Chapter 1251 Arrival at Great Shang Dynasty
The imperial city of the Great Shang Dynasty.

Duan Lang, wearing a robe exclusive to the human world, appeared in the air holding the head of the Great Shang Emperor.

"The emperor of the Great Shang Dynasty has taken action against our affiliated forces in the world, and he will beheaded today!"

As he spoke, the head he was holding in his hand was pushed out with one palm!
The head was perfectly mounted on the wall of the imperial city.

The face on the head was horrified, as if he had seen something unexpected.

Duanlang's body disappeared.

But this shocked the entire Imperial City of Shang Dynasty.

The previous rumors came true. The emperor of the Great Shang Dynasty was beheaded and his head was mounted on the wall of the imperial city of the Great Shang Dynasty.

This news is too sensational,

The old emperor of the Great Shang Dynasty appeared and brought back the head of the emperor Shang Tianhuan of the Great Shang Dynasty.

The old emperor took over the imperial power again.

But there was still turmoil in the imperial city.

Various forces appear in it,

a time.

The Great Shang Dynasty was more turbulent than the previous Great Zhou Dynasty.

And at this moment,

A peak master from Tiandu Yun Mountain appeared in Dashang Imperial City, confronting Ning Tianhou of Dashang Dynasty, and asked Ning Tianhou about the death of Qin Yuanshan, the master of Longhu Peak in Tiandu Yun Mountain.

The conversation didn't last long.

The two started fighting.

Ning Tianhou fought with all his might, like a madman, fighting to kill the peak master of Tiandu Yun Mountain.

However, Ning Tianhou was seriously injured, and no matter how hard he tried, he was no match for Master Tianduyun Peak. In the end, he blew himself up and died together with Master Tianduyun Peak.

For a time, the strange atmosphere in the Great Shang Dynasty was pushed to a climax.

But after the death of Ning Tianhou.

Ling Luoshi, who was previously unknown, took charge of Ning Tianhou's previous army and was given the position of general.

In the process.

Although the atmosphere in the Imperial City of the Great Shang Dynasty was solemn, on the surface it was becoming calm.

a few days later,

Su Chen's carriage slowly headed towards the residence of Mu Tianhou, one of the four great princes of the Great Shang Dynasty.

in front of the house

An old man in a green robe was anxiously watching the street conditions on the side of the road.

Next to the old man, there is a girl about thirteen or fourteen years old. Her glossy black hair falls softly, her eyebrows are delicate and beautiful, her skin is as white as cream, and she is a perfect embryo of beauty.

She was wearing a loose and decent purple blouse. The purple blouse was fluttering, and her delicate figure glowed with a hazy and illusive luster under the setting sun, with a hint of agility in the hazy luster.

When they saw this woman on the street not far away, some people showed surprise in their eyes.

"Who is that? So beautiful!"

"That is the second young lady of the Mu family, the apple of Mu Tianhou's eye!"

One person said while talking.

"Second young lady, there is also the eldest lady. The second young lady is so smart and agile, like a fairy, so isn't the eldest lady like that!"

"Of course the eldest lady is equally beautiful, but she seems to have become a disciple of the Supreme Demonic Palace. I don't know if something went wrong during this battle in the Supreme Demonic Palace."

some said.

while they were talking.

A carriage slowly arrived in front of Mu's mansion.

Su Chen and Mu Zifei got off the carriage.

"I've met the eldest lady! Who is this?"

When the butler in green robe saluted Mu Zifei, he also asked about Su Chen's identity.

"Is this my brother-in-law? My sister has never sat in a carriage with anyone. You are the first one, so you must be my brother-in-law!"

At this time, the girl who was following the old man in green robe spoke.

And he looked towards Su Chen, looking up and down.

"This girl, Qingshui Furong!"

"I am your brother-in-law, and you are Mu Zixuan!"

Su Chen said with a smile.

On the way here, Mu Zifei informed Su Chen about some situations of the Mu family.

Mu Tianhou has one son and two daughters. Mu Zifei is the oldest, his second brother Mu Ning is seventeen this year, and his younger sister Mu Zixuan is thirteen this year.

"He is really my brother-in-law!"

Hearing that Su Chen was really talking about her brother-in-law, the little girl moved her eyes quickly and stepped forward and said, "Then did you bring me a gift?"

Holding in both hands.

He looked at Su Chen.

"Little sister!" Su Chen only became her man on the road. Did Su Chen not prepare anything along the way?
"Sister, I want something from my brother-in-law, please don't interrupt!"

"I want to see if my brother-in-law is really good to you!"

The little girl looked at it and said with her mouth shut.

"I really have something for you!"

When Su Chen was talking, he took out a candy bar and put it in her hand.

"Eat something sweet to cheer you up!"

Su Chen said with a smile.

"You, brother-in-law, you are really stingy!"

The little girl looked at the candy in her hand with horrified eyes.

"Uncle Liu, this is Su Chen, should we go into the house? It's not convenient outside!"

Mu Zifei couldn't help but say when she saw Su Chen teasing Mu Zixuan.

"Miss, Mr. Su, please come in!"

Uncle Liu hurriedly led several people into the mansion and arranged for someone to deliver the carriage to the backyard.

in the hall,

Three people were standing.

The man was tall and handsome. He was wearing a blue robe and his eyes were shining. He was Mu Tianhou, one of the four great princes of the Shang Dynasty.

Next to him stood a woman. Although the woman was old, her appearance was dignified and bright, with a unique mature charm. She was definitely a beauty when she was young.

There is also a boy about 17 years old. He has the same tall and straight appearance, and his face does not look immature. Instead, he is determined. He is Mu Ning, Mu Tianhou's only son.

"You said that Zifei is returning to the Great Shang Dynasty at this time, and the strength of Taishang Demon Palace is weakened at this time, shouldn't she stay in the mountain gate to improve her strength?"

"What's more, the Great Shang Dynasty is in some chaos now!"

"You shouldn't come back!"

The woman spoke.

There was some worry in his voice.

"Dad, mother, sister and brother-in-law are back!"

"My brother-in-law is too stingy, so he gave me a piece of candy as a gift. He wanted to take a piece of candy in exchange for my eldest sister."

Just as Madam was speaking, Mu Zixuan ran in and spoke.

"You're too stingy. I won't let you go. Let's see how you face my mother and the others."

Mu Zixuan laughed in her heart.

Hear it!

The three people in the hall all looked startled.

They didn't expect that Mu Zifei would bring someone back.

Mu Tianhou couldn't help but look at his wife. They knew that their daughter was very high-spirited.

Why did you suddenly bring a son-in-law back?

"Master, Miss and Mr. Su are here!"

At this time, Uncle Liu took Su Chen and the others into the hall.

"Su Chen, Taishang Demon Palace, has met Mu Tianhou and his wife!"

Su Chen entered the hall and saluted the two of them.

"Su Chen!"

"Too High Demon Palace!"

"You are the disciple of Pang, the Supreme Demon Palace, and the son-in-law of the current emperor of the Great Zhou Dynasty!"

Hearing Su Chen announce his name,

Mu Tianhou said with focused eyes,

"Exactly, but now you can also make me your son-in-law and father-in-law!"

Su Chen then continued.

Mu Zifei has become his woman. It is not an exaggeration to say that. Since the other party recognizes him, he will directly change his name to father-in-law.

I heard Su Chen say this.

Behind Mu Tianhou, Mu Ning couldn't help but raise a thumbs up towards Su Chen.

"Father, mother, this is my decision!"

"Su Chen will be my husband from now on!"

Mu Zifei stepped forward and said.

"This time we came to the Great Shang Dynasty because we hope that my father can announce that he will join me in the Supreme Demonic Palace and become a disciple of the Supreme Demonic Palace!"

Mu Zifei did not let Mu Tianhou and the others continue talking, but changed the topic to another matter.

"It's so easy to do things this way!"

Su Chen didn't expect Mu Zifei to talk about this matter as soon as she came in.

(End of this chapter)

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