The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 1275 The remains of the sword body of Yan 3’s descendants, 1 drop of Fuxi’s essence and bloo

Chapter 1275 The remains of Yan Shisan’s sword body and a drop of Fuxi’s blood

Wearing purple clothes and clearing snow, he walked into the thatched house.

The house is extremely simple, without too many things, only a futon, not even a table or chair, and it is completely in the state of an ascetic.

"Brother Yan, my name is Feng Qingxue!"

"This is the sword intention stone tablet. After I got it, I haven't been able to understand it."

Feng Qingxue placed the brocade box in front of Yan Shisan.

And sat cross-legged opposite Yan Shisan.

Yan Shisan raised his hand and grabbed the brocade box. The brocade box was sucked into his hand and he slowly opened it.

Suddenly, a gray sword light rushed out from the brocade box and headed towards Yan Shisan's eyebrows.

A sword intent appeared between Yan Shisan's eyebrows, trying to resist the gray sword light.

But this gray sword light penetrated Yan Shisan's sword intent and shot into Yan Shisan's eyebrows.

"Brother Yan!"

Feng Qingxue's expression changed upon seeing this.

She wanted to get up, but she didn't expect such a change.

Normally, the stone tablet in the brocade box would not move at all. Unexpectedly, when it met Yan Shisan, it turned into gray sword light and moved, and even shot into the center of Yan Shisan's eyebrows.

Only when she got up.

A breath appeared on Yan Shisan's body, suppressing Feng Qingxue who was about to get up.

Feng Qingxue was relaxed and able to release her breath, so the other party should be fine.

In the center of Yan Shisan’s eyebrows

The sword intention stone tablet that Feng Qingxue mentioned earlier changed and turned into a broken sword head, and a terrifying ancient sword intention emitted from the sword head.

This sword intent is constantly flowing into Yan Shisan's body.

And a phantom appeared.

The shadow was blurry, but Yan Shisan could see clearly. This man was standing in the sky, holding a long sword and slashing through the void with one sword.

As for the pitch black void, it was impossible to see clearly.

But the sword collided with the void, the void shattered, and endless black blood flowed in the shattered void.

Black blood covers the sky.

The man holding the sword held the long sword in his hand and continued to draw the sword, one sword at a time, the sword light was bright, cutting into the endless black blood.

The picture is short.

Then disappear.

But every time the opponent made a sword shadow, it was deeply imprinted in Yan Shisan's mind.

The screen disappears.

The sword head was suspended in Yan Shisan's mind.

Yan Shisan slowly opened his eyes.

"I owe you a favor for the things left behind by the master of swordsmanship!"

Yan Shisan looked at Feng Qingxue in front of him and said.

This sword head is obviously not ordinary.

So he, Yan Shisan, owes the other party a favor,

"I hope Brother Yan can come with me when he travels, so that he can save my life in times of crisis!"

"Of course, if the environment at that time is beyond the scope of Brother Yan's action, Brother Yan can give up!"

Feng Qingxue said.

The requirements are simple.

"Okay! Let me know when to set off!"

Yan Shisan said.

After speaking, he closed his eyes and continued to practice. Now he needed to improve the strength of his physical body.

Increase the strength of the physical body to support the true meaning of the soul in wielding the Dugu Sword.

Feng Qingxue stood up, bowed slightly and left.

Outside the hut.

Feng Qingxue had a smile on her face. Being able to climb up to such a strong man could save her life in a certain period of time.

at this time
outside the thatched cottage

not far away

Liu Xiao, who had left earlier, walked out of a place, and looked at Feng Qingxue leaving with a cold expression on her face.

"Swordsmanship, aloofness, are not all defeated by women!"

"Yan Shisan, do you know that Feng Qingxue is the forbidden wife of Master Tiangui and the others. Master Tiangui himself has murderous intentions towards you. Knowing that you have touched Feng Qingxue, I think that old ghost Master Tiangui will not let it go. your!"

"But that old ghost, Master Tiangui, seems to be very jealous of you, so let's find someone else first. I don't know how many swords you can use with your divine sword!" "If you offend me, Liu Xiao, I will let you die miserably!"

Liu Xiao's eyes flashed with cold light.

Then he galloped towards a place,

Soon, Liu Xiao appeared outside a black pavilion.

"Disciple Liu Xiao pays homage to the Master of Tianyou Cave!"

Liu Xiao bowed outside the pavilion.

"Liu Xiao?"

A confused voice came from the pavilion.

"Disciple, I have something important to report!"

Liu Xiao said quickly.

"Come in!"

The door to the pavilion was opened.

Liu Xiao walked into the pavilion.

In the pavilion, a real man Tianyou wearing a human skull necklace was standing in the hall. The old man was more than two meters tall and his eyes were fierce, like a man-eating giant bear.

A look is a master.

Of course, to be called the Cave Master in the Tomb of Ten Thousand Devils, one's strength needs to reach the eighth level or above.

This person is the deputy cave master of their cave, named Zhenren Tianyou. He is also a ninth-level supreme being. He has been competing with Zhenren Tiangui before.

"Tell me if you have anything to report to me!"

Master Tianyou looked at Liu Xiao and said in a deep voice.

Compared with the bloodthirsty Tiangui Zhenren, Tianyou Zhenren does not have such hobbies. Of course, he does not have such hobbies, but he is also a cruel person.

"Disciple, something happened after being called by the Cave Master today. I think it is beneficial to you, Master Tianyou Cave, so I came to inform you immediately!"

Liu Xiao hurriedly told what happened in Tiangui Zhenren's cave.

Hear Liu Xiao's words.

A cold light flashed in the eyes of Master Tianyou.

"Boy, it is our destiny to have a swordsman like Yan Shisan in the Tomb of Ten Thousand Devils. You actually want to harm him. What are your intentions?"

Master Tianyou shouted loudly.

This sound was like a thunderous earthquake, exploding in my ears.

It almost cracked Liu Xiao's eardrums.

"Tianyou Cave Master, please calm down. I just want to get the news and tell Tianyou Cave Master that I have no intention of harming Yan Shisan. Everything I do is for you, Tianyou Cave Master. As long as you can win Yan Shisan, believe me." Before long, you will be the master of the ninth hole!"

Liu Xiao said quickly.

He looked a little uneasy.

He didn't expect that Master Tianyou would yell at him.

"Very good, you are good like this!"

When Master Tianyou saw what Liu Xiao said, a smile appeared on his face.

When he shouted loudly just now, he just wanted to hit Liu Xiao.

"Very good. You just said that Feng Qingxue captured Yan Shisan. Tell that girl Feng Qingxue that I'm looking for her."

"By the way, I haven't played with this girl for a long time!"

Speaking of this, a flash of desire appeared in Tianyou's eyes.

Sensing the lust in Tianyou's eyes.

Liu Xiao immediately said: "Disciple, please help Master Tianyou Cave to summon Feng Qingxue immediately!"

"Threat Feng Qingxue with this matter, maybe I can also have a taste of Feng Qingxue,"

"These old guys are cheap, so I should be cheap too!"

Liu Xiao's heart boiled when he thought of this.

Although Feng Qingxue served many old men on the ninth hole, there was not one among the younger generation who could sleep on Feng Qingxue's bed.

The body exits the pavilion

Great Shang Dynasty,

Mu Tianhou Mansion,

Su Chen looked at the two purple lottery cards in his mind and decided to take them out. After taking them out, he would go to the treasure house of the Great Shang Dynasty Palace to check for treasures and get the lottery cards.

2 purple lottery cards are drawn.

"Obtain the remains of Yan Shisan's later sword body, get a drop of Fuxi's essence and blood, and the exclusive character Wang Xuemei."

(End of this chapter)

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