The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 1262 The first generation master of Taixu Mausoleum, the Imperial Soldier Taixu Stone Tablet

Chapter 1262 The first generation master of Taixu Mausoleum, the Imperial Soldier Taixu Stone Tablet
another place

Taixu Mausoleum.

In a newly built palace,

The master of Taixu Mausoleum, Mo Zixiao, had a gloomy expression, and his originally elegant face turned a little ferocious.

"Jiuhan Palace, how come the Great Shang Dynasty is related to Jiuhan Palace? How dare Jiuhan Palace be so unscrupulous? How dare they kill Qi Tianlong?"

The master of Taixuling Mansion said angrily.

The tone was very confusing.

Why did Jiuhan Palace Yaoyue dare to kill Tianlong?

In front of him stood a middle-aged man wearing a purple robe. The middle-aged man's figure was blurred, like a curtain of light,

He is the new palace master of Taiqing Dao Palace.

"Brother Mo, this is a good thing. The prisoner Tianlong of Shenwu Palace died. Shenwu Palace should send someone here. According to my guess, the one who came should be Chong Heihu, the leader of the Black Tiger Army."

"This Chongheihu is a top emperor. If he comes and kills Yao Yue in Jiuhan Palace, it will be very beneficial to us!"

"Now our momentum has been hit. We are recruiting disciples, absorbing faith, and the opportunity is cut off!"

"Someone needs to help us set it up!"

The master of Taiqing Dao Palace spoke.

"I hope so. I will pass the information to Shenwu Palace first and see how they react!"

Mo Zixiao, the master of Taixuling Mansion, said.

"Okay, I'll make some plans too!"

After saying that, the figure of the master of Taiqing Dao Palace disappeared in front of him,

"Originally, I wanted to use the Shenwu Palace to capture the Supreme Demonic Palace and strengthen my Taixu Mausoleum, but now my Taixu Mausoleum has become like this. If this continues, even if the Taixu Mausoleum has a powerful emperor like me, Otherwise, they will become a third-rate force in Yuzhou!"

Mo Zixiao, the master of Taixu Ling Mansion, said with a solemn expression.

After a moment of contemplation.

Mo Zixiao turned and left the hall.

Appeared in a valley in the back mountain of Taixuling Mansion.

This place had not been affected before and was intact.

Seal in hand.

A stone gate emerged on the mountain wall.

Mo Zixiao pushed the door open and entered.

within the mountain wall
It's a huge palace.

Inside the palace, the light of colored glaze flickered, illuminating the entire palace like daylight.

In the center of the palace, there is a doll as tall as one person.

Although it is a doll, it looks like a real person. It is wearing a light blue Taoist robe, its eyes are tightly closed, and it has long and curved eyelashes.

This is a breathtakingly beautiful woman, with long black robes falling down, skin as white as snow, curved eyebrows, delicate nose, and elegant lips. There is almost no part of her body that is not beautiful.

Looking at the woman in front of him, Mo Zixiao's expression moved slightly.


"Now that there are changes in the Taixu Mausoleum, the collection of faith is still far behind. It is still a bit difficult to resurrect you!"

Mo Zixiao narrated the recent events one by one with a respectful expression.

This woman is the first generation master of the Taixu Mausoleum Palace. She has been dead for thousands of years. Unexpectedly, the Taixu Mausoleum Palace wants to resurrect her.

Just after Mo Zixiao spoke.

Under the woman's feet, a light appeared on the stone platform.

The light shines brightly.

Then a stone tablet appeared from the stone platform and turned into a beam of light that flew into Mo Zixiao's body.

"Taixu Stone Tablet!"

"Mid-grade godless soldiers!"

"You can incorporate the power in Taixu Mausoleum into your body to help you practice, and you can also form a defense to block the attack of the giant-level emperor!"

Mo Zixiao looked excited.

"Thank you for the reward, Patriarch!"

Mo Zixiao bowed and thanked.

Without speaking, he turned and left.

Then the valley became silent again.
Dajing Dynasty.

in the palace.

The Empress of Dajing, Zhu Qingdi, looked solemn.

"Has anything been found out about the death of Tianwu Hou Yang Lin?"

"Reporting back to the emperor, he died in front of a thunder attribute master. Judging from the traces of his attack, the opponent was at the ninth level of supreme strength. As soon as Yang Lin showed up, he was shot through the heart and died!"

The beautiful woman in front of Zhu Qingdi said. "Did Li Chenzhou do it?"

Zhu Qingdi said in a deep voice.

Li Chenzhou appeared, but did not meet Zhu Qingdi. He stayed in Jiang Yuyan's mansion.

But Yang Lin, the Wrathful Marquis who had some grudge against Jiang Yuyan, was killed in his mansion today.

"Li Chenzhou has always been at Jiang Yuyan's residence and has never left!"

People in the mansion have feedback,

The beautiful woman spoke.

"What do they mean by the Qinglonghui? Are they just bothering me like this? If I don't go to see them, they won't come to see me."

Zhu Qingdi's voice was a little cold.

I originally thought that Li Chenzhou would come to see her when he arrived in the Jing Dynasty, but there was no movement from the other party.

Although he didn't see her, he took action and directly killed the Wrathful Marquis Yang Lin.

The means are sharp.

"Emperor, how about I go see the other party and ask them to come to see the Emperor!"

Qingli woman said.

"I'm afraid even if you go, they won't come to see me. They are waiting for me to see them!"

Zhu Qingdi said in a deep voice.

"Emperor, once we go to see them, we will lose the initiative!"

"Go and summon Jiang Yuyan. I want to see her in person. I really want to see what she says!"

Zhu Qingdi said.


The beautiful woman turned and left.

another place

In Jiang Yuyan’s mansion,

"I'm going to trouble Mr. An this time!"

Jiang Yuyan said to An Shigeng in front of her.

An Shigeng and Jian Yin no longer had any role in the Ruo Kingdom, so they came to the Great Jing Dynasty. As for the soldiers and horses of the Ruo Kingdom, they were scattered by him and entered the border of the Great Jing Dynasty little by little.

They were leaving the territory of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

Although Emperor Zhou of the Great Zhou Dynasty had returned to the imperial city, his control over the territory was not as good as before, so these people easily crossed the territory of the Great Zhou Dynasty and came to the border of the Great Jing Dynasty.

"I have controlled all the middle and low-level officials in the imperial city of Dajing. However, the bodyguard regiment founded by Empress Dajing is tightly defended and its personnel basically do not go out, so it is difficult to control the people among them!"

"Among other legions, I only control some people!"

An Shigeng said calmly.

In recent times, he has devoured the blood and mental power of many people. Especially his mental power has increased by leaps and bounds because he controls so many people.

Although his own strength has only reached the third level of his true self, his mental power has exceeded his own level and has reached the sixth level of his true self.

I am thinking about breaking through to the Supreme Realm.

"Zhu Qingdi is also a peerless empress!"

"We can't underestimate her!"

Jiang Yuyan said.

"Once Yang Lin dies, many people will start to wonder whether it was Zhu Qingdi who was responsible. There will also be angry troops outside. I'm afraid there will be unrest!"

"At this time, I want Zhu Qingdi to meet you!"

Sitting on the other side was Li Chenzhou.

Li Chenzhou was sitting there, exuding a domineering aura.

After becoming the third disciple of Tianlu Bashan, he also received some inheritance, and his strength improved by leaps and bounds, reaching the first level of the Supreme Realm.

This speed is not as fast as others.

But with the power of his bloodline, he can easily kill the Supreme Second Level.

This time he also took this opportunity to come to Yuzhou to practice and improve his strength.

"The Great Shang Celestial Dynasty has invited the Lord of the Moon Palace to show up. In addition, Ling Luoshi has become the general of the four major armies of the Great Shang Celestial Dynasty. The Great Shang Celestial Dynasty will change ownership very quickly!"

"We also need to speed up the pace! Take down the Great Jing Dynasty as soon as possible."

"However, Zhu Qingdi, the empress of the Dajing Dynasty, needs to be paid attention to. I found from her information that Zhu Qingdi disappeared for two years before she succeeded to the throne. The information shows that she was in seclusion in the palace and accepted the martial arts inheritance of the Dajing Dynasty!"

"But it's also possible that she's not in her palace, because her style has been a bit tough since she took over!"

"The ninth level of supreme strength shouldn't allow her to have such strong confidence!"

Li Chenzhou said from the side.

(End of this chapter)

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