The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 1292: The sword enters the void and kills powerful enemies

Chapter 914 Sword Opening, Demon Slaying, Sky Slashing
That Gu Tianhun roared, and the strength in his body climbed beyond Haizhong's concentration in a blink of an eye.

He stared at Gu Shentong.

Unlike others.

Gu Tianhun's practice is the power of the soul. After taking over the bloody energy and the brutal aura, it didn't affect his mind.

"I didn't expect this Gu Tianhun and this move. If Tianya Pavilion didn't make a move, I'm afraid I will lose something this time."

"It may be necessary to use some other forces to suppress him!"

Xue Pingsheng looked at Gu Tianhun in the blood formation and said.

Then he looked at Gu Shentong,

At this time, Gu Tianhun's power may have reached the broken level.

Has the ability to open the gate of heaven,

And it is still a broken level that is not affected by Tianmen.

"This is your strength, it is indeed a bit strong!"

Gu Shentong looked at Gu Tianhun,

"However, I am a little curious, why the second elder of the dignified Longevity Society has not reached the broken level."

Gu Shentong looked at Gu Tianhun and said.

"Broken level, why should I upgrade to that level, to that level, once the phantom of the Tianmen is used, I have no way to fight against the Tianmen."

"If I enter Tianmen, with my strength, I will only become cannon fodder."

Gu Tianhun said in a cold voice.

"That's why you want the blood of the imperial family?"

"From your current situation, what did you extract from the Seventh Prince?"

"I'm interested in that?"

Gu Shentong said.

"Emperor Zhou has the blood of the imperial family, so of course he has heirs. The blood of the imperial family is the blood that can only be born from the family of a strong emperor."

"As long as I get a little bit, I will be reused when I step into the gate of heaven. How can you not be interested in me?"

Gu Tianhun didn't seem to avoid this topic, but answered Gu Shentong's words.

"What does Gu Shentong want to do?"

Xue Pingsheng, who was watching the battle, focused his eyes.

He didn't expect Gu Shentong to ask such a question.

"Is that so, what a pity!"

Gu Shentong sighed.

"Sigh, are you sighing at me?"

"You should sigh for yourself?"

Gu Tianhun said in a cold voice.

"Really? I sigh that you have been planning for so long, but when you are about to realize it, you never have another chance."

"When you say this, does it make people sigh?"

Gushen channel.

"court death!"

Hearing Gu Shentong's words, Gu Tianhun's face became grim.

He raised his palm, and instantly appeared in front of Gu Shentong with a movement of his figure.

one punch

Immediately, the terrifying blood energy was like a bright light curtain, heading towards Gu Shentong,

Gu Shentong's figure remained unchanged, and he punched out

The fist turned into a sword body with a burst of energy.

collide with the opponent's punch


The sword light collided with the bloody light, making a terrifying roar.

Gu Tianhun, who came out with a blow, saw that his fist was easily blocked by the opponent, his eyes froze slightly.

"Your strength is higher than the concentration in the sea!"

"But the same thing is going to die!"

Gu Tianhun's tone was cold, and with a bang, blood was billowing from his body.

And the blood all over his body began to boil.

Qi and blood boiled, the shadow of the demon god that appeared earlier began to emerge on the body, a rumbling sound appeared on the body, and his body began to change

Whole body qi and blood, true qi, sea of ​​blood

Mighty, billowing torrents.

Three terrifying breaths condensed.

"The sea of ​​blood is monstrous!"

Gu Tianhun yelled loudly, moved his feet, and raised his palms.

The blood in the huge palm is like a sea.

The monstrous coercion appeared.

Shades the entire sky.

For a moment, everyone only felt a series of gravitational pressures appearing on their bodies.

Gu Shentong's eyes narrowed slightly.

"Tianzi Wangqi, Heavenly Saint Sword Body!"

Gu Shentong let out a low snort.

Countless air currents around him shrouded his body, and at this moment, Gu Shentong's breath was frighteningly enhanced in an instant.

This is not strength improvement, but a kind of god improvement.

When this god appeared, a terrifying sword energy appeared on him,

Sword Qi soars into the sky
Gathering in the void, a giant sword of a hundred feet suddenly appeared in the air.

The sword came out, and the terrifying sword energy swept across.

The blood energy that enveloped the world seemed to be shaken away by this sword energy.boom
The heavenly gate that was previously covered in the sky.

As if sensing this terrifying power, a phantom appeared,

Thunder flickered in the phantom.

The terrifying thunder power swept out.

a time.

Three forces appeared between heaven and earth.

Thunder, sword energy, sea of ​​blood.

"Blood Sea, Demon God Strike!"

At this time, Gu Tianhun's expression froze.

Take the lead.

A huge fist appeared and moved towards Gu Shentong.

"Open the sword, cut the sky!"

The huge sword body was cut out instantly.

Thunder, the bloody light under this sword, was split in an instant, and collided with the fist that came from the bombardment.

The terrifying fist was chopped off by this sword.

Gu Tianhun's expression changed,

With a low growl, his body began to swell, and he suddenly took a big breath.

All the blood on the ground poured into his body.

"Demon God, Heaven's Wrath!"

Gu Tianhun let out a low growl, and a huge shadow appeared behind him.

The phantom gives people a sense of terror and unpredictable.


The thunder gathering above the Tianmen became more and more powerful.

It is much stronger than the Tianmen lightning that was generated before.

Looking up, you can see the thunder sea rolling above the Tianmen.


Gu Tianhun growled.

The whole step appeared in front of Gu Shentong.

The body of the Heavenly Saint Sword on Gu Shentong's body exploded in an all-round way, standing there, it was like a giant sword holding up the sky.

"Heavenly Saint Sword Body!"

"How could he have the Heavenly Sacred Sword Body?"

Xue Pingsheng watched the sword energy emanating from Gu Shentong.

"Heavenly Holy Sword Body, Holy Sword Open!"

At this time, Gu Shentong's body moved, and his whole body turned into a terrifying sword light, which instantly moved towards Gu Tianhun.

A sea of ​​thunder poured down from the sky.

The sword light collided with the blood light.

The specter in the huge blood light was divided into two under the sword light, and disappeared.

The blood turned into Gu Tianhun's figure.

However, all the thunder and lightning that poured down from the gate that day fell on Gu Shentong, who cut off the ghost.

Sword cut!Tianmen,

Jian Guang again.

sword out
Collided with the thunder.

Lei Ting was split in half by Jian Guang.

Jian Guang didn't stop, and continued to head towards Tianmen
Jian Guang slashed above the Tianmen.

The gate of heaven is broken.

Gu Shentong's body is volleying in the air, and the breath in his body is restrained.

Catch it with your palm.

A qi condensed in his hands.

In the blink of an eye, it turned into a sword light,

The sword light fell.

On the ground, blood flowed from the corner of Gu Tianhun's mouth.

He looked at Gu Shentong in horror, the opponent's strength was too strong, and his hole card was in the opponent's hands, so he was vulnerable.

look up into the sky
The sword light penetrated his body.


He issued such doubts.

Unwilling in my heart, I have been hiding for so long and planning for so many years.

That's how he was beheaded.


The body fell to the ground.

His eyes were filled with dissatisfaction.

Gu Shentong's body fell.

He said to Xue Pingsheng: "Master Xue, you can take his head back. From now on, this Dafeng Temple will belong to me [Tianya Pavilion]!"

Xue Pingsheng looked at Gu Shentong with serious eyes.

Grab your hand.

Grab Gu Tianhun's body.

Turn away.

Murong Qingchen also left immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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