The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 1302 The Empress takes action, the descendant of the ancient god

Great Jing Dynasty
A remote place outside the imperial city.

In a desolate pavilion.

An Shigeng was standing among them, looking at Empress Dajing who was walking step by step from a distance.

"I didn't expect that Your Majesty the Emperor would have been chasing me for so long. Why do you want to find me?"

An Shigeng said calmly.

"An Shigeng, when I come here, you should know my purpose. You have enslaved so many officials of the Dajing Dynasty. Shouldn't you give me an explanation?"

The Empress of Dajing, Zhu Qingdi, looked at An Shigeng with extremely sharp eyes.

Under this gaze, the air around An Shigeng condensed rapidly, like a sharp blade, trying to cut across his face and body,

"Explain, Empress Dajing, with your strength, you are not worthy of letting me explain in this world,"

An Shigeng said coldly.

"In the world?"

"Are you from the human world? Then how come you help Jiang Yuyan and the others from [Qinglong Club]?"

When Zhu Qingdi, the Empress of Dajing, heard about the human world, her pupils shrank slightly. She did not expect that An Shigeng would be a human being.

In recent times, there have been very active forces in the human world.

People in the human world help people from the [Blue Dragon Society], which means they are cooperating.

Now news has come from the Great Shang Dynasty.

The Great Shang Dynasty has been controlled by [Human World] and [Qinglong Society].

Now people from [Human World] and [Qinglong Society] have appeared in her Great Jing Dynasty.

People in the [human world] also controlled the officials of her Dajing Dynasty.

Explain that [Human World] and [Qinglonghui] have already taken action against her and the Great Jing Dynasty.

His eyes instantly became sharp,

There is also a murderous intention coming out of his body,

"Hmph! Do you think the Great Jing Dynasty will be the same as the Great Shang Dynasty?"

Empress Dajing's voice turned cold.

"The Great Shang Dynasty, the Great Jing Dynasty, or the entire Yuzhou Dynasty will all be captured in the end!"

An Shigeng said.

"It seems that you are very ambitious. You actually want the entire Yuzhou."

"I really want to see what you, the so-called human beings, are capable of?"

The Empress of Dajing, Zhu Qingdi, stepped forward.

As she stepped forward, runes appeared under her feet. After the runes appeared, they instantly enveloped the surrounding space.


An Shigeng's eyes narrowed.

At the moment when the surrounding runes were shrouded.

The aura of Empress Zhu Qingdi of Dajing began to change.

An imperial power burst out from her body.

This imperial power is not only the aura of an emperor, but also the aura of a great emperor, but the aura of the great emperor is a bit obscure and not completely revealed.

When this imperial power breaks out.

A bloody river appeared at Zhu Qingdi's feet,

The person stood on the bloody river, with runes emerging behind him.

The runes that appeared this time were black, and the black runes continued to condense, eventually forming a black lotus platform.

A figure stood on the black lotus platform. The figure was wearing a long blood-colored dress and a blood crown on the head. Standing on the lotus platform, the figure was ethereal, but revealed a perfect outline.

The sea of ​​​​blood surges vastly, and the black lotus platform floats on it. The figure stands on the lotus platform, showing a sense of loneliness as if sitting alone for nine days.


An Shigeng looked startled when he saw that figure.

"The emperor's body has manifested. You are indeed the reincarnated emperor."

An Shigeng had a smile on his face.

Li Chenzhou had previously guessed that Zhu Qingdi was the reincarnation of the emperor. Now that this situation appears, he can be sure that Zhu Qingdi is the reincarnation.

"Since you have seen my imperial body, I'm afraid you won't be able to leave today!" Zhu Qingdi said coldly.

At this moment, her face looked a little gloomy,

An Shigeng's traces were discovered very early, but when she first attacked An Shigeng, An Shigeng escaped. Only recently did she learn about An Shigeng's whereabouts, but she didn't expect that An Shigeng knew a lot. thing,

Knowing what she shouldn't know, Zhu Qingdi would not let An Shigeng leave alive.

"Your Majesty the Empress, since I, An Shigeng, dare to appear in the imperial city of Dajing, I must have some means. If you want to kill me, you can't!"

Although the empress at the moment put a kind of pressure on him, An Shigeng was quite confident and

Empress Dajing has the strength of the Supreme Ninth Level, but even if she wants to kill him, it would be difficult for her.

Of course, if An Shigeng had no means, it would be easy to kill him, but An Shigeng had means, not to mention that Jian Yin was still by his side.

Jian Yin's strength has improved rapidly recently.

Now it has reached the ninth level of supreme realm.

This is also the reason why An Shigeng dared to separate from Jiang Yuyan and the others. A large part of it was because of the improvement in Jian Yin's strength.

Jian Yin's strength has reached the ninth level of the Supreme, and he carries a long bow behind him.

When the quasi-emperor comes, he can fight.

Sensing the plainness of An Shigeng's face.

The face of Empress Zhu Qingdi turned gloomy. She was an emperor in her previous life, and after her reincarnation, she became Empress Dajing. They are both powerful figures.

Now being so ignored,

How is she not angry.

He raised his hand and slapped An Shigeng with his palm.

In her eyes, An Shigeng's strength was just an ant, and she could easily slap him to death.

Of course, she blocked the surrounding area because she didn't want anyone to see her take action.

Because there will be some fluctuations when she takes action, which will make people feel her aura.

Maybe something will be recognized by then.

boom! "

Zhu Qingdi was filled with anger, and she slapped her palms continuously. The sky suddenly changed, and the surrounding space began to be annihilated.

The phantom standing on the lotus platform suddenly opened its eyes and emitted two terrifying golden lights. The golden light was extremely powerful and had a feeling of penetrating the heaven and earth.

An Shigeng changed color, and the opponent's palm blocked his surroundings.

make him unable to move.


Under this pressure, An Shigeng roared, and the energy and blood in his body erupted like a vast ocean. He immediately punched out several times in a row. His punches were as powerful as a million volcanoes erupting, and the momentum was terrifying.

"It's interesting, but useless!"

Seeing the change in An Shigeng's aura, Zhu Qingdi snorted coldly,

The palm is also shot again.

"The sky is covered with sky!"

Zhu Qingdi shouted low, and swung out a palm. The palm was like the sky, covering the whole world, and burst out towards An Shigeng with an unparalleled sense of oppression.
An Shigeng punched several times, all of which were shattered by his palms.

After shattering An Shigeng's attack, the palm continued to fall towards An Shigeng,

Suddenly, a ray of golden light penetrated the rune, emitting a boundless brilliance, shining through thousands of mountains and rivers, rushing into the center of the rune, and colliding with Zhu Qingdi's palm.

The two forces collided, erupting into a terrifying energy storm that swept through the surrounding runes,

Under this power,

The runes previously arranged around him began to shatter, then disintegrated and disappeared.

Zhu Qingdi's eyes narrowed and she looked towards An Shigeng. At this moment, a figure appeared next to An Shigeng. It was Jian Yin and An Shigeng who were following An Shigeng.

"who are you?"

Zhu Qingdi looked at Jian Yin and said in a deep voice.

As she spoke, her expression became serious, and she sensed a very different aura from Jian Yin's body,

"The aura of the ancient gods, you are a descendant of the ancient gods!"

After Zhu Qingdi sensed it for a while, her expression changed. (End of chapter)

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