The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 1272 [Qinglong Society] appears in this world and controls the Great Shang Dynasty

Chapter 1272 [Qinglong Society] appears in this world and controls the Great Shang Dynasty
"Thank you Brother Duan for your help!"

After Ling Luoshi devoured the body of the old emperor of Dashang, he raised his hand and grabbed the edict in his hand.

"It's all about doing things for the Lord, let alone such a small thing."

Duan Lang said nonchalantly.

The old emperor of Dashang was a bit weak, and even suppressing him could restrain him from moving.

"I will issue an edict now, announcing that the old emperor will abdicate and the new emperor will become the leader of the Great Shang Dynasty!"

Ling Luoshi was afraid that something might happen, so when he spoke, he injected a burst of energy into the edict. Suddenly, the edict glowed brightly and flew out of the palace.

Appeared over the Great Shang Dynasty.

"This emperor, Shang Huan, has made a breakthrough in seclusion. After today, the third prince of the Great Shang Dynasty, Shang Yihen, will succeed him as the emperor of the Great Shang Dynasty."

The roaring sound, accompanied by the huge edict, appeared in everyone's ears and eyes,


"The old emperor Shang Huan abdicated, and the third prince Shang Yihen became the new emperor!"

"At this time, the old emperor abdicates!"

Many people were shocked when they heard the news.

Nowadays, the Great Shang Dynasty can be said to be in a state of turmoil, and it is completely unbelievable that the old emperor abdicated.

"Master of the Invitation Moon Palace, I will kill the Chong Black Tiger with my sword!"

Just when everyone was surprised, a piece of news spread to the imperial city.

Yao Yue, who went to fight Chong Heihu, received news that he had killed Chong Heihu with a sword.


Hearing this news, everyone in the imperial city was shocked. Although this news was good news, it was not good news either.

Worship the black tiger.

The Shenwu Palace, the Shenwu Army, and the Black Tiger Legion died in the Great Shang Dynasty and in the hands of the Lord Yaoyue Palace.

Great Shang Dynasty, I don’t want to live anymore,

The Great Shang Dynasty will inevitably be destroyed.

outside the city.

[Congratulations to the host's subordinate Ling Luoshi for winning the Great Shang Dynasty, and will be rewarded with 2 purple lottery cards,]

Su Chen, who was returning to the Imperial City of Dashang Dynasty, received 2 purple lottery cards.


"I didn't expect to win 2 purple lottery cards after defeating the Great Shang Dynasty. It's really good!"

Su Chen secretly said.

Then he thought of the Great Zhou Dynasty. He suffered a bit in this regard. He let the Great Zhou Emperor take charge and did not get the purple lottery card.

Learn about what happened in the palace with Ling Luoshi and the others.

Then he returned to Mu Tianhou Mansion.

When he returned to Mu Tianhou Mansion.

In the hall of the mansion
Mu Tianhou looked a little solemn, and Mu Ning, Mu Zifei and others also looked bad.

"Wonderful son-in-law! The situation has become a bit chaotic. The old emperor actually abdicated and made His Highness Yihen the Great Shang Emperor. Is he trying to escape?"

Mu Tianhou said in a deep voice.

The status of worshiping black tiger is unusual.

He died in the hands of Palace Master Yaoyue, who was invited back by the old emperor.

The old emperor abdicated the throne at this time. In Mu Tianhou's eyes, it was obvious that he wanted to escape.

"The old emperor is dead!"

After Su Chen finished speaking, everyone in the hall fell silent.

"Su Chen, you said that the old emperor is dead. How is that possible? The old emperor was in the imperial city and there was no battle. How could he die?"

Mu Zifei couldn't help but ask.

"He needs to die. If he doesn't die, how will Shang Yihen become the emperor of the Great Shang Dynasty, and how will the Great Shang Dynasty be included in our [Qinglong Club]."

"Of course he was not killed by others, he committed suicide and was forced to commit suicide!"

Su Chen said.


Hearing Su Chen's words, Mu Tianhou was surprised and broke into a cold sweat all over his body.

From Su Chen's words, we can know that Su Chen knew about this matter.

In other words, Su Chen may have come to Dashang Tianchao just for this matter.

He felt that he still underestimated Su Chen.

"But [Qinglonghui] won the Great Shang Dynasty, and the Lord of the Yueyue Palace will not agree. She is helping the Great Shang Dynasty on behalf of the Jiuhan Palace."

"And now that Yao Yue has killed Chong Heihu, Shenwu Palace will definitely react."

Mu Zifei said. "Master Yueyue Palace will return to the Snowy Land. She has nothing to do with the Great Shang Dynasty. Even if she does have a relationship, it will be with Shang Yihen or with me [Qinglong Club]!"

Su Chen said.

"Then [Qinglonghui] will face Shenwu Palace, right?"

Mu Zifei's expression became more solemn.

After Yao Yue leaves and returns to the Snowy Land, the Great Shang Dynasty will have to face the Shenwu Palace head-on. Previously, the master of Yao Yue Palace was taking the lead, but now it can only be done by the [Qinglonghui].

Can [Blue Dragon Club] withstand the Shenwu Palace?

"It's not just the [Qinglong Society], but also the human world. The Great Shang Dynasty is jointly supported by the [Qinglong Society] and the [human world]."

Su Chen continued.


Mu Tianhou and several others looked surprised.

In the human world, he had previously killed the great Shang Emperor Shang Tianhuan.

"Don't be surprised, this is a cooperation between [Blue Dragon Society] and [Human World]."

Su Chen said.

After finishing some matters in the imperial city, Ling Luoshi's identity will be announced.

Su Chen originally wanted to use this opportunity of the Great Shang Dynasty to make the [Blue Dragon Society] come into being.

Now Shenwu Palace Chongheihu died in the Great Shang Dynasty, and died in the hands of the Lord Yaoyue Palace,

[Qinglong Club] appears at this time and will definitely be remembered.

What's more, the human world is also added.

In this case,

The warriors in this world will put the [Blue Dragon Society] on the same level as the human world.

Hearing Su Chen say this.

Everyone in the hall breathed a sigh of relief, but their faces were still not very good.

"Don't worry, Shenwu Palace, they have to be reasonable when they come. Chong Heihu died in Yao Yue's hands, and it has nothing to do with [Qinglong Club] and [Human World]!"

"Shenwu Palace can't use its power to bully others!"

Seeing that everyone still looked bad, Su Chen said again.
another place

Taiqing Taoist Palace
A middle-aged Taoist wearing a purple robe is practicing cross-legged in the palace. This person is the new palace master of Taiqing Taoist Palace. His strength has not reached the level of the Great Emperor, and is only half a step of the Great Emperor's cultivation.

This person was previously Qingyouquan's junior fellow apprentice, named Qiansu Yang.

"Palace Master, it's not good!"

Qian Suyang, who was practicing, suddenly heard a rush of sound and something bad.

look up.

An old man hurriedly entered the hall.

"Elder Zong! What happened?"

Qian Suyang said.

"Palace Master, Yao Yue killed Chong Heihu with one sword."

The visitor spoke.

"What are you talking about? Yao Yue killed Chong Heihu with one sword. This is impossible."

Qian Suyang didn't believe it at all when he heard what the visitor said.

"It has spread! I'm afraid the Shenwu Palace has already received the news of Chong Heihu's death!"

The sect elder said quickly.

"How is this possible? Yao Yue's strength is only at the Great Emperor level. How can she kill Chong Heihu, who has the top level of Great Emperor strength!"

Qian Suyang still didn't believe it.

"Palace Master, Yao Yue is the inheritance of the Snowy Ice Emperor!"

The sect elder said in a deep voice.


"You said that Yao Yue got the inheritance from the Ice Emperor, the founder of the Snowy Nine Cold Palace, who was as famous as Emperor Shenwu and others tens of thousands of years ago!"

"If this is the case, it is possible to kill the top emperor with emperor-level strength."

At this time, Qian Suyang murmured.

The Ice King is one of the strongest people in the early part of this era.

"Not only these, but also the Great Shang Dynasty announced that it belongs to the [Qinglong Society]"

"People from the human world also appeared in the Great Shang Dynasty and announced that [the human world] will form an alliance with the [Qinglong Society]."

The sect elder who came continued.

(End of this chapter)

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