The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 1238 Tiandu Yunshan, the peak master of [Longhu Peak]

Chapter 1238 Tiandu Yunshan, the peak master of [Longhu Peak]

outside the Zen room.

Mrs. Qin Yang and Ning Lu looked a little nervous, with worried looks on their faces.

Ling Luoshi and Ning Tianhou took too long to enter.

"Aren't you afraid that something might happen to Ling Luoshi?"

Mrs. Qin Yang looked at Luo Hongyi and said.

"Aren't you worried about Marquis Ning Tian, ​​madam?"

Luo Hongyi knew Ling Luoshi's strength.

"It seems that you are very confident. We have always cooperated well with His Highness Yihen. Why would His Highness Yihen use such methods?"

Mrs. Qin Yang wanted to get some news from Luo Hongyi,

I want to know more before Ning Tianhou comes out.

"Mrs. Qin Yang, back then you were known as the most talented woman of the Great Shang Dynasty. When do you think the peace of the Great Shang Dynasty will be broken?"

Luo Hongyi looked at Mrs. Qin Yang and said.

She didn't dare to underestimate the woman in front of her at all.

The person who can be called the most talented woman in Dashi is definitely not simple in intelligence, so if you can explain some things clearly, you may get some unexpected results.

of course!

There is a reason why she said that.

Because Mrs. Qin Yang didn't know about the [Blue Dragon Society], there was a kind of deviation in the information.

She wanted to use this deviation to get information.

"Mother, I have contacted my master and he is on his way. You hold them back first!"

"Perhaps we can use this to capture Shang Yihen's people this time, take action against Shang Yihen, and control Shang Yihen."

Ning Lu's voice rang in Mrs. Qin Yang's ears.

Hearing Ning Lu's words, Mrs. Qin Yang felt happy, but her expression did not change at all. She looked at Luo Hongyi and said, "His Royal Highness Yihen is so smart, he actually expected that something would happen to the Great Shang Dynasty!"

"Is he trying to make the first move to increase his leverage?"

"But our family has always supported His Highness Yihen. I think cooperation between His Highness and our Ningtian Hou Mansion is a win-win solution."

Mrs. Qin Yang said.

"Your Highness does not need a win-win situation. What your Highness wants is to win for yourself. Everything must be in your hands!"

Luo Hongyi said.

But she was surprised in her heart. She did not expect that the Ningtian Hou Mansion had sensed the changes in the Great Shang Dynasty.

as they speak.

Two figures walked out of the Zen room that Ling Luoshi and the others entered earlier.

Ning Tianhou's face was a little pale, and his aura was a little unstable, while Ling Luoshi's aura was calm.


Seeing Ning Tianhou, Mrs. Qin Yang's eyes narrowed and she said.

And right now.

A man carrying a sword suddenly stepped into the monastery.


When he saw the man coming on Ning Road, he immediately spoke.

Master Ning Lu.

The peak master of Longhu Peak, the 36th peak of Tianduyun Mountain, is at the ninth level of supreme strength. He is known as [Dragon Lake Sword] Qin Yuanshan. It is said that in order to practice swordsmanship, he has spent 39 years refining swords in a cold and vicious place. His swordsmanship has reached the peak of its peak.

He combined the swordsmanship of Tiandu Yunshan and Longhu Peak to create his own swordsmanship "Tianyu Yijian." He is famous in Leizhou and is the strongest man in Tiandu Yunshan who has the best chance to become a quasi-emperor within a hundred years.

He is extremely talented in swordsmanship.

"Lu'er, Ning Tianhou, Mrs. Qin Yang, um, Ning Tianhou, you are injured!"

When he saw Ning Tianhou, he couldn't help but be startled.

Ning Tianhou's aura was a little weak.

"It's nothing serious. I didn't expect any trouble. Brother Qin is here to come!"

Ning Tianhou said.

"Master Qin, something happened to my husband. He should be controlled. Please save my husband."

At this time, Mrs. Qin Yang spoke.

Mrs. Qin Yang was known as the most talented woman in Dashang back then. Sometimes a person's appearance would change, but her intelligence would not. What's more, when Ning Tianhou came out, her heart moved inexplicably.

It was a feeling of alienation and loss.

So she immediately noticed that something happened to Ning Tianhou.


Ling Luoshi didn't expect Mrs. Qin Yang's observations to be so subtle.He looked at Luo Hongyi.

"General, Mrs. Qin Yang was known as the most talented woman in the Great Shang Dynasty back then."

Hearing this, Ling Luoshi's eyes moved slightly.

"Originally, the matter is over. Mrs. Qin Yang, you are provoking the matter again, so you all should stay here!"

Ling Luoshi said in a cold voice.

"What a crazy tone, Qin will capture you today!"

When Ling Luoshi made a sound, Qin Yuanshan said coldly.

Ning Tianhou, but the reason why he came to the Great Shang Dynasty was related to their entry into Yuzhou from Tiandu Yunshan, so nothing could happen.

Now something went wrong and doubts were controlled.

It doesn't matter if Ning Tianhou is controlled, but he must be controlled by Tiandu Yunshan.

So he needs to take down Ling Luo Shi.

His eyes were locked on Ling Luoshi, and he noticed the fluctuation of aura on Ling Luoshi's body.

"The aura on your body is a little weak. It seems that you have just experienced a big battle. You are no match for me now!"

Qin Yuanshan looked at Ling Luoshi and said.

Hearing this, Luo Hongyi's expression changed next to Ling Luoshi.

She didn't expect Ling Luoshi to take action, as if there was an accident.

Isn’t Ning Tianhou only capable of the eighth level of supreme strength?He is no match for Ling Luoshi. Could it be that there was an accident?

There was a hint of worry on his face.

The other party is the peak master of Tiandu Yun Mountain, and his strength is at the ninth level of the Supreme.

"I didn't expect that you could still sense my aura when I concealed it, but do you think I'm the only one here?"

Ling Luoshi said in a deep voice.


Hear what Ling Luoshi said.

Qin Yuanshan's eyes narrowed.

At this moment.

A figure came out from the darkness.

It is the thirteenth limit of the Yuan Dynasty.

Seeing Yuan Thirteenth Limit, Luo Hongyi's beautiful eyes were slightly startled. She knew that Ling Luoshi had entered the Supreme Ninth Level, but she didn't know that Yuan Thirteenth Limit had also entered the Supreme Ninth Level.

Now that the Thirteenth Level of the Yuan Dynasty has appeared, he must have also entered the Supreme Ninth Level.

"Ling Luoshi, Yuan Thirteenth Edition, His Highness Yihen is really good at finding two supreme ninth-level masters. No wonder he has such ambitions!"

Mrs. Qin Yang said with focused eyes.

She never understood why Shang Yihen was so radical. It turned out that he had found a helper,

"Where are you from!"

Mrs. Qin Yang said.

She wanted to know where Ling Luoshi and Yuan Thirteen Limits came from and which force they came from.

"We are from the Blue Dragon Club!"

Ling Luoshi opened the mouth and said.

"Blue Dragon Club!"

Mrs. Qin Yang frowned slightly, she really didn’t know what the Qinglong Society was.

"Unknown forces, it seems that the changes in Yuzhou have caused forces like you hiding in the dark to come out. It's a pity that you met me!"

At this time, Qin Yuanshan's eyes were filled with a cold and murderous edge.

Unknown forces.

He doesn't need to be afraid.

Even if there are two people on the other side, he doesn't care.

He believed that his own sword could destroy everything.

The scabbard on Qin Yuanshan's back groaned softly, and a black-colored ancient sword like a sword was pulled out, and it was casually caught in his right hand.

"The name of this sword is Longhu. It is a middle-grade Taoist sword from Longhufeng in Tiandu Yunshan. It has been with me for 39 years of practice in the land of suffering. I have killed countless enemies without losing a single one!"

Qin Yuanshan, holding a sword, spoke leisurely.

He has a majestic figure and white hair on his temples. He is standing with a sword at this moment, his whole body is roaring with energy, and his whole body is transformed into wisps of evil light and shadow, making him even more extraordinary.

Waves of terrifying sword intent spread from Qin Yuanshan's body like a tide, and the coldness and force forced Ning Lu and Mrs. Qin Yang to retreat continuously.

"Supreme Ninth Level! Sometimes, there is a huge difference. I just don't know if you can survive under my sword."

(End of this chapter)

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