The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 1299 The third Qingzhou family, the person in charge of Netherworld Inn

For a moment, some people in the inn hall couldn't help but take a breath, and they looked at Su Chen in surprise.

Just now, Su Chen took action, his aura was violent, and he killed a person in the room on the second floor in just a few rounds, which showed that his strength was extraordinary.

The most important thing is that Su Chen acted decisively and didn't seem to care at all that this was the Netherworld Inn and the identity of the man in Tsing Yi.

The people in the rooms on the second floor of Netherworld Inn are usually invited by Netherworld Inn.

If the person who was killed had the Netherworld Token in his hand, the people at the Netherworld Inn would come forward to protect him.

However, during the fight just now, no one from the Netherworld Inn came forward, which meant that this person did not have the Netherworld Token.

If this is the case, the person who kills will only need to pay for the damage.

However, the losses were considerable.

"Although this boy is very strong, he is a little impulsive. He will have to pay a lot of compensation now!"

"And there are three more people on the second floor. I just don't know if they will take action."

Some people also glanced at the second floor of the inn. There were two men and one woman. These three people had extraordinary temperaments, which showed that they had extraordinary backgrounds.

From this point of view, things may not end here.

Among them, the man who was holding the jade string appeared in the hall with a movement of his body. He raised his palm and put the jade string in his hand. He looked at Su Chen with sharp eyes.

And the man in green who fell to the ground dead.

"You dare to kill someone, do you know who he is?"

The man holding the jade string looked at Su Chen and said coldly.

"I don't care who he is, you seemed to have taken action just now!"

Su Chen's eyes were sharp, and murderous intent filled his eyes.

The opponent just took action without any hesitation. Killing one was also a kill, and killing two was also a kill.

While talking, Su Chen was also paying attention to Netherworld Inn.

In the Netherworld Inn, other rooms on the third and second floors are tightly closed.

But when he just fought against the man in Tsing Yi.

There were auras flowing in these rooms, and some of them were powerful auras that made his heart tremble, showing that he was powerful.

"You! You are so arrogant. The person you killed was a member of the Wang family in Qingzhou. His name was Wang Hao."

The young man looked at Su Chen and said coldly.

"Then who are you?"

Su Chen looked at the person in front of him and said.

"Yu Family, Yuming City!"

The young man looked at Su Chen and reported his family name.

"Yu Family, Yu Ming City, Wang Family, Wang Hao, isn't that the legitimate son of the two heads of the Thirteenth Qingzhou Family?"

Some people looked shocked when they heard Yumingcheng's self-report.

"Qingzhou, Yu family, Wang family, thirteen aristocratic families!"

Su Chen's eyes narrowed slightly,

The Thirteen Aristocratic Families of Qingzhou are as famous as the Heavenly Sword Saint Sect.

Unlike other aristocratic families, these thirteen aristocratic families have all gathered together to restore the glory of their ancestors.

Of course, among the thirteen aristocratic families, only one is the strongest now, and it is the Ji family. Although the other aristocratic families are strong, without the Ji family, they cannot be compared with the Heavenly Sword Saint Sect.

Of course, if there were no other twelve aristocratic families, the name and momentum of these thirteen aristocratic families would not be so strong.

It can be said that these thirteen families are the strongest and can be compared with the Heavenly Sword Saint Sect.

"After the auction at Netherworld Inn, if you obediently follow me back to Qingzhou, maybe your relatives and the forces behind you will not be implicated!"

When Yu Mingcheng spoke, his expression was a little sinister.He self-reported his identity and background to make Su Chen afraid, and also threatened the safety of the forces behind Su Chen and his relatives.

Just to prevent Su Chen from resisting.

In a room on the third floor of Netherworld Inn.

A woman wearing a red embroidered phoenix dress, who looks about 23 or so, is leaning on a red bench. The woman's hair is in a high bun with three golden hairpins in her hair. She looks a bit mature. , has a pair of bright beautiful eyes, crimson lips, skin that can be broken by blowing, and a pair of plump peaks on her chest. Although covered with a layer of gauze, you can still see the proud outline.

At this moment, he was looking at the bronze mirror in front of him with great interest. In the bronze mirror, the scene in the inn hall was reflected.

Next to her, stood a maid in white clothes, with a beautiful appearance.

"Xiaoyun, I didn't expect that something like this would happen to me just after I took over this part of the Netherworld Inn. It's really fun. Do you think he will take action again?"

Leaning on the bench, the woman in red dress showed excitement on her face.

In his tone, he hoped that Su Chen would take action again.

However, from the conversation, it was also known that the other party was the Netherworld Inn that had just taken over this place.

"Miss, I feel that he should not dare to take action again. The Yu family and the Wang family are members of the Thirteenth Family. Although the Thirteenth Family has some internal struggles, it is very united externally, and its power and strength are extraordinary!"

"Although this young man has good strength, it seems that this is the first time he has heard of the Netherworld Inn, and he does not have the Netherworld Token on him, which shows that there is no powerful force behind him."

"The Yu family and Yu Mingcheng made threats. If he cares about his family and the power behind him, he may not dare to take action again."

The maid in white beside her spoke.

"I feel like he might take action?"

The woman in the red dress said softly.

Su Chen took action just now without any hesitation. Even if the power behind him is not strong, his character is still very strong.

It is impossible to make the other party give up what they have in mind with a simple threat.

"Are you threatening me?"

While everyone in the hall was guessing, Su Chen looked at each other with cold eyes.

"It's a threat! It's also a warning. Some people are not something you can offend, nor can you kill them at will!"

Yumingcheng said calmly.

"Is that so? Then why don't I kill a few more people?"

Su Chen stared at Yuming City, and a smile filled with murderous intent appeared on his face: "Sometimes, people always pay a price for their words and deeds. Then Wang Hao's price is death, and your price is the same. So does he!"

"You have to resist!"

Yumingcheng's eyes narrowed,


As he spoke, Yumingcheng moved, leaving an afterimage where he stood.

He knew Su Chen's strength.

We must act first.

The figure appeared in front of Su Chen in the blink of an eye, with a sarcastic smile on his lips,

"True jade hands!"

Yumingcheng let out a low shout, and the overwhelming power of true energy suddenly swept away from his body. The true energy was roaring, like a rolling wave.

From this point of view, Yuming City's true energy is obviously powerful to a very powerful level.

Of course, the most special thing is his right hand. At this moment, his right hand has turned into jade color, and he slaps Su Chen on the head angrily,

As his palm waved down, the surging Tian Yuan roared into the sky and turned into a huge palm of light, overwhelming the sky and slamming down at Su Chen.
“It’s kind of interesting, but it’s still not close!”

Su Chen raised his head and looked at the huge roaring palm of light. He clenched his palm and punched out with the same punch. A black ape burst out from the fist and rushed towards the falling giant palm.

Roaring, whistling, emitting a violent breath, colliding with the giant palm.
There are still two chapters left, which will be posted before twelve o'clock.

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