The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 1289 The Origin of the Divine Dynasty, the Phantom of the Imperial Palace Appears

"You want to take action against them, but you will also take action against Sun He later!"

Leng Qingqiu was a little worried.

"It doesn't matter. When you do something, you have to pay a price. I can bear this price!"

Yu Peiyu's face was very calm.

"Then let's go!"

Yu Peiyu has decided that she will not refute again. She just looks at Yu Peiyu with eyes that become more and more fascinated, and she falls in love again. The more she gets in touch with her, the more she feels that Yu Peiyu is the only one in her heart.

At this moment, a huge rumbling sound suddenly appeared in the sky above the country of origin. The sound was as loud as the Milky Way falling from the sky.

Everyone was shocked and couldn't help but look up at the sky.

Layers of thick fog appeared in the sky as the wind and clouds surged. After the thick fog emerged, it solidified at a speed visible to the naked eye, becoming magnificent, bright, and vast, condensing into an ancient and glorious palace with carved railings and jade columns and cornices. Dougong, Qionglou Yuyu.

And there is a sacred, ancient, and daunting atmosphere in the shadow of the palace.


In the country of origin, people in various cities, regardless of their level of cultivation, immediately noticed the abnormality and subconsciously looked up into the sky.

They all saw the ancient and grand palace appearing in the sky.

Of course, this palace looks like it stands high in the sky, but it gives people a sense of immensity and unreachableness.

"what is that?"

Countless warriors looked at this scene in the sky in horror.

"That's the Origin Dynasty, the Imperial Palace! I saw it on an ancient map. It seems that the previously rumored ruins of the Origin Dynasty are in the country of origin. It's true!"

Some warriors looked happy.

The reason why they came to the country of origin was for the ruins of the Origin Dynasty, but for such a long time, they did not get the relevant information about the ruins of the Origin Dynasty.

They all have thoughts of leaving their country of origin.

But now the appearance of the Origin God in the Imperial Palace has made their minds active again.

"The ruins of the Origin Divine Dynasty must be in the country of origin. We must find them."

Many warriors began to go crazy.

in the courtyard.

It took a long time for Yu Peiyu and Leng Qingqiu to recover from the shock in the sky.

The two had also noticed the extraordinary vision that appeared on the dome of the sky before, and they were also shocked by that scene, and their minds were lost, and their expressions were dull.

"This is the phantom of the imperial palace of the Origin Dynasty. This Origin Dynasty is really in this country of origin!"

Leng Qingqiu looked at the blurry shadow in the sky and said.

Recently, she has been investigating the Origin Dynasty to learn about some situations of the Origin Dynasty. She has also seen the Imperial Palace of the Origin Dynasty, so she can tell that this grand and ancient palace is the Imperial Palace of the Origin Dynasty.

"Origin of the Imperial Palace of the Divine Dynasty?"

Yu Peiyu's eyes narrowed slightly.

"The Origin Dynasty was one of the major overlords in the China region in modern times. If you want such a power to disappear, it must go through a war, otherwise it will not disappear. Once there is a war, the Origin Palace will not remain like this. whole,"

"So judging from this situation, the shadow in the sky should not be a mirage projected by the Imperial Palace of the Origin God Dynasty."

When Yu Peiyu said this, she frowned slightly.

Hearing this, Leng Qingqiu was also moved in her heart: "Are you saying that this might be caused by humans?"

"I can only say this. From the time it was circulated in the ruins of the original divine dynasty to the appearance of this imperial palace now, I always feel like there is a hand operating it."

Yu Peiyu expressed her thoughts.

"However, let's deal with our own troubles first, and then investigate this matter later!"

After saying that, they left Leng Mansion and walked along the street outside the mansion.

At this moment, the streets are busy with traffic.

Along the way, tea shops, wine shops, and streets and alleys were all talking about the extraordinary phenomenon that had just disappeared from the sky.Especially some ordinary people, they believe that what appears in the sky is an auspicious sign.

"This is the blessing of my country of origin!"

Some ordinary people are still kneeling on the ground, worshiping devoutly, expressing awe to the vision in the sky, and praying... Not only do they hope that the country of origin will prosper, but they also pray for themselves.

"Huh? Leng Qingqiu!"

When Yu Peiyu and Leng Qingqiu were walking on the street towards the outside of the city.

Next to the street, next to the window of a restaurant, a man in gray robe with a sword on his back and sharp eyebrows suddenly opened his eyes wide.

"That's Zhenwu Temple. Leng Qingqiu, the master disciple of Tianquan Temple, why is she in Wangshan City?"

When he looked again, Yu Peiyu and Leng Qingqiu had already disappeared from the street.

"Brother Wu, what did you just say?"

Next to the man in gray robes carrying a sword, a man in golden robes turned his head and said.

"I just saw a figure, it seems to be Leng Qingqiu, the direct disciple of the master of Tianquan Hall of Zhenwu Temple."

The man in gray robe spoke.

The man in gray robe is a disciple of Tianliu Sword Sect in China, named Wu Tianpeng.

The Tianliu Sword Sect is a second-level force in China.

"Senior Brother Wu, I think you are lovesick! The Yunshang wine brewed by Senior Sister Jiang's restaurant tastes good. Let's continue to taste it!" As the man in gold robe spoke, he looked at the person sitting in the leader's seat. woman.

The woman was dressed in purple, her skin was as crystal clear as snow, and there was a birthmark shaped like a golden lotus leaf between her smooth eyebrows.

She has a pair of long and narrow phoenix eyes, eyebrows like distant mountains, she is very young, but when her eyebrows are looking forward, she has a noble and compelling majesty.

The woman's name is Jiang Luoli.

Shenzhou, a direct descendant of one of the ancient clans, the Jiang family, is also a direct disciple of Shenzhou, the leader of the Tianliu Sword Sect, and has an extraordinary status.

She inherited the secret book of the Jiang clan [Phoenix Spirit Technique] since she was a child. After joining the Tianliu Sword Sect, she was taught the secret book of the Tianliu Sword Sect: Wanliu Tian Sword Technique by the sect master Yu Wentian, so although she is young, she is very powerful. Extraordinary.

Coupled with her stunning beauty, she is known as the "Tianfeng Fairy" among the younger generation in China.

Jiang Luoli's status and reputation in the Tianliu Sword Sect are enough to be on par with Yu Wencheng, the first chief of the Tianliu Sword Sect.

"Junior Brother Lu, I really saw it!"

Gray-robed Wu Tianpeng said hurriedly.

"Leng Qingqiu is a direct disciple of the Master of Tianquan Hall of Zhenwu Temple. If she comes to Wangshan City, she cannot come alone!"

The man in golden robe spoke.

The man in golden robe is named Lu Weiyun, a direct disciple of the elder of Tianliu Sword Sect, and the family itself also has certain power.

"It may be true. I checked Leng Qingqiu's identity and she is the daughter of the head of the Leng family in Wangshan City!"

At this time, another young man spoke.

The young man was wearing a purple robe and had a pure cold air about him. He was a disciple of the third elder who was the strongest swordsman in the Tianliu Sword Sect, named Xiao Yuelun.

There are also two people, a man and a woman. These people are all dazzling and outstanding people of the younger generation of Tianliu Sword Sect.

"Yes, we can all appear here, and it's normal for Leng Qingqiu to appear here!"

"Brother Wu, which direction did Leng Qingqiu go just now?"

Xiao Yuelun said.

"I just disappeared at the end of this street. I really don't know where exactly I went!"

Wu Tianpeng shook his head.

"Emperor Zhenwu fell, and fragments of the Emperor's Seal runes were scattered everywhere. The disciples of the Zhenwu Temple went to various places to search for them. You said Leng Qingqiu headed outside the city. Did she discover the fragments of the Emperor's Seal runes?"

Another woman suddenly said.

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