The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 1266 Thunder shines in all directions, Li Wuxie takes action with all his strength

Chapter 1266 Thunder shines in all directions, Li Wuxie takes action with all his strength

"Thunder shines in all directions!"

A figure appeared and shouted.

The surrounding thunder light surged up, colliding with the falling black Buddha light, rumbling, followed by a violent sound and a dazzling light.

Heaven and earth return to peace.

The figure that rushed out stood intact.

In front of him, two figures appeared,

One person is holding a spear, and the other person is holding a Buddhist pagoda beads.

"Jiang Yuyan, you sent someone to assassinate Tianwuhou, and today we are here to avenge him!"

The sound was loud and spread throughout the imperial city.

"You are the murderer of Tiannuhou, we will definitely kill you today!"

The man holding the gun looked at Li Wuxie and shouted.

The power of thunder and lightning remained in the body of Lord Tiannuo, and the power of thunder and lightning was surging on Li Wuxie's body. They had determined that Li Wuxie was the person who killed Lord Tianwu.

They came to kill Jiang Yuyan and Li Wuxie.

But there is always a reason to take action.

The reason is to avenge the Wrathful Lord!

Of course, no matter whether it was Li Wuxie who killed Tiannuhou or not, they would all believe that it was Li Wuxie who killed Tiannuhou.

"Hmph, I am the one who kills the Wrathful Marquis!"

"The Marquis of Tiannuo has his own troops and wants to take refuge with the first king Zhu Di. He rebels against the emperor and deserves to be killed!"

Li Wuxie said.

He was attacked and killed when he left the imperial city.

He had no reason not to suspect that this was part of Empress Dajing's plan.

Since Empress Dajing plotted against them, why didn't he make this matter bigger?

Put all the blame for this matter on Empress Dajing.

In the imperial palace of Dajing.

Empress Dajing stood above the palace, looking at the three people who appeared in the void with extremely gloomy eyes.

Although this scene was expected by her, she did not expect that she would be involved in it.

Of course I didn’t expect that,

It was just a test, and the other party immediately sent out two powerful men of the ninth level.

The light in the phoenix eyes flickered.

"Bringing the wolf into the house, or is it?"

Zhu Qingdi groaned.

"[Qinglonghui] Let me see how many powerful men you have in the imperial city of Dajing Dynasty. Also, some of my imperial uncles, you also invested money and sent two supreme ninth-level men at once. Come,"

"Kill it!"

"I don't care about fame!"

Zhu Qingdi looked at the three people in the sky.

As the reincarnated emperor, Zhu Qingdi didn't care about these at all.

What she wants is the result.

No matter what, this time the [Blue Dragon Society] and the other side will both suffer losses. The Supreme Ninth Level has a decisive effect on the forces within the territory of the Great Jing Dynasty!

Losing one or two people would be a huge loss to any force.

in another place

Two figures are also watching the situation here.

It was Zhu Shang and Yun Sheer.

"Li Wuxie actually directly said that she was ordered by the emperor. Does she want to formally liquidate us?"

"Has the Empress already accumulated enough power?"

Zhu Shang looked solemn.

"Your Majesty, shall we recall the two of them?"

At this time, Yun Sheling said.

"If that's the case, it will be difficult for them to leave. I want to see what strength the empress has?"

Zhu Shang said with a ferocious expression.

"In this case, I'm afraid you two adults!"

Yun Sheer said worriedly.

"They have the ninth level of supreme strength. If they sense danger, they will leave immediately!"

"They probably haven't sensed the danger yet!"

Zhu Shang shook his head.

as he speaks.

Li Wuxie, who spoke first, had a surge of aura, his dark hair was dancing wildly, his eyes flashed with terrifying light, and his whole body was filled with an aura that suppressed everything.Momentum and thunder.

Terrifying exception.

He, Li Wuxie, is known as the Evil God.

"There is evil hidden in the lightning! How could there be such a person?"

Zhu Qingdi, who was watching the battle, looked at Li Wuxie who was bursting with momentum, and his eyes narrowed.

Others may not be able to sense this strangeness, but Zhu Qingdi can.

"This Blue Dragon Club!"

At this moment, she was a little afraid of the Qinglong Society.

The reason why there was no fear of the Qinglong Society before was because at first, Jiang Yuyan's strength was too weak and she was not taken seriously at all.

Jiang Yuyan was only used as a shield.

This caused her to not care much about the Blue Dragon Club.

"Buddha saves someone with a predestined relationship!"

"You have a destiny with my Buddhist sect, and today a Japanese monk will help you!"

At this moment, the man holding the black pagoda whispered.

Li Wuxie's body was flashing with lightning, but evil was erupting in his body, which made him want to suppress the other party and refine the other party into a puppet, which might help him escape from the body now shrouded in evil energy.

Once this shackles disappear, he may be able to step into the quasi-emperor.

The pagoda in his hand once again rose into the air and headed towards it, shrouded in Li Wuxie.

Just when the pagoda took off.

"Thunder Emperor's Finger!"

Li Wuxie gave a low drink.

A thick white finger bone appeared in the void, and the white finger bone flashed with terrifying thunder and lightning.

This is Thunder Emperor's finger.

When accepting the Thunder Emperor's inheritance, he also tempered the Thunder Emperor's finger bones.

Fingers appear.

Heaven and earth are silent.

Colliding with the falling black pagoda.

The black pagoda was thrown backwards by the impact, and the black light on the pagoda was shattered. Poof, the man in monk's robe spurted a mouthful of blood from the corner of his mouth, and his face turned pale.


He didn't expect that his pagoda would be shattered by the opponent's fingers.

"Thunder Emperor's Finger, he actually has Thunder Emperor's Finger, and the lightning on his body, then he should have obtained the Thunder Emperor's inheritance!"

"But why doesn't there be a trace of the Thunder Emperor's breath on my body?"

There was a hint of doubt in Zhu Qingdi's eyes.

"Brother Wu, let's kill him together. I don't want anything on him, I just want his body!"

The monk in black cassock shouted.


Upon hearing the words of the black cassock monk, the man holding the ancient bronze spear burst out with terrifying murderous intent in his eyes.

He suddenly stomped the ground with his feet, and his body shot out like light and shadow. In his hand, a black flame appeared on the spear in his hand, wrapping around it.

The spear shot out suddenly, like a dragon. When the black light filled the air, it was like a black fire dragon. It was fierce and mighty, and it stabbed Li Wuxie between the eyebrows as fast as thunder.

"Black Flame, Long Yao!"

This person was a ruthless move when he made a move, and he showed no mercy at all. The powerful force and coercion enveloped him, and he had no reservations about the ninth level of supreme strength at this moment.


And this moment.

The monk in black cassock shouted lowly, and the black Buddhist beads shot out from his hand.

"Suppress the demon, the evil formation!"

The black Buddha beads shot out violently, erupting into a terrifying black evil energy, covering Li Wuxie.

The shrouded Li Wuxie seemed to be suppressed by the beads, unable to move.


For a moment, some people who had just appeared to watch the battle thought that Li Wuxie could not avoid this blow.

See you!

The person who took action also had a ferocious look on his face, and he wanted to shoot Li Wuxie between his eyebrows.

However, just when the spear in his hand was about to reach the opponent's eyebrows.

The latter suddenly stretched out his finger and flicked it.

Immortal Thunder God Seal

Behind him, countless thunder lights suddenly shot out. Finally, these thunder lights intertwined and turned into a huge thunder seal all over Li Wuxie. The surface of the thunder seal was flowing with the light of thunder, which collided with the falling bronze spear. .

(End of this chapter)

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