The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 1304: Iron sword across the sky, ancient Nether Blood City

The sword energy changed and turned into a very ordinary iron sword.

"An iron sword!"

Empress Dajing was startled when she saw the sword energy turning into an iron sword, and looked towards the place where the sound came from.

No figure appeared at the place where the sound came from.

Empress Dajing's eyes narrowed.

She could sense a huge sword intent condensed there.

In that sword intent, there is a kind of loneliness and a kind of deathly silence.

"Since your Excellency is here, please show up!"

Empress Dajing "shot" two cold rays of light from her eyes, shooting into the dark space, trying to see clearly the people inside.

At this moment, the suspended iron sword suddenly changed and was inserted into the space in front of them.

Suddenly, the surrounding space trembled violently, and sword energy burst out along the void, trying to cover the surrounding area.

"The talisman of heaven and earth, use the sky as a prison!"

When he felt the sword energy coming over him.

The beautiful woman next to Empress Dajing immediately took out an ancient talisman in her hand, whispered in her mouth, and the talisman emitted a bright stream of light, heading towards the sword energy that enveloped them.

The talisman shines brightly, colliding with the sword energy.

The originally dull sword energy was like a sky-shattering rainbow at this moment, lighting up the entire area.

Even more brilliant than that talisman.

The sword's light was dazzling, and the sword's light was like a sword, falling towards the talisman.

At this moment, the dazzling talisman sensed the danger, and in the dazzling light, rays of lightning were dazzling and dazzling, heading towards the sword energy.

The lightning-like light collided with the bright sword light.

There was no earth-shattering momentum.

Instead, the lightning was cut open by the sword energy like tofu.

Finally, the sword energy fell on the spell.

The talisman was also split into two by the sword energy.


The beautiful woman spurted out a mouthful of blood again, her face turned pale, and the true energy in her body seemed to burst.

Blood seeped out from the clothes on his body, looking extremely tragic.

"My talisman, which is comparable to a Taoist soldier, can be broken by this sword energy so easily. This is impossible!"

The Qingli woman didn't care about her injuries at all, and looked at the iron sword still stuck in the void with horrified eyes.

The iron sword was very ordinary, without any trace of Taoist soldiers, imperial soldiers,

It's just an iron sword.

Why did this iron sword burst out with such power, easily breaking his own talisman?

"Sword Demon City!"

"I didn't expect anyone to come out of Sword Demon City!"

Empress Dajing said in a deep voice at this moment.

"It seems that you know about Sword Demon City!"

The voice appeared again.

But when the sound appeared this time, a figure wearing a gray robe came out of the lonely place before. It was the sword demon Dugu Qiubai.

The sword demon himself was planning to go to China to help Yu Peiyu, but Yu Peiyu had no clue about the origin of the divine dynasty, so he did not leave for the time being and went to the Dajing Dynasty first.

The empress of the Dajing Dynasty is a reincarnated person,

The strength is not ordinary.

[Qinglong Club] needed to send someone who could suppress the situation, so Su Chen asked Dugu Qiubei to come to Dajing Celestial Dynasty first.

The sword demon walked out and raised his hand. The iron sword that had been inserted in the void instantly flew into his hand. As he walked out step by step, a sword field enveloped the entire area in an instant.

For a while!

The entire area was filled with cold sword intent.

The sword demon walked step by step. The long sword in his hand gave people the feeling that it could cut the sun, the moon, and the universe.

As for the person holding the sword, he has the power to turn everything upside down.people!
as soon as it appears.

Although he is wearing a gray robe, he is the focus of this space.

"I have seen Senior Sword Demon!"

An Shigeng and Jian Yin saluted the sword demon Dugu Qiubai at the same time.

"Sword Demon!"

After hearing what An Shigeng and the others said, Empress Dajing's eyes narrowed.

Sword Demon, Sword Demon City,

"It's really bold!"

Empress Dajing groaned softly.

In Sword Demon City, the title of Sword Demon is not easy to obtain. In recent times, Sword Demon was the strongest person in Sword Demon City.

Of course, that person is not only the strongest in Sword Demon City, but even in modern times, the sword demons in Sword Demon City were also among the strongest people.

This person has the aura of Sword Demon City, and he calls himself Sword Demon, which shows his courage.

"Empress Dajing, Zhu Qingdi, Netherworld Blood City in modern times!"

Empress Dajing introduced herself at this time, and also revealed the origin of her previous life.

At this time, telling the place of origin shows that this Netherworld Blood City is not simple, and also wants to make the sword demon afraid.

"Netherworld Blood City was the dominant force in the Netherworld Blood Sea in modern times. However, we are no longer in the ancient times. If Netherworld Blood City is not born, it will be of no use to you now."

The cold voice of the sword demon Dugu Qiubai sounded in the ears of Empress Dajing.

As soon as Sword Demon Dugu Qiubai entered the Yuan World, he entered Sword Demon City. There were some broken ancient books in Sword Demon City. He saw the information about Netherworld Blood City in the broken ancient books.

Nether Blood City was a very powerful force in modern times.

But for the sword demon Dugu Qiubai, he didn't care at all.


Zhu Qingdi didn't expect that the other party would say this.

This means that he does not intend to give up taking action against the Jing Dynasty.

She was angry in her heart, but the opponent had already entered the Great Emperor Realm. If they fought, she would have to use the strength of the Great Emperor Realm.

Once she uses her special power, things may happen that she doesn't want to happen for the time being.

But the Great Jing Dynasty was very important to her plan, and she would not give up on the Great Jing Dynasty.

"I will take you into the tomb of the Supreme Emperor. As a condition, you will not target the Great Jing Dynasty."

Zhu Qingdi said in compromise.

The tomb of the Supreme Emperor is much more valuable than the Great Jing Dynasty.

"Yuzhou is the plan of the [Qinglong Society], and it cannot be given up just because of the tomb of the Supreme Emperor!"

"What's more, these things are not what I consider."

Dugu Qiubai said.

A person who lives with the sword, focuses on fighting, improving strength, and becoming a powerful leader.

"You are not planning to let me go, the Great Jing Dynasty. In this case, we can only fight for one battle. Let me see how capable the sword demons who can come out of the sword demon city are during this period!"

The empress of the Dajing Dynasty became calm at this moment.

But the breath on my body changed,

The power of true energy in her body was constantly changing, and a surging true energy burst out in her body, forming a terrifying cyclone.

With the emergence of this cyclone.

The aura of Empress Dajing began to change.

Quasi-emperor, half-step emperor, great emperor, his strength has crossed three realms in just a short moment and reached the realm of great emperor.

Not only the physical state has changed, but the mentality has also changed.

At this moment, the Dajing Empress Zhu Qingdi had an invincible aura on her body, and her expression became cold and aloof. The sea of ​​blood and the huge figure behind her also appeared again.

The moment the figure appeared, he raised his hand to grab it, and a sea of ​​blood flowed in the figure's hand, turning into a bloody long knife.

The long knife appeared and he took action instantly.

With eighteen slashes in a row, the bloody sword light was like a swarm of meteors falling to the earth, shining in the starry sky, heading towards the sword demon Dugu Qiubai.

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