't suddenly intervened.

The one who will definitely lose is Taishang Demon Palace. Even if Di Tianyi is extremely powerful, he will still lose.

For a time, many people and forces began to pay attention to the human world.

After all, it is said that the eagle appears in the human world.

The power in his body is sealed, and his true power is at the top emperor level.

It shows that in the human world, there may be powerful people at the level of giants among emperors.

What's more, appearing in this battle and helping the Supreme Demon Palace shows that he has extraordinary background.

Makes people more afraid of it.

The Taishang Demon Palace disappeared before, but gradually reappeared after people retreated.

this battle.

Most of the disciples of Taishang Demon Palace also lost.

The great elder and several elders of Pang Ban's lineage were seriously injured and entered the Taimo Abyss to heal.

Su Chen liked it wholeheartedly.

This time, I got two imperial soldiers and the body of a golden lion.

[Obtain the middle-grade imperial weapon, the Black Shining Samsara Sword, and get 1 purple lottery card as a reward. Get the top-grade imperial weapon, the Void Divine Mirror, and get 1 purple lottery card as a reward. Get an emperor-level golden lion corpse, and get 2 purple lottery cards. 】

Su Chen's face showed joy.

Although I didn't gain much, I also got 4 purple lottery cards.

The body of the golden lion actually allowed him to get 2 purple lottery cards, which Su Chen didn't expect.

Originally, this corpse was snatched to absorb and refine it to increase its strength. (End of chapter)

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