Chapter 1245 Twelve Heavenly Palace, Divine Source Fragments

Tiandu Yunshan.

On a mountain peak.

The top of the mountain is very wide and there is a fountain of water.

In the middle of the spring.

There are purple lotus flowers slowly blooming.

The endless dense breath emerges from the gaps in the lotus, as if there is a strong Tao rhyme flowing in it.

Next to the spring, there are two figures sitting cross-legged.

They were two old men wearing Taoist robes, one wearing a purple Taoist robe and the other wearing a green Taoist robe.

The dense aura on the lotus in the spring is constantly pouring into the two old men and being absorbed by the two old men.

Behind the old man, the mountain master of Tiandu Yun Mountain, wearing a golden robe, was standing respectfully.

After a while, the two old men opened their eyes.

"Disturbing the two ancestors!"

"What happened?"

The old man wearing a purple robe said.

"Junior Brother Yuanshan fell in the Great Shang Dynasty. Ning Tianhou of the Great Shang Dynasty sent a notice to Junior Brother Yuanshan to kill his wife and children to take revenge!"

The Lord of Tiandu Yun Mountain bowed and said,

"It seems that the water in Yuzhou is a bit deep, and you entered Yuzhou too hastily."

The old man wearing a purple robe said.

"Ancestor, our Tiandu Yun Mountain can no longer develop in Leizhou. Yuzhou is now in turmoil. Taishang Demon Palace, Taiqing Dao Palace, and Taixu Mausoleum have all weakened. It is time for our Tiandu Yun Mountain to enter!"

"As long as we Tiandu Yunshan develops in Yuzhou, we will be able to enter Zhongzhou. This is an opportunity that I don't want to miss."

The main road of Tiandu Yunshan Mountain.

"Then what do you want to do now?"

The old man in purple robe looked at the master of Tiandu Yunshan Mountain and said.

"Old Ancestor, Marquis Ning Tian slandered me, the Master of Tiandu Yun Mountain Peak, so he naturally used this to capture Ning Tian Marquis and occupy the Great Shang Dynasty. As long as we occupy the Great Shang Dynasty, we can plot against Yuzhou."

The main road of Tiandu Yunshan Mountain,

"The emperor of the Great Shang Dynasty is the disciple of the master of the Taixuling Palace. Now the Taixuling Palace relies on the Shenwu Palace."

"If you want to take over the Great Shang Dynasty, the Taixu Mausoleum Mansion will definitely not let you do so. And the Taixu Mausoleum Mansion now relies on the Shenwu Palace. If you attack the Great Shang Dynasty, you are actually taking action against the Shenwu Palace."

The old man wearing purple robe said.

"Ancestor, it can be said that Shenwu Palace has lost some credibility due to the incident in Taishang Demon Palace. Why should we care about this?"

"We are only taking action against the Great Shang Dynasty, and at most we are targeting the Taixu Mausoleum Mansion."

The mountain master of Tiandu Yunshan opened his mouth and said.

From his tone, it can be seen that he does not have much respect for Shenwu Palace.

"You think too simply. Do you know why Emperor Shenwu gave up on the Supreme Demonic Palace?"

Without saying anything before, the old man wearing a blue robe spoke.


"Please give me some clear instructions from my ancestor!"

The master of Tiandu Yun Mountain frowned slightly and said.

"The Supreme Demonic Palace is located in the outer area of ​​the human race, but it is very prestigious. Emperor Shenwu should not abandon the Supreme Demonic Palace."

"The purpose is the Taimo Abyss in the Taishang Demon Palace."

The old man in green robe said.

"Isn't the Taimo Abyss just a secret realm? Why are we fighting for this secret realm? Is there any explanation for the Taimo Abyss?"

The mountain master of Tiandu Yunshan opened his mouth and said.

"The Taimo Abyss may be an entrance to the Twelve Heavens Palace."

The old man in green robe said,

"The entrance to the Twelve Heavens Temple?"

"The Twelve Heavens Palace is not rumored to be above Xuyun. How come the entrance is in Taimo Abyss?"

Hearing this, the master of Tiandu Yun Mountain said with a startled expression.

"It's just a rumor, but rumors will also cause people to fight for it. The Twelve Heavenly Palace is a sect that has been passed down from ancient times. Only when the Twelve Holy Son Orders are gathered can the Sea of ​​Virtual Clouds be opened."

"Of course this is not the point. The point is that there are fragments of the divine source in the Twelve Heavens Palace. Gods in recent ancient times existed above the Great Emperor!"

"If the Taimo Abyss is the entrance to the Twelve Heavens Palace, who wouldn't be crazy!"

The old man in green robe said.

"If that's the case, even if it's fake, someone will give it a try." The owner of Tiandu Yun Mountain said in a deep voice.

"That's why Taishang Demon Palace was abandoned!"

"What's more, Emperor Shenwu is no longer the Emperor Shenwu before!"

Having said this, the old man in green robe sighed.

The mountain master of Tiandu Yun Mountain did not ask about this.

The two old ancestors, Qian and the emperor-level powerhouses of Taishang Demon Palace, were both under the command of Emperor Shenwu.

Emperor Shenwu established the Shenwu Palace, and the two ancestors returned to Tiandu Yun Mountain.

In it, something else must have emerged.

He couldn't ask about these things.

"Those two ancestors, could it be that the matter in Yuzhou is just like this, and we Tiandu Yunshan will not react!"

The master of Tianduyun Mountain said thoughtfully.

"Reaction, of course there must be a reaction. Send people to the Great Shang Dynasty. Yuanshan's strength is close to the quasi-emperor level. He died outside. How can we, Tiandu Yunshan, not have any reaction?"

"But with the fusion of the three races, we don't just focus on the human race area, Duxian Mountain and the demon blood clan territory outside Duxian Mountain, we can also occupy it!"

"I got news that the Cangqiong Immortal Palace and the Heavenly Sword Saint Sect in Qingzhou are contacting the Ferocious Beast Clan, the White Tiger Celestial Clan, and the Demon Blood Clan, and are preparing to carve up the Demonic Blood Clan!"

"We at Tiandu Yunshan can also join in!"

The green-robed old man continued.


The mountain master of Tianduyun Mountain was startled when he heard this.

He didn't expect that four major forces wanted to carve up the Demon Blood clan.

"Is there anything strange about this? Taixu Mausoleum and Taiqing Dao Palace can join forces with demons and beasts to deal with Taishang Demon Palace. Why can't Cangqiong Immortal Palace and Tianjian Holy Sect join forces with demons and beasts to carve up the Demon Blood clan? ?”

"Zhan Xue, Bai Hu and the others have a deep hatred for the Demon Blood clan!"

"The integration of the three major clans is sometimes not a bad thing!"

After saying this, the old man in green robe continued to close his eyes.

The mountain master of Tiandu Yun Mountain stood in thought for a moment and then said: "Ancestor, I understand!"

After saying this and bowing, he left the mountain.

Another place.

Great Shang Dynasty.

Deep in the palace.

The emperor of the Great Shang Dynasty is standing in front of an old man. This is the old emperor of the Great Shang Dynasty.

The old emperor was sitting cross-legged.

The body is emitting bright starlight, which contrasts with the picture above the head that is emitting bright starlight.

The old emperor opened his eyes, raised his hand, and the scroll of bright stars fell into his hands and disappeared.

"What happened!"

The old emperor spoke.

While speaking, stand up slowly.

"Father, the Great Shang Dynasty may be in crisis recently, and the world may take action against me!"

The emperor of Dashang Dynasty opened his mouth and said.

"The human world? That newly emerged force, they want to avenge Zhou Mudao!"

The old emperor frowned slightly.

The strength shown in this world is extraordinary. If he takes action, the Great Shang Emperor may die.

"This matter was issued by the Taixu Mausoleum Mansion, Mu Zixiao, how did he respond?"

The old emperor asked.

"Today, the powerful people in Taixu Mausoleum have suffered heavy losses. There are only two quasi-emperor level experts, and there is only one master left at the great emperor level. He is no longer able to help us!"

"He has asked for support from the Shenwu Palace and asked the people from the Shenwu Palace to help me!"

"But it takes time to come, and I've been restless recently. If the world wants to attack me, I'm afraid they won't wait until the people from the Shenwu Palace arrive."

The emperor of the Great Shang Dynasty frowned.

After the rumors of people taking action against him appeared, he had a bad feeling in his heart.

The perception is that someone is pushing this.

Even if the world was not prepared to take action before, if this rumor appears, the world will take action.

(End of this chapter)

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