The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 1242 The first person in Taishang Demon Palace, Cang Taigu

Chapter 1242 Taishang Demon Palace No.1, Cang Taigu

Hear this voice.

Su Chen frowned and looked at Huan Huan not far away. He knew who the visitor was, and it was for Huan Huan.

"Let's go meet each other!"

Su Chen said with a sigh.

He had not felt much about the beauty of beauty before, but since Huan Huan came out and showed her charm, coupled with the style of a disciple of Taishang Demon Palace, it has really shown that beauty is the curse of beauty.

"Master, I'm going to deal with him!"

Huanwan said with some excitement in her eyes.

"I'll solve it myself!"

Su Chen said quickly.

Let Huanwen solve it, and this hole will get bigger and bigger.

At this moment, outside Su Chen's courtyard.

A tall figure was standing.

The one who spoke out was Cang Taigu, the younger generation of Taishang Demon Palace and No. 1 among the top ten masters. He had half black and half white hair and was very attractive.

In the battle at the Taishang Demon Palace, he burst out with the second level of supreme strength.

He has killed many disciples of the six major forces and has great prestige among the younger generation of disciples, which is not comparable to Su Chen.

Behind Cang Taigu, there are many disciples from Taishang Demon Palace.

They are all here to join in the fun.

"Cang Taigu!"

Su Chen walked out of the courtyard, looked at Cang Taigu, who was dressed in black and had a tall figure, and said, "Why did you come to see me?"

"I hope you can make Miss Huanhan a disciple of my Taishang Demon Palace. Her talent should not be tied to you!"

Cang Taigu looked at Su Chen and said.

"Cang Taigu, this is my business, you can't blame the young master!"

Huanwan said as if she was not afraid of things getting serious.

"Su Chen, today I will suppress my own realm and fight you. If I win, you let Miss Huanhan leave!"

Cang Taigu looked at Su Chen and said.


Su Chen's eyes narrowed.

He couldn't help but look at Hanhan, and there was a hint of cunning in Hanhan's eyes at this moment.

Suddenly I understood the reason why Huanwen did this.

Cang Taigu is No. 1 of Taishang Demon Palace.

If Su Chen suppresses Cang Taigu at the same level, then Su Chen's prestige will increase. This is what this girl Huan Huan has planned.

"My lord, you must be the No. 1 disciple among the Taishang Demon Palace's disciples!"

Huanwan seemed to realize that Su Chen knew something, and said in a voice message.

The atmosphere solidified.

Many people are looking at Su Chen.

Cang Taigu is the No. 1 disciple of Taishang Demon Palace. Even if he is at the same level as Su Chen, Su Chen will definitely not be his opponent.

among the crowd.

Mu Zifei's eyes showed a thoughtful look.

She has seen Su Chen's strength, and he is not weak.

His beautiful eyes looked at Su Chen, he wanted to see how Su Chen would choose.

However, Cang Taigu came to visit. As the direct disciple of Pang Ban, the deputy master of Taishang Demon Palace, Su Chen could not refuse the challenge.

If he refuses, it will damage his reputation.

The Supreme Demonic Palace has always had a philosophy of respecting the strong.

"Okay, Cang Taigu, if you can beat me at the same level, I will let Hanhan worship the leader of the immortal lineage as his master."

Su Chen made his debut.

If you want to fight, I will fight.

Under the same level, he, Su Chen, is not inferior to anyone.

"You still have some backbone!"

Cang Taigu looked at Su Chen and said.

The demonic energy in Cang Taigu's body was burning like a flame.

Of course, when the demonic energy was boiling, the aura on his body still had not reached the realm of true self.

When the opponent's aura erupted, Su Chen's aura also erupted, resisting Cang Taigu's aura fluctuations.


"This Su Chen's aura is so strong!"

"I didn't expect that just after I stepped into Tianmen, I would be able to have such strength not long after." Some people couldn't help but look surprised when they saw the aura erupting from Su Chen's body.

"Your physical body is very strong, which somewhat surprises me!"

Sensing the aura on Su Chen's body, Cang Taigu's eyes narrowed and his mouth showed admiration.

But when he was admiring, his figure suddenly rushed towards Su Chen, raised his palm, and a black pagoda appeared on his palm, with black magic flames wrapped around the pagoda.

This is not a treasure, but a pagoda that Cang Taigu used his own demonic flames to condense.

"The magic flame condenses the tower, and the tower shakes all directions!"

With his palms slapping out, the black magic flame tower whizzed down toward Su Chen.

At the moment when the magic flame tower fell.

Su Chen felt that the surrounding space was locked, and a terrible pressure swept over Su Chen. Countless cracks immediately appeared in the ground under Su Chen's feet and in the space.

The sight was very scary.

Yuan Suiyun and Huanwan retreated.

"Vajra Hunyuan, fist breaks the world!"

Su Chen's eyes flashed with light, and the Vajra Hunyuan Energy in his body continued to flow, and suddenly the whole body was filled with golden light, blooming with dazzling brilliance.

Then the light poured into the fist.

Punch out.

The golden light flashed on the fist, and it felt like the fist was shattering the void.

The golden fist collided with the magic flame tower.

Suddenly, the magic flame tower shattered, the golden light of Su Chen's fist disappeared, and the two of them took a step back.

"What a domineering punch, I underestimated you!"

Cang Taigu looked at Su Chen with focused eyes.

The power Su Chen showed with his fist just now was extraordinary.

"What a powerful punch!"

"You can actually catch Senior Brother Cang's blow!"

Some of the disciples who were watching the battle in Taishang Demon Palace spoke up.

At the same level, Cang Taigu has always been the number one among the younger generation in Taishang Demon Palace.

Now that Su Chen and Cang Taigu were fighting at the same level, being able to catch Cang Taigu's blow was obviously extraordinary.

Mu Zifei in the crowd had a flash of light in her eyes.

"Shanhe Fist, heaven and earth, mountains and rivers, mountains and rivers cover the world!"

At this time, Su Chen soared into the air and began to take action. He was not someone who always defended passively.

The strong one is to keep attacking.

The aura on his body surged, and a river-like energy flowed in Su Chen's arms.

When these punches flow out, they are quickly dispersed,

At the moment of separation, Su Chen punched,

Fist blows out.

The energy of the flowing river instantly turned into a rain of tens of thousands of swords.

The sword rain fell, and the surrounding air was instantly destroyed, and then formed like a waterfall, attacking Cang Taigu.

This blow.

The momentum was huge, like landslides and earth splitting, and waterfalls swallowing everything.

It was so shocking that the spectators were chilled from head to toe. Su Chen could actually hit such a powerful blow.

This is completely unlike what can be achieved in the True Domain Realm.

Cang Taigu's eyes were also startled.

But as No. 1 in the Supreme Demonic Palace, his own strength has reached the second level of the Supreme, even if his strength is suppressed.

But with physical perception and consciousness, he is still at the supreme level.

"The Ancient Demonic Mountain!"

At this time, Cang Taigu shouted, and a terrifying demonic energy appeared on his body, which formed a huge mountain.

The waterfall rushed in and all fell on the mountain.

"it is good!"

Su Chen shouted "Hello".

With a long roar, the demonic energy in his body surged, and his entire body began to change. His muscles swelled, exuding terrifying power fluctuations, and headed towards Cang Taigu,

With his huge body and violent demonic aura, he was like a demon god, unstoppable and punched the mountains of Cangtaikou.


The mountains protecting Cang Taigu made a clicking sound.

Then it exploded.

(End of this chapter)

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