The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 1249 Cooperation is impossible, you have no choice but to die

Chapter 1249 Cooperation is impossible, you have no choice but to die
Duanlang looked outside the cage.

The aura of the Great Shang Emperor who had struggled earlier had disappeared, and he fell to the ground, unable to withstand Duan Lang's blow.

"I didn't expect that I, Duan Lang, would be plotted against me. Emperor Dashang, you are really extraordinary!"

"But I'm curious as to how you managed this game for me!"

Duan Lang looked at the Great Shang Emperor and said.

All the situations seemed very real, and he didn't see any flaws, which made him extremely puzzled.

He Duanlang is a tolerant person, and he is good at conspiracies, but now he was played by the Great Shang Emperor.

"The matter of the Emperor's Heavenly Scepter Dao Spirit itself is true."

"It's just that you don't need to go outside the imperial city to do this. With the scroll seal, I can do it."

"Of course, the other thing is that I am not swallowing the Taoist spirit of the Emperor's Heavenly Staff, but I am merging with the Daoist spirit of the Emperor's Heavenly Staff!"

"Because if I swallow the Taoist spirit of the Emperor's Heavenly Scepter, then I will definitely be repelled by the Emperor's Heavenly Scepter. Once the Emperor's Rights Heavenly Scepter rejects me, it will not be able to help me break through!"

"As for my plan, it starts with the emergence of rumors in the Imperial City. Rumors spread, whether they come from you in the human world or from other forces. The final point is that you will definitely take action against me!"

"You are hiding and I am revealing, which is very detrimental to me, so I acted out this scene."

Emperor Dashang looked at Duan Langdao with cold eyes.

"I didn't expect it to be like this. It's really not unfair to be plotted against by someone like you!"

Duanlang said.

I also secretly sighed that I was a little careless.

How could someone who could become an emperor for a lifetime be a simple person?

The strong men in this world are not that simple.

If you are not careful, you will capsize in the gutter.

"Even so, can you escape from me?"

"Or, you can take me down!"

Duan Lang looked at the emperor of Dashang Tianchao and said.

"I don't know if I can cooperate with you in the human world?"

Emperor Dashang looked at Duan Lang and said.

"You are going to die, there is no chance of living."

Duan Lang said coldly.

Although this great Shang Emperor is a bit extraordinary, he needs to die, otherwise his reputation in the world will not be established.

"It seems that you are not going to let me go. If this is the case, then I will kill you and use your reputation and your head to join the Shenwu Palace!"

Emperor Dashang looked at Duan Lang and said.

The tone is calm.

It can be seen that he knows that Duanlang will not cooperate with him.

"Kill me, I really want to see how you kill me."

Duan Lang looked at the other party, his mind spreading around. The other party actually led him here, there must be a plan.

Of course Duanlang also quickly contacted Chuanying who came with him.

At no time would he regard himself as invincible.

It’s normal to get involved in someone else’s scheme and ask for help.

Emperor Dashang's eyes were solemn.

Duanlang showed the strength of a half-step emperor.

Although he is now in the cage of his Imperial Heavenly Scepter, no matter what, this Imperial Heavenly Scepter is only a Taoist weapon, not an imperial weapon.

"Heavenly Demon Soul Eater!"

He gave a low drink.

The black stone platform where the scepter was previously was shaking.

The surrounding black iron pillars also began to change.

In response to the screens appearing around them before, the black stone platform began to shatter with a click, and black figures poured out from it, heading towards the scepter cage.

Seeing this change,

Duan Lang's expression was also very solemn. Emperor Shang could plot against him and had a plan, so he should not be underestimated.

Therefore, Duanlang is not a big deal.

Duanlang's eyes became sharp, and his aura suddenly changed, and a fierce and domineering demonic aura emerged, with a sword intent in the demonic aura.

Although Duan Lang has few sword skills, he is also the son of Duan Shuai, Nanlin's swordsman.

His own swordsmanship is not weak.Tsk tsk tsk!
The nearby airflow suddenly became turbulent, as if being cut by countless fine sharp edges, producing fine and dense crackling sounds.

And it collided with the surrounding screen, tearing out shocking cracks on the screen.

this moment.

Duanlang showed a completely different power than before.

Although the body is equally sharp, it reveals endless sword intent.

Opposite him, the Great Shang Emperor could not help but be surprised and showed a look of shock.

He has been investigating the human world for a long time.

He has information on every character that appears in the human world.

From these information, he came to the conclusion that if he were to take action against him, the person who would take action should be Duan Lang and Duan Lang in the world.

So he had a detailed understanding of the situation of Duanlang.

After Duanlang transformed into a dragon, his strength was at the half-step emperor level, dominated by dragon power.

But today, a terrifying sword intent erupted.

This was completely beyond his expectations.

"Eclipse Sword! Fire Qilin!"

Duan Lang shouted low and raised his arm. The coldness that had previously frozen his arm was completely eliminated. When he raised his arm, bright red flames appeared.


A sword came out.

The sword emerged from the eclipse sun, shining brightly with flames. Behind this light, a red unicorn roared out.

The Duan Lang in this life is not the Duan Lang in the previous life. He is also evolving his martial arts.

"Shanhe Sheji!"

Emperor Dashang's expression changed, his figure merged with the figure of the scepter behind him, he shouted low, and punched out.


With this punch, the space within half a mile collapsed instantly.

At the same time, a huge image of mountains and rivers appeared above the fist.

Among them, there are vast mountains, surging rivers, and even wild beasts like mountains and birds of prey that block the sun. There is an ancient and vast atmosphere everywhere, and it is a complete scene of mountains, rivers and the country.

Jianguang and Qilin were pulled into it by the mountains and rivers, and the endless mountains and beasts moved toward Jianguang and Qilin to suppress them.

A powerful collision.

In the end, Jianguang and Qilin, as well as Shanhe Sheji, disappeared at the same time.

"This move of yours is very strong!"

Duan Lang looked at the Great Shang Emperor and said.

"This move is just a test!"

While he was speaking, the Great Shang Emperor violently attacked Duan Lang, and the Emperor's Heavenly Staff behind him suddenly struck across the sky.

"The imperial power of heaven and earth is supreme!"

The moment the Emperor's Power Heavenly Staff struck, a terrifying majesty swept over the Emperor's Power Heavenly Staff.

Imperial power, power, the pinnacle of worldly power.

This is an ability that can overwhelm other people’s energy and spirit.

At the moment when this power comes.

The previously wandering demon soul suddenly let out a loud roar and swept towards Duanlang.

"Blood fire evil gang!"

Duan Lang roared, and a terrifying bloody flame aura appeared on his body to resist the demonic souls roaring towards him.

"Fire dragons chase the sun, blood, fire and thunder!"

Immediately, Duan Lang quickly punched twice.

The fire dragon rushed out, the blood fire thundered, and the thunder flashed, and at the same time it attacked the fallen Emperor's Heavenly Scepter.

The three forces collided, setting off waves of air, which flew towards the surrounding screens, bang!The cracked screen itself shattered in the blink of an eye.

Previously, the Great Shang Emperor arranged the Imperial Celestial Staff Cage and disappeared.

The two of them retreated separately.

"Even if you use an external screen and the Emperor's Heavenly Staff Cage to suppress my strength, the gap between you and me is a bit big, which is irreparable. What other means do you have to use them together? Otherwise, you really don't have any." Chance."

Duan Lang looked at the Great Shang Emperor and said with cold eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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