The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 1268 Shenwu Palace Chong Heihu came in person and invited Yue to come out of the city to int

Chapter 1268 Shenwu Palace Chong Heihu came in person and invited Yue to come out of the city to intercept.


Thunder flashed, the void rolled and trembled, and the rolling thunder spread out from the True God Tower of Thunder God, rendering the entire world as if it was the end of the world.

Just behind Li Wuxie, a figure nearly a thousand feet tall stepped out of nothingness and stood behind Li Wuxie with a terrifying pressure that even the most powerful man could not withstand.

"This is?"

Seeing this scene, everyone was stunned.


"A character from a long time ago. It is said that a character fell when humans and demons were fighting for territory in the early days."

Some people seemed to recognize this figure and spoke.

The endless thunder power dispersed all the aura erupting from the demon Buddha.

The huge body looked at the body of the demon Buddha in the air.


The person who took action looked shocked.

A ruthless light glowed in his eyes.


He shouted low, and the demon Buddha behind him suddenly shot out, heading towards the true body of the Thunder Emperor, which was nearly a thousand feet away.

The True God of Thunder Emperor raised his hand and came out with a palm,

The huge palm slapped the demon Buddha,


At this moment, a low shout came out.

After the news came out, the impacting demon Buddha exploded directly, and the monk who took action turned into a black light and fled outside the city.

Not an opponent.

Totally not an opponent.

You may be hunted if you stay here, so you must escape,

But Li Wuxie's body was not slow either. Although the Thunder Emperor True God's palm was blocked, his own body was not. He instantly turned into black light and chased after him.


The demon Buddha disappeared, and the monk spat out a mouthful of blood.

His body shape was slightly affected, but at this moment, Li Wuxie's body appeared in front of the opponent and took action.

"I also practice Buddhism, take my palm! Heavenly Buddha Palm!"

He raised his palm and struck it out, and a golden Buddha burst out from Li Wuxie's palm.

Although he is called an evil god and has a strong demonic and evil nature, his Buddha's palm actually emits a Buddhist aura, with bright golden light, and the Buddha appears.

Falling on the monk's body.

The monk's body was hit directly by this palm and fell to the ground with a bang.

At this time, Jiang Yuyan's body also fell on the ground. She raised her hand and grabbed the opponent's body, absorbing the opponent's power. All the terrifying power poured into Jiang Yuyan's body.

Jiang Yuyan's body is like a bottomless pit, able to absorb and store these powers.

"It doesn't affect me at all. This Jiang Yuyan is more terrifying than I thought. I have always underestimated her before!"

Zhu Qingdi, who was watching the battle from a distance, said in a deep voice.

Then the figure returned to the palace.

One person is sitting on the dragon chair.

He stroked the handle of the dragon-shaped chair with his palms and looked solemn.

Footsteps came.

A beautiful woman appeared in the palace earlier.

"I underestimated Jiang Yuyan. The [Qinglong Club] may be more terrifying than I imagined!"

Zhu Qingdi, the Empress of Dajing, spoke.

"That Li Chenzhou never showed up, and there was no movement at Jiang Yuyan's residence. It seemed like he knew what was going on."

"It was also found that the two people who took action were dispatched by Zhu Shang, the third son of Prince Zhu."

"This time, Lord Zhu, lost two masters of the ninth level at once, and his strength will definitely be damaged. Emperor, can we defeat Zhu Shang in one fell swoop?"

Qingli woman said.

"Zhu Shang, there are some tricks. You can't catch him even if you go. I'm afraid he is already outside the city now!"

Empress Dajing said.

"In addition to Zhu Shang's affairs, the Emperor's eldest son Yang Lin, the Marquis of Heavenly Wrath, Yang Zhong also behaved a bit strangely?"

"He also watched the battle just now, but he was very indifferent throughout the whole process, and when Li Wuxie burst out with powerful power, there was a vague wave of terrifying power in his body!"

"That wave of power scares me!"

The beautiful woman said,


After hearing the beautiful woman's words, Empress Dajing's eyes changed.

"I didn't expect that we could catch some monsters and monsters in this battle. In that case, don't stare at him. I want to see how he does it?"

Empress Dajing said.


Empress Qingli took the order.

"Go down!"

"I'm alone, stay here quietly for a while!"

Empress Dajing waved her hand.

The beautiful woman bowed and exited the palace, and the hall became extremely quiet. On the other side!
Su Chen got the news about the great war in the Jing Dynasty just now.

"It seems that the civil strife in the Great Jing Dynasty will finally break out. With the empress having such a powerful person to help her, those princes and kings will not be able to sit still!"

"It's no good if we don't fight back. We can't wait for the empress to devour them one by one."

"I didn't expect that this battle would speed up the process!"

Su Chen thought in his heart.

At this moment.

There was a knock on the door of the room.

Muning's figure appeared outside the door.

"Come in!"

Mu Zifei said.

"Brother-in-law, sister!"

Muning bowed.

Su Chen's status now is extraordinary.

"Brother-in-law, something bad happened. We got news that Shenzhou Shenwu Palace, Shenwu Army, and Black Tiger Legion Commander Chong Heihu left Shenwu Palace and came to Yuzhou!"

"It seems to be transmitted directly to Taiqing Taoist Palace. I believe that the Great Shang Dynasty will come soon. What should we do now?"

Muning said anxiously.

"Shenwu Palace, Chong Heihu, a top emperor level expert, I didn't expect him to come."

Su Chen stood up and said in a deep voice,

"Brother-in-law, Chong Heihu's strength is at the top emperor level. Palace Master Yaoyue has just stepped into the emperor level. He may not be a match. Should we escape first?"

Muning said.

The top emperors were not comparable to ordinary emperors, and Yao Yue would not be Chong Heihu's opponent.

When he heard the news, he immediately came to find Su Chen, just wanting to escape quickly.

If they are involved then, they may not have a chance to survive.

Looking at the handsome Mu Ning in front of him, he did not expect to say such words. He did not expect that the other party would be so stubborn.

When encountering a big crisis, I want to escape.

Not bad.

Such people live a long time.

"How about we leave the imperial city of Dashang Dynasty first and wait until this matter subsides before returning!"

Mu Zifei said.

She has seen the power of the top emperor level before.

In the battle at Taishang Demon Palace, there were many duels between top emperors and powerful men.

"Yes, brother-in-law, my sister is right. Chong Heihu is the top emperor. Master Yaoyue Palace should not be a direct enemy."

Muning said.

"Don't be anxious about this matter. Wait for me here. I will go out and contact Palace Master Yaoyue secretly to see what Palace Master Yaoyue thinks!"

Su Chen said in a deep voice,

Yao Yue's strength is indeed still a little behind the top emperor level.

But now he doesn't know Yao Yue's thoughts, so he wants to contact Yao Yue.

But he couldn't just contact him like this, so he left Mu Tianhou's mansion and appeared in a remote courtyard.

Contact Yaoyue,

"Your Majesty, I want to fight Chong Heihu to see the gap between me and the top emperors. I also have some background. Your Majesty, you can rest assured about my safety."

When Su Chen contacted her, Yao Yue spoke.

After hearing Yao Yue's words, Su Chen understood.

Who is Yao Yue? In the novel about her previous life, she was the most beautiful woman in the world. Not only was she beautiful, she was also proud of herself. She wanted to fight even if she faced someone stronger than herself.

She wants to improve herself in this battle.

Su Chen pondered.

Who can help Yao Yue protect the road?

Suddenly, a flash of inspiration flashed in my mind.

He himself has a unique robe in the world, and an imperial weapon, which can be transformed into a top emperor, and can help Yao Yue protect the way, so that she has no worries.

"it is good!"

Su Chen agreed and then returned to Mu Tianhou Mansion.

When he first arrived at Mu Tianhou Mansion.

Yao Yue's figure suddenly appeared in the sky above the imperial city of Dashang Dynasty.

"Today I invite Yue Qin to fight in the Shenwu Palace and worship the black tiger!"

After finishing his words, he walked towards the outside of the imperial city.

For a moment, the imperial city shook.

Someone has already received the news that Chong Heihu has arrived in Yuzhou and is coming to the Great Shang Dynasty.

Many people originally wanted to see Jiuhan Palace's Yao Yue's reaction, but unexpectedly, Yao Yue took the lead in leaving the city to intercept Chong Heihu.

For a moment, the people in the imperial city were extremely excited.

Countless rays of light rushed towards the outside of the city,

Big fight!

They wanted to see why Yao Yue dared to personally intercept Chong Heihu, who had the strength of a top emperor.

(End of this chapter)

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