The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 1319 The giant among the emperors, Heavenly Sword Song Que kills one person with one sword

He is not Dugu Qiufei's opponent, but there are emperor-level giants sitting in the auction house.

Netherworld Inn has such a heritage.

"The [Blue Dragon Club] is pretty strong, but you guys are really presumptuous."

No one appeared, but a deep and old voice sounded in the hall. As the voice spread, an invisible pressure enveloped Dugu Qiubai.


Dugu Qiubei's sword intent erupted, shattering the enveloping aura.

"Hiding your head and showing your tail, you just want to suppress me without showing up. It's impossible!"

Dugu Qiubai's sword energy is bright and destroys everything.


The voice fell.

He waved the iron sword in his hand again, and the iron sword fell like a mountain from the sky. The sword's light was like a mountain, drowning everything.


Situ Shen roared and swung his palm out, but the strength of his palm was chopped into pieces, and the iron sword struck the opponent's body again.

His body was slashed by an iron sword and was covered in blood. His body was almost rotten. His black hair was dyed red with blood and stuck into locks. His previously elegant state was now extremely miserable.

Everyone was shocked, this Situ Shen was also a top emperor after all.

Although everyone has never seen Situ Shen take action, being able to become one of the general masters of Netherworld Inn should have extraordinary strength, but now he feels completely abused.

Still one level lower than him
Dugu Qiubai is somewhat worthy of his name. A great emperor beat the top emperors to the point where they were unable to fight back.

This time there were also cracks in his armor.

Probably another sword.

Situ Shen will be beheaded by Dugu Qiubai's sword.


Situ Shen kept coughing up blood. The ferocious look on his face before had completely disappeared. He was no match.

Now he is yelling in his heart,

"Damn old guy, why don't you take action!"

"Are you going to watch me die?"


When he was yelling in his heart.

A ghostly figure appeared silently above the main hall, and slapped Dugu Qiubei in the face, sending out gusts of sinister wind, filled with lifeless energy.

Dugu Qiubei's whole body was shivering, and he felt the danger. He moved sideways, trying to avoid the blow in an instant.


The figure that appeared was an understatement, and it seemed like an ordinary palm, but where his palm fell, a black hole was imprinted, which could not disappear for a while, and stayed there, swallowing everything.

Dugu Qiubai's figure seemed to be being pulled as well.

The sword energy on Dugu Qiubai cut off the pull, and his body moved away from the black hole.

"I didn't expect you could dodge my blow!"

"I wonder if you can dodge the next blow!"


A figure appeared and attacked again, like a ghost, extremely feminine.

The palm wind is even more sinister and howling, full of ghostly energy, but extremely lethal.

Dugu Qiubai roared, his whole body full of vitality. He was like a cauldron emitting sword light. His sword energy was boundless and his blood energy was surging, as mighty as the ocean.


The iron sword in his hand was slashed out, and the sword energy was as strong as the yang, like the bright sun, colliding with the feminine energy.

In Dugu Qiufei's swordsmanship, all things are swords, and the sword can transform all things.


The highest yang meets the highest yin.

Suddenly there was a huge noise, and the two forces burst out, forming a scene of destruction.


In the process.

Dugu Qiubei's body spurted out a mouthful of blood, and his body flew upside down and hit the ground. The hand holding the iron sword was a little unstable, and traces of blood fell from his palm.

Just one hit.

Dugu Qiufei was defeated at the hands of the opponent.

"The swordsmanship is pretty good. Maybe when you were the emperor with the best attitude, you could fight me, but now you're still far behind!"

The figure that appeared looked at Dugu Qiubai and said coldly.

Dugu Qiubei didn't say anything. He had already sensed the opponent's strength from the blow just now.But he seeks defeat alone. Even if he is defeated, he will still fight.

Fighting intent emerged in his eyes, and the iron sword in his hand began to shake.

"Well, what a strong fighting spirit and pure swordsmanship."

Looking at Dugu Qiubai's current state, the figure's eyes narrowed slightly.

And here!
The ghost old man who was sent by Situ Shen to capture Su Chen had already arrived in front of Su Chen's window.

The eyes are fierce.

"Catch you and see what else you can do?"

He looked at Su Chen and said sternly.

Su Chen's strength was like an ant in his eyes.


Qin Hongyi's expression next to Su Chen changed drastically. Once Su Chen was caught, it would mean that Su Chen's attempt had failed.

He looked at Su Chen.

But Su Chen looked very calm.

"It's not good for you to attack anyone. You have to attack me. What a pity!"

Su Chen sighed.

"Even if you want to capture the young master, you have your destiny to say it, but you have no destiny to move it!"

At this moment, a bright and decisive voice sounded in the main hall, and a handsome middle-aged man wearing brocade clothes appeared in a place in the main hall.

when it appears.

He raised his hand.

The palm of his hand instantly turned into a blade of light.


The ghost who took action sensed something, and used his backhand to attack the sword light.

The palm force was torn apart by the light of the sword, and it struck the ghost old man's body in an instant.

Immediately, the ghost old man was divided into two parts like Master Hu before, and his body fell to the ground, with blood flowing out from the two halves of his body.

"Another master?"

"How many masters are there around Su Chen?"

"The Great Emperor Realm, this person is just the Great Emperor Realm, it's useless. The old Yuan from Netherworld Inn is a giant among the emperors."

Some comments came out.

They saw the strength of the visitor, but the strength of Mr. Yuan of Netherworld Inn was at the level of a giant among the emperors. Even if some powerful emperors came, he would not be able to do it.

Even if these people are in the realm of great emperors, they are extremely talented and can kill top emperors.

But facing the giants in the empire, it was still not enough.

In the middle of the room, Yuan Suiyun's figure flew out, and the bat shadow appeared behind him and once again swallowed the blood on the old ghost's body.

Now, Yuan Suiyun feels that his strength is too weak, and he must seize every opportunity to improve his strength.

Su Chen looked at the figure that appeared, Heavenly Sword Song Que.

For Song Que, the Heavenly Sword.

Su Chen admired him very much. In The Legend of Two Dragons of the Tang Dynasty, Song Que had always lived in seclusion and was obsessed with the art of swordsmanship. His approach to the art of swordsmanship was the same as that of Dugu Qiufei to the art of swordsmanship.

Extremely pure.

And Song Que's character and determination are also extremely terrifying. He is a person who pursues nothing but the Shenshe Knife.

"I didn't expect that another person with pure sword intent would come here!"

"There is no aura fluctuation. I am very surprised. How did you come to the Netherworld Auction House?"

said the old man who had previously fought against Dugu Qiubei.

Just when his voice fell.

Not far away, Yan Shisan struck out with a sword, and a terrifying destructive sword intent erupted from the sword.

The old man in black robe who was fighting with him let out a scream.

He fought against Yan Shisan. Yan Shisan did not show much strength in swordsmanship, but suddenly, Yan Shisan slashed out with a sword. Such a powerful destructive sword intention, but he didn't even have time to dodge, and his body collapsed. Shrouded by the sword of destruction.

The body fell to the ground, a charcoal-like sword mark pierced through the heart on the chest, and there was no breath in the body.

this change.

Shocking everyone,

A giant among emperors came out of Netherworld Inn, but after the giant among emperors appeared, two people died in Netherworld Inn in a row.

Just when everyone was shocked.

Song Que, Yan Shisan moved and formed a triangular formation with Dugu Qiubai, surrounding the old man in Netherworld Inn who had the strength of a giant among the emperors.

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